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I hate absorb.


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Does anybody else too?


It just that it seems everything depends on it.


It's the uber, all powerful, I'm-invincible force power and you just HAVE to have it.


It's so annoying, that I have to waste points into it and can hardly use anything else depending on the the force ranking.


Even in full force games, I wont have enough to deck out my jump, push, pull and mind trick.


It's like a drug. Once you use it, you become addicted to it. You can't play a game without it and you become so dependent on it.

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Absorb is super easy to counter.


As a Dark sided player.. just drain the person. It still is effective in draining their force pool (doesn't give you hp though). Once they're out of force pool and are forced to turn off absorb, hell you can be lame and drain spam them so that they can't get anymore force power back. Or you can be a nice guy and let the fight go on, even sided.


If you're light sided... you don't really need to worry about it. Only offensive powers light sided people have that absorb counters is pull and push. But the effectiveness of those two now aren't to knock someone down, just to get em closer, stop em, or push em back. Even with absorb on, it still moves them slightly in that general direction. And if they're jumping over a pit, push them even with absorb on, they stop dead center and fall.


Hell, even with practice you can always pull+kick someone with absorb on.


Absorb isn't the all powerful uber move. Only reason you have to complain about it is if you're a grip or lightning whore. In which case you have nothing to be bitching about, cuz you suck, heh.

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Originally posted by icefox98


I love you, like I love the sunrise on a crisp spring morning. If only the Internet and distance wasn't such a prison to our love, only then would it be allowed to blossom in each other’s breasts like the petals of a rose.



Shesh get a room! :o

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I'm specced to force others to either saber fight, or to have them run.




push- to counter push and projectiles

pull- to counter pull and to remove any enemy weapons (also a trick to lower the enemy's guard, if you know the trick)

absorb- To counter enemy offensive force powers




All in all, if you come up to me, you had better be good with a saber. I'll push your rockets back, I'll pull all your weapons out of your hand, and don't bother trying to lightning...just pull out your saber or run.


I'm taking back what Raven took away from the saberists...what they took away is what the game was supposed to be. The saberists lost their game, and the gunners took over......but I'm changing that...in a small way? yes, but it's a change in the right direction.



Long live the saberists!

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Madcow spouted this nonsense--

absorb+speed+protect=unstoppable flag carrier, you can't pull them, they are faster then you, and if you get a hit in protect sucks it up. really evil
Really false, too. You cannot use Absorb and Protect at the same time. One or the other, not both. Yet you state it like it's fact, and one can infer from your statement that you've either done it, or seen it.


Madcow, maybe you and this fellow, Psionic Jedi, should get together and get the ball rolling on this website, http://www.fibbers.org. 'Cause ya'll both seem to be propagating the same lie.

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Originally posted by boba fett c3po

:lol: every time some one tries to drain me while i have aborb on they give me force instead of draining it :lol:


Actually Drain and Absorb negate each other; Absorber doesn't lose or gain force (only from current Absorb usage) and Drainer gains no HP.


Really false, too. You cannot use Absorb and Protect at the same time. One or the other, not both. Yet you state it like it's fact, and one can infer from your statement that you've either done it, or seen it.


I stand corrected, maybe in 1.03 it was possible :X


As an Absorber you are forced to fight, and hopefully kill the enemy while it's effect is still active. I think this is a true test of skill; "kill the enemy in 27 seconds or die to lighting!"


I agree it's the all important power, but it makes the Dark jedi fight with their saber and not depend on their lightning/grip whoring to win.

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Originally posted by Psionic Jedi

I agree it's the all important power, but it makes the Dark jedi fight with their saber and not depend on their lightning/grip whoring to win.


Perfect explanation, absorb forces saber duels.

How else would we have got the fight between Yoda and Dooku. :eyeraise:

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Actually, absorb per se is not an uber power. It's an equalizer. But it's not even FULLY an equalizer. At least in my experience, it all depends on the level of the force powers used by each player.


Take the following, for example.


I enter a server, I have absorb set at 2, instead of 3. The other guy obviously has maxed out lightning. I see him running towards me, so I turn on absorb. The other guy fries me with lightning. What happens?


I gain a little bit of force power while I'm charred to a crisp. So, apparently, absorb will not block ALL powers ALL the time. The thing is, everyone maxes it out so that it WILL block all the powers. But hey, that's their choice.


Here's a tip for the darksiders out there that I actually learned from watching bots play (if you can believe that). Assuming that you find a guy who doesn't run around with absorb turned on constantly, grip 'em first and keep approaching them. The other guy will turn on absorb, but hopefully, you'll have broken his stride to the point where you gain the initiative in a sabre duel and can kill him.



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Some people are really stupid. You don't need aborb.



Counters to absorb: Use you saber or guns! Some people are so stupid that they rely on pushing people over to win.


Counters to lighting: Jump out of the way, or run away until they run out of force pool.






Not that hard is it?

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Something I like to do is to strategically grip someone. You see if you go against an absorber, truth betold they turn it on, and the neato darkside grip method doesn't work. However... most of the time absorbers dont' run around with it on. I find gripping someone tossing them somehwere else, and then immediately sabering them in they're backs tends to work well against absorbers. Of providing they didn't have absorb on from the get go. But if they grant me that chance I can usually throw them off long enough to hit them in the back. If I'm really serious about force whoring then I'll just defend till they stop and repeat the procedure.

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Originally posted by thehomicidalegg

lol i just read in one post complaining lightside is too weak, and here its absorb is WAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY too powerful, hehe the irony of it


This would be my first post outside of multiplayer strategies...


It is funny isn't it? I mean, darkside's uber while lightside isn't worth the effort... and lightside's uber while darkside isn't worth the effort...


For every power and move there's a counter. If you can't figure out what the counter is, don't whine about it, either quit the game, play on a server that has whatever you think is cheap disabled, or go become a contender for the Darwin Awards!


As for the people who whine about lightning and grip whoring... When I use lightning or grip on someone in the beginning of the battle and they INSTANTLY whine about whoring, it annoys the piss out of me because I tend to use EVERYTHING... Not just lightning... It's like someone can be branded as a whore for whatever it is that they started the fight with, even if they tend to use multiple methods of killing...


I've been known to use even the pistol to kill someone... it's devestatingly accurate, especially with the secondary fire on...


The only thing that would make Absorb too powerful is if you could use Protect at the same time... Good thing you can't Absorb AND Protect... That would just be too damned powerful!

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Absorb is my force power of choice, and I run around with it on all the time. This is what I do when I spawn, in order: Turn on absorb, switch to my saber, and run like hell. This is in ffa matches.


I run around with absorb on because it really iritates the piss out of me when I round a corner and immediately get pulled+backstabbed. I didn't even see that coming, and it bugs me. Same with the grippers, grabbing me and throwing me over a ledge before I even know they are there. So, I use absorb constantly. And usually, if I find people to fight before it runs out, I never run out of force. Because people will spam me with pull, or lightning, repeatedly. Even though I have that blue glow on, someone will empty their force bar trying to pull+backstab me.


Just like the person who will stand 20 feet in front of me, trying to kill me with a disrupter. After 5 or 6 shots of not hitting me they still stand there and fire. Never realizing or caring that I have force sight on, and standing there firing back with the bryar. Those are the best kills in the game. The people who repeatedly do the same thing, even though you, him, your uncle and his landlords brother all know that it isn't working. Yet they still do it, even when you're slaughtering them.

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