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GO STEELERS! "Yes, its back, my friends!"


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What'ya think about them steelers? They can do it again, IMO. THey have all but 2 of their starting players from last year: Troy Edwards and Earl Holmes. They are playing their first game tonight, on ABC! Root for em, love em, or die along with the other teams!

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Originally posted by Heavyarms

seems like a few teams had their firsts by beating the steelers. Maybe the steelers will actually get to the big game this year!


HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Yeah right! My friend is a big steelers fan and i always make fun of him because they are so horrible. Even last year, when they actually had a decent year they couldn't even make it far in the playoffs, and the game they lost wasn't even close.


The Rams will win, just like they should have last year.


I want the Redskins to do well too, though. I really like Spurrier.

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Originally posted by Heavyarms

* looks at eets', Tie Guy's, Rogue Nine's, Clefo's, and Artoo's posts*


Tsk Tsk Tsk, too much spamming in here. This is for steelers, not the dolphins, the rams, or the Redskins.


I'll go open a thread for that.


I did talk about the steelers, if you actually read my post, probably not.


Besides, if we were only gonna talk about the steelers and say good things about them then only you would post, becuse your the only one who actually cares of the steelers. Surely you knew were your thread would lead when you posted it.


And I guess its too late, but you shouldn't have posted the other thread. Thats spam. We already have a thread talking about it. Don't try to kick us out of your thread just because we don't like the steelers.

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Tie Guy, if you really want me to answer your last spam, then PM me, and walk your ass out of this thread if you have nothing constructive to say.


Yeah, the game was 16-6, and I saw the main few problems:


1. Special teams needs a few kinks worked out.

2. The Offense couldn't capitalize. The offensive line just didn't work right yesterday.

3. Defense was a little lacking. Didn't make the tackles they needed to.

4. Turnovers Turnovers Turnovers!

5. Red number two in tune with the running game. It wasn't the bus, it was his line.


Remember a few things before you lay solemn judgement:

1. They were 1-2 in preseason last year.

2. They lost their first game last year.

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Originally posted by Heavyarms

Remember a few things before you lay solemn judgement:

1. They were 1-2 in preseason last year.

2. They lost their first game last year.


This has nothing to do with this year. Yeah, it's a nice stat, but what bearing does it have on this season?


Oops! I'm not talking about the Steelers in a positive way.....I'm spamming....I'll go now

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Testy aren't we H-arms? I remember vividly that you said the Pirates would win the NL central earlier this year..


I'm predicting the Steel will finish around the 11-5 range and choke in the playoffs again..


Mamamia! I said something negative! :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Heavyarms

AYe Aye Aye, I don't mind if you guys don't talk positive, sheesh. I don't like when someone runs in and says HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!


He means, "I hate Tie Guy" and want to get back at him in any way possible.


Geez, Heayarms, i said that because my friend likes them and i give him a hard time.


Anyways, i think they'll go about 9-7, make the playoffs and loose in the first round. Actually, thats speaking optimistically. Last year it all just happened to fall together perfectly, and they didn't take advantage of it. They weren't a great team, and they didn't have alot of real talent, especially on offense. (a decent QB, an old injured RB, and one good receiver), but they made it work. I seriously don't think thats its gonna work for them this year, not like it did last year. Still, they will be decent, but not good.

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ok tie... i think ur first post was the biggest piece of trash i think iv ever read... toatlly uninformed and ur last was pathetic 2


First off, since when is the AFC championship game not far in the playoffs?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!... they are coached by one of the most successful coaches in history... ie second longest streak of consecutive playoff births . They also lost to the super bowl champions... wether u guys like it or not the pats did beat the rams... making them the better team... its football... u dont hafta win pretty... u just hafta win.



And for my presise process of making u look like an idiot by totally disproving ur last post, the kordell issue... in the hands of mike malarchy he is the equivalent of a nuke... he can do anything... and do it well... he is the best reciever on that team... the fastest player... probably the second best finess runner... and he can pass *shown last year* how do u fricking defend against that... it takes 3 or 4 guys to make sure kordell dosent do anything funny. Bettis dosent look to be slowing down any... until he fails to get 1000 yards in a season... he cannot be called old *rolls eyes at tie*

1 GOOD RECIEVER... U GOTTA BE KIDDING ME last time i checked both plax and hinez ward got over 1000 yards last year... first steeler tandem to ever do that... and they have other guys that can play...



so i ask you again ... NOT GOOD???? that is totally disrespectful... i s'pose there are only 2 "GOOD" teams in the league... because they finished higher than all the others.


all teams have their bad games... i dont see any of you guys that say the rams "should" have won the super bowl saying that the steelers should have beaten the pats... quite inconsistant dont you think?... and i thought the rams played rather good in the super bowl... and u HAFTA admit that the steelers played horribly in the AFC champ game.


