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Kinja needs HELP!


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Hey everyone, kinja here! Well as the Subject Title suggests, I'm in need of a little help. What it is exactly that I need is for somone to help me better understand how come MY thread about MY model that MYSELF and MY FELLOW TEAMMATES are making for THIS community keeps getting closed becuase of what people OTHER than myself or my fellow teammates are doing? My thread is not their thread so I don't see why my thread gets shutdown becuase of what they do. If I in anyway had anything to do with the BS some of these people are pulling, then yes you should shut me down and ban me too. But look, I'm innocent here and I demand a retrial! Or is it that I'm not welcome here and you just don't want me to build models for this community anymore? Well, that is my delima, so could someone please explain this logic to me? Thx

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I suppose that they closed the thread to stop the BS. Because it was coming to your thread, whether you wanted/created/helped it at all, and they had to stop it.


My personal thoughts: if they wanna keep the BS out, then ban the people causing it, don't close the thread it's in. Cause that way, it'll just move to another thread.



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tru kinja, i agree, im gettin sick of the yoda forum getting closed b/c of ONE persons actions. and then no one not taking any good action to stop it. they should just ban him, if he gets another screen name so be it, ban that as well. i dont think the yoda forum should be penalized b/c of one lil boyz nagging and jealousy b/c of an amazing model that kinja made. i say open it back up and ban the person causing the problem which we all kno who it is.the forum is about the yoda model, the moderators should edit posts and ban people according to there actions not the forum itself. i petition that they open it back up, it is needed even now when the yoda model is almost upon us:yoda:

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agreed closing the thread with the bs wont help a bit...you should find the ppl that started and where involved for the bs and bann them....kinja wouldn't start any bs so he doens't deserve to be ban...


off topic: since i wasn't following the thread day by day kinja, how soon is it expected...if this agrivates you for asking im sorry and you don't have to answer

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patition anyone (i know its spelt wrong.... i think)


we should all send nice messages to whoever can ban to get rid of these ppl who b/s on ur and all threads or poll ???




and chrono which one m8 :D :D theres about three aint there?

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I can re-open it, but I don't know if there is a good enough reason to do that. Sure the gimp has been banned, but that won't stop him from coming back if he wants too. Besides the model is coming out pretty soon, and there isn't much left to have shown for constructive criticism (like we even got any).

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There's no way to ban his IP? (If not, that Hell-ban seems like a good idea).


I just don't understand the "mindset" of the troublemaker - glee from chaos. . ... . The kid needs to have something in his life shake him up, then maybe he'll mellow.

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All i know is there needs to be a more individualized system for filtering out the crap and nonsense. If I remember correctly, I was banned for a while after that stupid Jabba stuff I pulled. And is TruWeedSucka banned right now? NO.



P.S. Is Kinja still gonna release the REAL model (not the crappy beta that FakeWeedSmoker pirated) ?


I sure hope so...




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Yeah, it sucks how they keep closing your thread because of the spam, but if we ban the guys, there just gonna come back on. It was a bad decision by roger to close the thread i think. And if lucasforums ever get the thing that can lock out IP addresses it would be great. And hope to see the yoda model soon*


*coughs and slurs words sunday

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There is, in a sense, no logic nor discription.


The thread lives on, but one must realize the newbies and the "l337 h@x0rz" will try constantly to destroy it. To an admins mind opening it would simply increase the havoc, but such is required, such attention, for such a grand model as yoda! Should he recieve the least amount of attention would be a great dishonor..


Nonetheless the logic is this: 0, and the thread was closed to end the slaughter of intelligence, it already reached a good 80000 page views.


But we encourage of course that the thread be reopened, that everything continue, and the model one day released; but realize you have attention and people will adore it and post about it, and where they are, so to are the ignoramuses ready to post some illierate message that a 5 year old blind/death child could best.


I personaly hope the thread is reopened, or possibly started anew (many of us don't feel like reading 30 pages to see screen shots sorry if it accounts to our lazy behavior), but nonetheless the community continues, and we continue to wade out the idiots out of this great little hubble; in the hopes that one day the model can be released.



Need I remind you I'm tired:p

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Hey, Kinja!

We're with you, and I feel for you.

You Sir, are a ground breaker. Right along with everyone else that helped and worked on Yoda.

