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New Planet Revealed!!!


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Kamino would probably be plagued with the same problems as Coruscant. Namely, it would be a system hog. With the storms, water. . .etc. Maybe later on in the game it would be possible. BTW those screenshots of the planets look outstanding. I think they have a good balance of different environments. The only thing is, no cold weather planets, like Hoth.:D

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Ikk on a PC (playe chacter for those of you who arnt famialr wiht RPGs) i dont I hate the cold, but in game terms yeah it would be nice, also mayne a space instelation like a err Space Station for bartering goods and what not, have it Orbit courscant that way the planet isnt totaly left out and youll get a nice view of it from above, but try and land and the shield will stop you, ask why and say stuff like, oour shield is malfucationg do to technical praoblems, theres is a plantery lockdown in effect, stuff of that nature, what you all think?

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Originally posted by Sckitzo

Ikk on a PC (playe chacter for those of you who arnt famialr wiht RPGs) i dont I hate the cold, but in game terms yeah it would be nice, also mayne a space instelation like a err Space Station for bartering goods and what not, have it Orbit courscant that way the planet isnt totaly left out and youll get a nice view of it from above, but try and land and the shield will stop you, ask why and say stuff like, oour shield is malfucationg do to technical praoblems, theres is a plantery lockdown in effect, stuff of that nature, what you all think?


I'm thinking 'punctuation'.


But seriously, yeah, it is much funnier with a lot of niche planets instead of 10 identical ones.

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That's all well and good, but do try to keep it at an understandable level for us non-english around here. :p


As for a cold planet, could be intereseting, but why Hoth?


There's a myriad of other ice planets out there to explore. I want to explore SWG's less known places, like 2 very good examples, Lok and Rori, not the ones we know a great deal on already.


That's my view anyway. ;)

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