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I'm soo F***ing back!


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I'm back from Seattle, here, for your enjoyment is a day by day description of what I did:


Tuesday: 3 hour flight from Phoenix, got Cheez-its and Peanuts on the plane.. Went to Aunt and Uncle's house (Which is technically in Edmonds, Washington but whatever) Got tour of house and neighborhood, went to bed


Wednesday: Cousin who we shall call "Rachael" (Because thats her name) left for mission trip to Dominican Republic. Went to the Boeing Factory I garnered 2 points from the tour of the factory


1. Boeing makes planes

2. Damn good ones too


Later in the day I went to a Mariners game, now to all you guys who have fetishes of Japaneese Schoolgirls screaming in unison (You know who you are) you should go to a Mariners game. I bought a foamy hand thing, awesomeness


Thursday: I finally get some internet access.. Went to another Boeing Museum (Same theme: Boeing makes damn good planes!) Slow day


Friday: Went to the EXPERIENCE MUSIC PROJECT! This place was F'ing AWESOME.. I learned how to play "Louie Louie" on the gitar. Spent HOURS there


Saturday: I really do NOT remember what I did this day.. I think I went to a batting cage and did horribly..


Sunday: Got out of going to church (go me) Played some Red Alert 2 at house.. Went to friends of relatives... nice people.


Monday: Layed low.. Not much here


Tuesday: Went to the SPACE NEEDLE and went on a ride called the PUKE O WHIRL (not actual name)


Wednesday: See Tuesday but in opposite order

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Originally posted by NeoDios

School starts next Thursday for you?! :eek:

Wow, I'm damn glad I don't live near you.


I reserve the right to laugh at you people come May when I'm out and you doods are still in

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Prrrrrrrft, come November, school will be over permanently for me :D eheheh... *starts singin* yeah, no more skool, no more teachers, no more threatening to kill my information systems teacher cause she lost my outcome and made me do it again... yeah no more waiting to get home, no more walkin around aimlessly... next year i'm gonna get a job, yeah a job, get some cash, buy some stuff... *stops singin* eh... sorry :D:p

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For those of you that thought west virginia was hillbilly's and racists...you're probably right :D



But there's something more to it...caves made of mud that one can only crawl through with a flashlight in hand on there stomach and without a tourist and a cave full of freezing water that one can only swim through for about ten minutes. It rox!!!

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Originally posted by *phoenix*

Ah..i got back to school in september..getting my degree in airframe and powerplant maintenance. :)


Well that beats my electives. I'm taking a VB programming course for beginners, even though I can already program a sidescroller easily. I'm also taking German (Ach du lieber Sheise!!!) and business dynamics...my schedules sounds kind of boring. :o

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