Because of the work and effort put into making the Yoda Model (And INSISTING on doing it RIGHT), the community was pushed forward into making it possible to accomplish the smaller character models. As well as the task of attaching a differently scaled and shaped model to properly animate with the root skeleton (at least as far as I understand... go sithlord!) you guys pushed on and refused to give up and release a Large Yoda or some other simple alternative. You refused to give up on the true goal... "A Yoda that runs around on the ground and is the proper height."

It's not cool how, just because you chose to make the most popular character (due to his long time popularity, his new found "asskicker" fans, and due to the intriguing prospect of such a difficult modelling challenge) that the thread was completely swarmed with tons and tons of people that did not all share a common sense of decency or courtesy.

Don't let it bother you, Kinja. I think I can speak for a lot of people in the community when I say we absolutely would like to see more contributions from you :D


I understand why you're upset that it's YOUR Thread that gets closed due to some morons, but sometimes things have to be done by the "authoroties" that aren't 100% fair for everyone.

I can't blame any moderator for shutting it down at times. It was not constructive after a point although, yes, it was a great mass of support and anticipation for a great and fun project. Regardless, it's cool that they've re-opened it from time to time. No matter if it's open or closed, it still was and always will be an idea... a dream... and an accomplishment.


Way to go.


Hey, actually, let me try and address your question a little more clearly, Kinja. :)

The logic behind it is, that your Thread (and Efforts) became enormously popular. So popular that it became a magnet for anyone and just about everyone.

Hey, if Maddona wanted to go hang out at the same local mall every day, and the public new about it... swarms and swarms of peolpe would flock there, which eventually would create major issues and problems for the poor mall security guards.

The law may or may not be able to prevent Maddona from going to that mall everyday (not sure of the legalities there) but it certainly is no crime to try and curb the security issues on these boards by closing your thread at times. Don't worry, it is no slight towards you. The mall security is just "asking" you to take the back exits ;)


Once again Kinja, Thank You So Much for your efforts and work!!

It is truly appreciated!




May the force be with you.


Also Kman, I rarely ever post any criticism of any contributor's work. I do not like to offend, nor do I like to ever come off as if I think I could do better or that my opinion is greater than anyone else's. However, I did post what I thought was noteworthy constructive criticism on something to do with Yoda, and I believe I did it in a very polite manner. You did not address it (though I can certainly forgive you because you were blasted with other, not so polite, crits at the time;) ) but it is the ignoring of such criticisms that can lead to poor relationships within a thread and within a community. The artist shows an unfinished peice of work, someone asks a question and offers his opinion, the artist does not reply... what is the point of attempting to be helpful? The helpfulness stops, the annoying ones stay (and always multiply) the useless banter grows, and you have a thread full of people that aren't polite, don't care about being helpful or considerate, and all that's left is people in wait or people that want to be heard (read/seen).

Anyway, I'm not trying to throw barbs, certainly not at Kman, whose work I have expressed great admiration for many times. :) I'm just exploring another reason and manner in which a thread becomes disruptive.


-signing out... again :p

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I can't believe they closed the thread. That thread was the only reason I still came to this forum. I checked every day for the release and skin updates.


There should be a law or a rule like the golden rule(everybody knows that one) The law should be that the 1% of trouble makers should NOT be allowed to ruin it for the 99% of people that follow the rules!


This happens everywhere from car insurance, to the drinking age, to gun laws. I hate the 1-10% of ignorant people that ruin it for the rest.


The new rule would maybe be a constitutional american right,

or maybe an ammendment


The new law should be as stated:


"The ignorant few will not punish the people through laws nor tarriff. To punish the ignorant, search for the individual, only then will the people be served justice."


For the love of god, change your thinking and hang the individual!!!! Don't change my way of life becuase America is getting stupider by the minute!!!!!!! I'm gunna cry...

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Hehe, thx everyone for showing me that either I'm not crazy or there are atleast a few of you out there who are as crazy as I :) Anyway forget about that old thread because there will be an official release thread real, real, real soon! and I do mean really soon, hehe. But don't hold your breath cause you might die ;D

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can i quit now




no...must...hold...breath...a...little...lon........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................sry had a case of light headedness but i'm fine now.

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