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WIP: Kit Fisto


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I'm not going to release a beta, he's just not ready to go yet. Do you really want me to release a sub par product? It would make some people happy, and I DO make these models for the community, I just cannot in good faith release something that I am not 100% proud of.


The good news is that there are several people working on skins for him, hopefully I'll have a blue ctf skin to show you guys soon :D




Powered by Sith :lightning

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First off I'd like to apologize. It seems some people have referred to my last post as bashing the model, and that is FAR from my objective. I just merely want this model to be one of the best... one that stands out their with Yoda and Plo Koon models.


Next, I'm sorry about the poor reference pics. I merely opend that one with the wide head because someone posted that prior, and I just used that. I really didn't think about doing some more research to see if THAT pic was really accurate or not.


Anyway, I just want you guys to know your doing a great job, and KEEP IT UP!!!

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Well, that was my pic, GreenDevil, and like you, I was never bashing this model at all... I love it! I may get flamed for this, but I think Arco's red CTF skin, while very nicely detailed, is too bland and dark. Sure he can be evil, but evil creatures like more than just monochomatic colors and red. I would like to see at least his skin and clothing as apparently different colors.


As for the eyes, again, with your shots Toonces, they are not incredibly detailed either, and in all of the following promotional shot, Kit Fisto has human-like eyes in the darker regions. If they felt he should not have them, I assume they would have been edited in post on the promo shots as well as the movie, knowing how much of a stickler Lucas is. If it was supposed to be glares from light sources, those are perfectly spaced lights.




Anyway, after looking at the default and red CTF skins, I really do not care whether you put the "eyes" in or not. I just cannot wait to use the model in-game, and maybe design my own custom skin. I would not mind taking a shot at a blue CTF skin, but I do not want to start a long line of people asking for the model because they say they'll do a skin for you, so if you would like to give one more person a go at it, I will do my best. Just PM me and let me know.


Very nice job, Toonces and Arco! :)

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As I remember, there is a shot of Luke and Vader..from the old trilogy..came out before star wars did...it's got..luke holding a red lightsaber, and vader a blue. They didn't edit THAT, did they?


Anyway...Toonces, I tried to PM you about something. Not sure if it worked, cuz I haven't gotten a reply.

I basically had a problem with 3dstudiomax, and now I have milkshape, and I don't know how or where to begin. lol

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right well on the red skin being too simple. I agree. but thats what i went for. And the same goes for the default skin. I have done this for two reasons. 1- in a game any game you are not really going to see the player models close up much and they are going to be moving around constantly, so too stop it looking messy you keep the textures simple and bold and overemphasize certain things. So for an evil guy lots of black and red and then people KNOW he is evil. Thats just me. Also since he is a jedi he still has simple clothes so that is the other reason why I kept the colours almost uniform. I think I know what i'm talking about here... still good points.



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oops, I think I must have confused you guys, I never thought anyone was bashing the model, I just didnt agree with you GreenDevil about the width of the face. Your other two points were dead on though :)


I just wanted to illustrate how that refrence shot was rather poor at showing the actual width of the head so I posted a few of my other refrence pics. It definatly wasn't a flame, I don't ever flame, It is pointless, and not nice, if I dissagree with something I'll just explain why I dissagree.


I really like how "simple" Arco's two skins are, I'm not really sure how complex you can really make the clothing on simple Jedi Garb, it's not complex to begin with. The only suggestion that I might make is to blend in some sort of cloth texture underneath what he has done on the clothing thus far.


Playing in-game with Arco's default skin truely is a great experence, it looks beautiful in game :D


Oh, good news guys, Sithlord is making a blue ctf skin, he sent me some early work and it looks really good, I'll put a shot up as soon as he gives me the word :)




Powered by Sith :lightning

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For the Red CTF skin, I think you should make his eyes yellow. with cat/reptilian like pupils. the black eyes will blend into his face too much and you won't see them. i think his eyes would be cool if they almost look like the eye of Sauron from the Lord of the Rings movie. it will give him a very evil presence, he will look more reptilian than amphibious.


thats just what i think though. this model looks great. cant wait to use it. :D

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You know guys, I think we gotta give toonces and arco (let's call them "team fisto" from here on) a big round of applause, one thing we really can't complain about is a lack of updates. We all remember the obi-wan/qui-gon threads. and of course klorels mace windu thread.


Anyway, I just thought they deserve some recognition for that. awsome work guys, keep it up.

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I agree... great job Toonces and Arco!


By the way, when I said "more complex", I meant that his garb would possibly be a different color than his skin tone. Right now, red CTF Kit Fisto has grey skin and grey clothes with a touch of red tattooing. It wasn't a reference to details, but more along the lines of making him visually interesting. There are no rear angles to go by, but from the looks of it, whoever uses red Kit is just going to see a bunch of grey.


Now I would not change anything with the default skin... it looks superb!! Can't wait to see all 3 skins! Keep up the good work guys!

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