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Thrawn's profile:

Birthday: Birthday September 4, 1985


The entire 3+ years I've been coming here, I thought you were in college. *******. I don't know what in epifany is, but this is what that guy in the IBM commercial said one was like.


On AP, I don't study for one picosecond my entire year in US history. never no much as glanced at my notes, nothing. And I got a 5. This cocky attitude made me enroll in AP Government, econ, and literature. ****.

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Hey Thrawn... you're only a few months older than me! Wow, you do sound older than you are, what country are you from?


About your jokes... dude I was trying to joke too. People who actually know me realize that you can't take half of what I say seriously. Except for in the pledge thread. I'm mostly serious there.


Competition is not why humans advance. It was once said "Invention is proven to simply be the effect of man's desire to do less work." How true, neh? We "advance" because we want to do more while doing less... and so the paradox begins.


High School English is actually a class in BS.
How true. I don't think anyone learns to do anything but write and lie in those classes. Conversely, theatre classes are similar, but without the writing.


Taarkin... I know what you mean. My US History class was so easy I didn't take notes. My teacher got mad at me and my friend at the end of the year because we never really did anything in class, except participate in the debates and discussions, the rest of the time we talked to each other... he told us we really should have signed up for AP History and actually got a grade that meant something. Shows how much I care.


Originally posted by Admiral

I remember being told by my english teacher: Write an essay on what you believe this poem means. I did so, and backed it up. Gave it to her, and found that my apparently my opinion was wrong, since the poem meant something else. I hate poetry.

Thankfully, my teachers seem to have some idea of what "believe" means. I've never had a teacher mark me down for something that I could back up. It sucks that your teacher was that way.
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The only benfit to having that paticular teacher is that she was easily sidetracked. She would be about to give a test, all you had to do is ask a question about a book, and she would spend the rest of the class talking about it and going off in tangents.


What is really funny, I took an AP course which supposedly meant more work, and harder. Well it turned out to be less work and easier then the basic english course. On the bright side, because of that course I no longer have to take english. :D


You don't really even learn to write except through practice and error. None of my english classes taught an ounce of grammer. You wonder why that most instructions have to be written at a six grade level.


I sought challenges with AP course, and found nothing but simple work. Now in college I have to take: Introduction to Personal Computers. I had to pay lab fees for this class. I can see it now.


Day one: How to turn on a Computer.

Lab: Turn on a computer

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My AP class had virtually no work. We had a 10 question quiz 3-4 times a week on the stuff he told us to read the previous night)usually about a half-hours worth), about 5 tests the whole year, and a bunch of essays. Aside fro mthat, he would just talk all day. Don't get me wrong, this guy was awseome at what he did, with more anecdotes than the rest of the staff combined(he has unwillingly desecrated two corpses). I doubt I'll ever have another teacher as knowledgeable, funny, and proficient as he.

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He flooded out a 10 year old coffin+corpse with a hose because his friend accidentialy dug with up and tore open the coffin with a backhoe, and he needed to get rid of the stench before the occupant of the hole they were digging and his mourners arrived in an hour. He kept a scrap of clothing that floated out and showed it to us.

The second wasn't so bad. The corsage wouldn't stay on, so he had to push the pin into her chest all the way.

Actually, there were three. The last one just lost some hair to a vaccum cleaner.


Ando no, he never worked for a funeral home or undertaker or anything like that.

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Your teacher is a little messed up.



My bio teacher one time decided to show the class pig's blood. It was in a beaker, he was saying how it would congeal shortly. Then he stuck his finger into the blood, to show the class how it is becoming like surp. Without warning he then stuck the blood covered finger in his mouth, tasting the blood.


Of course it was surp with red food dye, but then again, the girls never figured that out. That was hilarious. Especially since the teacher was very serious until the end.

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The same teacher played a prank on a class that totaly believed in horoscopes and stuff. He said he collected everyone's birthdays and said he would send them to a friend who was a licensed astologist. A few days later he returned with piles of horoscopes. On a scale of 1 to 10 in accuracy, no one reported lower than an 8. He then told him that evey single one was identical.


He also inadvertently put one of Bob Jackson's(the guy who photographed Oswald getting shot by Ruby) kids through college.


Quite possibly the most interesting Mormon on the planet.

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My personal feelings on revision is that I should write correctly the first time, and then I won't have to revise. Oh yeah, and I won't spell grammar with an 'e'.


Personally, I find school hilarious. The whole concept of trying to teach radically different people from radically different backgrounds with radically different abilities the same exact things is just plain stupid. It would seem, though, that schools these days are learning this. They appear to be grasping the concept that different people should be taught different ways, although slowly.


