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WIP: Han Solo: Hoth Gear

oddjob: A-Team

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Originally posted by Arco

hey not bad dude. I love han solo and mr ford even more so. i am moret han willing to do a skin for it (i already did a han skin for a default jk2 model) But yeah cool stuff surely has han in it.


Oh yeah.. I know that skin... excellent work Arc'.. I hope Oddjob considers you to lend a hand.

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I am going to do the skin for it as I like that part of the process even though that's not my strongest area of modeling. But I will provide Arco with the skinmeshes before everybody else so he can be the first to release a skin for it on the same day it's released if he would like.

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Good job so far, but it looks like his nose is a little two triangular. The tip of his nose is really skinny, and then it gets really wide at his face. You should make it kinda rounder. Also, his chin looks a little big as well, and his lips look sucked in like he just ate a lemon (only from the front view, though, so the skin may fix this).


Excellent work otherwise :D

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i wouldn't say that, hapslash.

it tekws some weeks/month til the model is ready and it'd nice to have your skin now! and maybe you two can work together, you have an excellent skin and oddjob is doing a fantastic model...

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since your making a Han Solo model (very cool looking btw, even the rough model resembles Harrison Ford!), you might as well save the head and body and create an additional model..Indiana Jones!!! Star Wars and Indiana Jones were the coolest movies growing up! add a hat and whip to the model and that would kick major ass!! your model looks fantastic!

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You could probably make a model that had both the jacket and the vest, everything else is the same...


That would be neat, I mentioned it in the request thread, but I don't think anybody looks at that...


Anyway, htis is looking great, keep up the good work.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Just a little update. The hair looks a bit weird because it's one solid color as I haven't added any detail yet. But the face is comming along nicely. Skinmeshing is pretty much finished. Just a few tweaks here and there. Once it's skinned, it won't take long to rig it and get it in game.

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Originally posted by §ith Lord

awesome oddjob, I was wondering if you would be doing the default ANH or Bespin version of Han as well

Originally posted by oddjob: A-Team

but perhaps I will make a standard and jacketed version of him.


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Originally posted by ronbrothers

My goodness, that's Harrison Ford!!!! :D


The hair (without details) is shaping up fine as well. But one thing, I know it was 1980, but I don't remember his sideburns being that long.


Yeah, they are a bit long aren't they. My wife thinks so too. So I will probably make them a bit shorter. But they were long. Just not below the bottom of his ear. Thanks for the comment.

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