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3D Star Wars RTS


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I just thought I'd share some pictures and movies of a Star Wars

RTS that some of you may have heard of, but most probably

haven't had a chance to see or play. Everything I'm about to post

comes from the game itself and is not rendered in 3dsmax or any

other program. Enjoy, and let me know what you think!














swta3.jpgSome TIE Crawlers and Stormtroopers with Repeater Rifles take on an ATST-Assault walker with supporting Stormtroopers and E-web blasters.

swta1.jpgTwo ESPO Security Walkers fall prey to a pair of Stormtroopers, a light walker, and a marauding Assault Gunboat.


Here are some live-action videos recorded with a screen-capture device. You'll need the latest DivX codecs to watch them:


http://www.student.nada.kth.se/~d97-rwe/3dta/swta2.avi - a group of CAP light walkers are taken out by an exploding building, while Cloud Cars fly cover.

http://www.student.nada.kth.se/~d97-rwe/3dta/swta3.avi - a busy battle with ATSTs, TIE Crawlers, Stormtroopers, and dogfighting A-wings and TIE-Interceptors. Watch an A-wing take out an Ion Cannon with a well-placed shot, then look for the TIE Interceptor being demolished by a Concussion Missile.

http://www.student.nada.kth.se/~d97-rwe/3dta/swta.avi - a squadron of TIE Bombers perform a devastating bombing run while TIE Interceptors fly cover. This movie requires a recent version of Windows Media Player to view and is a little choppy.


Note: please do not try and contact LucasArts about these pictures.



De-Bannerized - :eets:

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Hey hey hey...give this SOME credit guys.


This is a student, without finacial backing, without the big sponsoring, making a FREE game. Most FREE games don't have the superb quality of top level games on market. This is a spare time project not something they would spend years in development with a team of specialists who analize movements from the movies just to make sure they have a dewback swaying properly. So give it a little respect okay.



But you do have to admit...stormies are nearly as tall as most of those trees...(looks like a Total War engine rehash to me...now that would be COOL :D)

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