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WIP: Kit Fisto


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Well I might go back and change it before handing it over to Toonces. But it dun matter anyway cuz Toonces will be the one releasing the skins. Guess all of them...or mabey selected ones that he wants to include. Anyway I wouldn't release it alone because he is fixing up the model right now and I wouldn't be so bad as to release it without permission:p .

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Alright I didn't change the symbols on the blue one...I just added 2 more instead. On the upper part of the wrap I added the Japanese character for Fortune and on his forehead I put the Japanese character for Spirit. Also changed the icons of the red and blue versions. I'm ready to email it to you Toonces as soon as I get your address again.



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Hi everyone. I got a little time to screw around so I was messing around a little and was playing with textures and stuff. Originaly this was going to be the color patterns for my skin. Toonces has more than enough skins to go with his model so maybe if I get time I'll add more detail and release this after Toonces releases the model if thats ok with him.


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Yeah, as soon as I have a little time I'll get some shots. I'm not sure who else was making skins, I know Eets still hasn't sent me his, but I think he's still working on it.


I'll keep you guys posted, all the weights are basically finished except for some minor problems I still have to work out.

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Hi everyone... nice job on everything so far!


I have a question that could have been asked already, but since I don't really have time to go through at least the last 5-6 pages of posts, I thought I would ask here. Is there any reason besides more skins that this release is being held up? I saw that Toonces said something about weights... what weights are you speaking of? Everything we have seen for this model looks great, and I read somewhere where the skin makers were told to take their time? Sure, take your time... you can release a skin after the model is released. :p That's usually how it works. As long as the red, blue and default skins are done (I have seen red and default... not sure about blue...), and the character weighting is finished, why not release it? Besides, what if some of us only want the regular skins on it without the extras? I know I like to choose whether to get a custom skin or not, but when it comes to the model, it should set the standard for those. I really have almost 1 GB in my base folder full of maps, models and skins already. It's time to be picky. :p I hope none of you great skinners take offense to that... I just really can't wait to see this model in-game! (and use it!!)


Thanks for all your work everyone, especially Toonces!

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Originally posted by bleek

I've been playing around with the model more and came up with a pretty kewl looking face. If you have any more room in the Kit Fisto pack and...if I have enough time to finish him I'd love to do add this skin!


Reptile - like dood...stuff

you should try it without lips, just a mouth, it would make it more reptile-like. you could do some cool eyes with that theme.

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He could just put them all into seperate .pk3s...but of course if he wants to put them all in one .pk3...its simple to just take out the ones you want. All you have to do is open the .pk3 and delete the skins that you don't want. Simple enough.

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heh, sweet lovin ;) The skin looks really cool bleek :)


I'm about to go in and have an adventure with the lod's, wish me luck :D


The weights still arn't 100% right, but they're almost to the point where I cant get them any better.


Take your time on the skins fellas, I've still got a bunch of work to do, but we're getting very close. All that is left are the lod's, and the sound pack if I can get in touch with nomad :)

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Thx for the great texture icepool. Didn't turn out quite the way you might think on him but it looks awesome anyhow. Makes his skin look sorta rough and have ripples.

Anyway, Finished with his entire head except for the tentacles I wanna add some sorta armor stuff. Also I need to make the eyes reflect light and other things. Anyone point me in the way of a good, descriptive tutorial on how to do that? Or tell me themselves if it isn't too much trouble. People have told me to check out this Quake 3 tutorial on shaders that I have skimmed thru...but it never has really helped me.


I'll come up with a name soon enough...bah!


Looking at the pics....since he is a reptile sorta guy...was thinking about making the ends of his tentacles look like snakes. Dunno if it'll look good but I could try:p . Need...Help...Shaders...Someone...Read...Above...Pic.

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