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compaq can go to hell


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I am not sure what your total problem is but I assume that it is your cd-rom drive does not work. If that is the case then just install a new one. If it will not fit into the box just turn the pc case on its side and let the new cd-rom sitiing outside of the case. If that is the only problem then you do not need to buy a new pc. It sucks for sure but an easy $30 and five minute fix.

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Any "store" built computer drives me nuts. They cost too much and perform too little. I can build two super fast pc's for the price of one crappy one. In fact all of my friends now have computers that I have built them because they saved money and now can play all the games that they want. I say all brand name pc manf are out to screw the consumer with older parts and clockspeeds that do not mean a hill of beans with the boards that they put them in. Oh and why I am flaming away...Intel sucks and AMD rules! Gee that felt good!:D

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My Compaq was custom built for gaming. I guess if you by them from the store without picking anything thats in them then of course they suck. When mine gets a little older I will get a new graphics card and sound card and ass some memory and it will be just as new when I bought it. And AMD sucks and Intel rules! :urpdude:


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Originally posted by Sith Maximus

Any "store" built computer drives me nuts. They cost too much and perform too little. I can build two super fast pc's for the price of one crappy one. In fact all of my friends now have computers that I have built them because they saved money and now can play all the games that they want. I say all brand name pc manf are out to screw the consumer with older parts and clockspeeds that do not mean a hill of beans with the boards that they put them in. Oh and why I am flaming away...Intel sucks and AMD rules! Gee that felt good!:D


I'm just like you, not a snowballs chance in hell would i ever buy a prebuilt computer.


and yes AMD rules.

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This thread could get very long with the age old AMD/Intel debate.


So I will just say this. Amd has had the same chip base for quite a while now. You can run a 600 duron and a 2200xp on the same board with ddr or sdram memory.


Every time Intel makes a change you just about need a whole new board, or system. Don't even get me started on rambus memory! What a joke!


In the end for a true "geek" it comes down to cost. An AMD system can be upraded a minimum of twice for the cost of a single Intel upgrade. Plus the P4 did not even give the AMD chips any competition until the 2.0ghz barrier was broke. The new Hammer chipsets are going to be the first major AMD system change in years. And when they hit the shelves Intel better watch out! Those hammers are going to burt the P4 based chips!


So here is the costs as of right now for the top two big boys on the block:


AMD 2200xp = $146.00

P4 2.8ghz = $578.00


Thats a difference of $432.00! Now 2.8 is really fast but I can build a dual cpu system from AMD for $160.00 a chip and then oc and beat the snot out of that P4 setup. And the whole system will still be cheaper.


This is why AMD will rule the gamers market! I cannot think of the last time anyone ever told me they were building a P4 system, everyone I know builds AMD. Even most major websites that do computer news and reviews use AMD systems.


Plus try and OC a P4 these days. Good luck! And at $578 who could afford the risk!


Nuff said!

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AMD Rules!!! And my keychain even says Nerd.Com LOL


But seriously, 2 of my friends have compaqs, and they are always envying my machine that I built and they thought they had the better deal by getting compaqs. they got a low-end video card, SDR RAM instead of DDR, 56K modem with no choice for ethernet. 15" monitor (like mine), 20 GB HD, crappy sound and speakers, and a ****ty warranty.. its like my god.. why didn't you come to me first... I've built 20 pcs in the last year, all with completely new parts, and they leave the compaqs in their dust..

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a nerds life in hell: compaq with winxp (u cant get it more corrupt and ****ty)


and i biuld pcs too, but i go for intel, cos they really make ground-braking technology, its they who brake records..AMD is allways trying to be as good as them, and infact now they are technlogically laying far behind...and thats why i choose intel...cos they really do sumthin to develop new stuff..whaterver the cost..:fett::slave:

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