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Fan Art!


like this one!



Ben, Guybrush, and Bobbin. I wanted to put Manny in but I've learned I can't draw Manny worth anything(as if I could draw anything worth anything eh?) I used Flash 5 to make it and although some proportions are off I think it came out quite well.


Does anyone else bother with fan art? There can never be enough fan art in the world.

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hum.... this is not a bad idea at all. I could try making some Grim Fandango art and *maybe* Monkey Island. The attachement is what I was able to do the first week I installed Adobe Illustrator 10 (without tutorials. I, for some reason, learn better by playing around with the program)



Yeah... anyways.... I was starting a cartoon strip of myself and my close friends. I haven't had the chance to do the shoes and the hands (the hardest part to animate).







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