Alright, I know I've brought this up before, but I just realized something. The US Dept. of Education in 2000 misplaced about 8 billion dollars. In 2001, internet pornagraphy made a net total (throughout the whole industry) of about $8 Billion dollars. Coincidence? I think not.


Oh, and by the way, when Pokemon was in it's prime, it was a $9 Billion industry. I guess that tells you something about American society: we spend way too much money on fads.

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If schools would establish that policy in this day and age, then there will be classrooms brawls in every school, because no student in their right mind would take physical punishment.


BTW...I wasn't aware that the porn industry was a fad...

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Originally posted by superthrawn

Third: Competition. I don't really like the idea of a validictorian (sp?). The school forces us to compete against each other, for one spot. My cousin's school simply lists the people who finished High honor roll (summa cum laude) and Honor roll (magna cum laude) that's it. There is no winner, no loser. Just the people who did well.


There's my two cents on the whole deal.


I wouldn't mind the whole valedictorian thing if they did it right. To single out a single student who has performed truly excellently, above all the others, throughout all of high school is good, I think. But that's not how it works. Not in my old high school, anyway.


First of all, in my graduating class, we had seven valedictorians. That's because it was done only based on GPA, and if there was a tie, they all got it. That is stupid. Look at other things if you need to break a tie. Look at school activities outside of class or something, but just pick one person, for goodness sake.


Secondly, use some sort of weighted GPA or something. The seven people up there got straight A's, sure, but they did it in moron classes. They were seven of the biggest idiots in the school. Actually, that's not quite true. There was one guy up there who really deserved it. He was smart, dedicated, and then he stood up there along with all those other boobs. That is just unacceptable.


Lastly, make sure the teachers are grading in at least remotely the same way. A couple of my friends and I got one of those "I don't believe in giving A's" jackass teachers. As a result, we all had straight A's except for one B in high school. That was first class B.S. I was really upset with that, not because of the valedictorian thing, which everyone knew was a sham, but because I really wanted to put 4.0 GPA on my college applications.


So, you know, if you're going to do the thing, great, but do it right.

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Originally posted by Keyan Farlander






A couple of my friends and I got one of those "I don't believe in giving A's" jackass teachers. As a result, we all had straight A's except for one B in high school. That was first class B.S.

Please tell me he at least explained why?!

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Originally posted by Taarkin

Please tell me he at least explained why?!


No, she never really did. My personal opinion is that the rather messy divorce she was going through got her mad at the world and she just liked to be mean. She was mean with more than just grades, too. She was openly insulting to just about everyone, yelled frequently for no reason, and demanded completely unreasonable things from us, especially on tests and in memorizations (it was a Brit Lit class). I would have complained, but plenty of other people had already done that, and it did absolutely no good, so I chose not to waste my time.

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Assassain, the porn industry isn't a fad... pokemon was. And personally, I'm quite happy that's over. Now we have Harry Potter. I don't have anything against getting kids to read, but doing so with books that openly promote witchcraft aren't the way to go about it. If we're going to have kids reading fantasy, have them read something decent, like the Hobbit or Lord of the Rings (ok, after some paraphrasing) at least those are good Christian books! And yes, the Lord of the Rings is a Christian book series. It's entire theme promotes Christian principles, and the last time I stopped in my local Family Christian Store, they had it on sale. I was a bit surprised, but now that I've thought about it, I understand why. It's a long explanation, I don't want to go into it if nobody wants to hear it.


Personally, I've never really cared about the GPA thing. Just as long as it's high enough to keep my mom off my back, I could care less. I'm like 40th in my class right now with a 3.7 or so, but what that doesn't tell you is that I participate in at least one theatrical presentation every school year, and the final two weeks before a show are brutal. One show I was in required us to be at school past midnight every night, no matter who we were. Perhaps it's just me, but being at school 18 hours a day, and sleeping the other six don't have me real psyched up to do homework. Needless to say my grades dropped, and do every time I'm in a play or musical. It's inevitable. All that aside, my GPA doesn't reflect that, it's just a measurment of what score you "earned." A great number of teachers these days are giving students everything that they need to know for a quiz or test on one piece of paper before hand and saying "go study this." How is that earning a grade? That's just following directions. Any Joe Stupid can follow directions. It's awful that we just raise these kids to be completely dependent upon directions and can't think or analyze for themselves. That's a huge problem. We have people who can't think for themselves graduating from college, with a high GPA no less, and they don't know what to do, because they're not independent. Hardly the Einsteins everyone agrees we need.


I can't imagine corporal punishment being effectively reintegrated into today's schools. Too many kids have never been touched by their parents, something which I feel is wrong, so would never tolerate a teacher, someone they don't respect doing it.

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