- MaStA

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OK!! DING!! Fighters to your corners!!


sheesh...Here's the dealie...Steelers lost to the Pats last year by a rule that should have been repealed before then, BUT the officials made the right call at the time. I agree that the Steelers probably should have gone to Mr. Super Bowl, but they didn't...spilled milk, no use crying. Pats beat the Rams, proving they belonged there as much as the Steelers did.


Let's not get so embroiled in our loyalties to a team that we turn into soccer hooligans (no offense to anyone who actually is a soccer hooligan). I'm an example of that very thing...i'm a Panthers fan and i'm sure everyone here knows that the Panthers sucked last year...and, as much as it pains me to say this, will probably suck again this year (though, not to the same degree).


I kinda sense the beginning of a flame war here, so lets just cool off, everybody.

Looks like I'll have to do something to distract them....


LOOK!!! A PINK, DANCING ELEPHANT!!!! :eek: -----> :elephant:

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Originally posted by JEDI_MASTA

ok tie... i think ur first post was the biggest piece of trash i think iv ever read... toatlly uninformed and ur last was pathetic 2


First off, since when is the AFC championship game not far in the playoffs?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!... they are coached by one of the most successful coaches in history... ie second longest streak of consecutive playoff births . They also lost to the super bowl champions... wether u guys like it or not the pats did beat the rams... making them the better team... its football... u dont hafta win pretty... u just hafta win.



And for my presise process of making u look like an idiot by totally disproving ur last post, the kordell issue... in the hands of mike malarchy he is the equivalent of a nuke... he can do anything... and do it well... he is the best reciever on that team... the fastest player... probably the second best finess runner... and he can pass *shown last year* how do u fricking defend against that... it takes 3 or 4 guys to make sure kordell dosent do anything funny. Bettis dosent look to be slowing down any... until he fails to get 1000 yards in a season... he cannot be called old *rolls eyes at tie*

1 GOOD RECIEVER... U GOTTA BE KIDDING ME last time i checked both plax and hinez ward got over 1000 yards last year... first steeler tandem to ever do that... and they have other guys that can play...



so i ask you again ... NOT GOOD???? that is totally disrespectful... i s'pose there are only 2 "GOOD" teams in the league... because they finished higher than all the others.


all teams have their bad games... i dont see any of you guys that say the rams "should" have won the super bowl saying that the steelers should have beaten the pats... quite inconsistant dont you think?... and i thought the rams played rather good in the super bowl... and u HAFTA admit that the steelers played horribly in the AFC champ game.


I don't know if you knew this, but the NFL playoffs aren't very long. I really don't consider it "going far" unless you make it to the superbowl. They only won 1 game before they lost. Thats not very far.


Sure, Kordell Stuart is a talented quarterback, but thats only if he can bring it all together at the same time, which isn't very often, which he has proven time and time again over the past few years. Sure, he can run, but not as well and running backs. He hardly ever runs on a play, and if he does he never gets far. Why have your QB run when that is what running backs are for. A mobile quarterback is great, but its practically worthless in the NFL. So what if he gains a few yards every once in a while. And he can scramble, but he isn't exactly the greatest passer in the league either, so it doesn't gain him all that much. He only had 14 TD passes all of last year. If i remember correctly, Warner had that much by the middle of the season, and finished with 36. And to go with those few TDs, Kordell had 11 interceptions. Thats not a very good ratio. All this comes together to make a quarterback that can do anything, but rarely ever does any of it well.


As for their recievers, ok, they have have two decent recievers. So what if they each had 1000 yard seasons, they couldn't catch the ball when it mattered, when they were in the endzone. And its not like they missed it because Bettis pounded it in, he only had 4 TDs. They only combined for 10 TDs all season. Marshall Faulk, a running back, had 9. Moss had 10 by himself.


As for Bettis, he's not that great either. Sure, he got 1000 yards, but again, that means nothing because he couldn't get it in the endzone, and apparently neither could his teammates. Oh, and to go with his 4 TDs he fumbled 3 times. Thats almost a turnover for every time he scored.


The only saving grace of the Steelers last year was their defense, which was good. And it had to be too, because their offense wasn't very good at all.

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