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Finally-Cantina Six Spinoff: Postlude to Holocaust


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*Alys walks up, sighing knowingly. The man held a lightsaber to Irvines throught, just like she figured. she walked up, and spoke, quietly and calmly*


Look, we;re both on teh same side, Mr, there's no need for useless expenditures of energy like in-fighting.

*She gave Irvine a quick glare to keep quiet*

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*Irvine still having a ligthsaber ignited swings it and knocks Hal's lightsaber back using Irvine's abilty, enough for Irvine to roll up and to stand*


Irvine holding up both sabers not in any stance: "Well first im going to tell you this, im just learning how to be able to use the force. Second, im busy, you see, these people who ever they are, just decided to stun me, gag me, tie me up. Im a little sore, a little cranky, and frankly i feel like beating some answers out of a few people, if you mind..."


*Irvine circles around Hal slighty, but with hal blocking his path*


Irvine: "Now if you mind, let me pass so i can get through to those people. I dont feel like fighting you today. But maybe just if i do something around here worth while, i could maybe prove myself to at least Heimdall that im worth at least something."

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((OOS: Admiral, the ship's systems wouldn't interact with the virus; they are based on completely different operating modules. Only the decoding and some of the comm. systems would be affected, since they are designed to interface with something similar to your sort of technology))



Technician: Sir, we are unable to contain the missile. Our droids cannot get close to it.


Officer: Open up the ship and drop it.


*A section of ship's hull splits open as if on a seam. The torpedo falls to the roof of a building below, and the deck officers stare at it dubiously as the seam recloses*


Officer 2: Now what do we do with it?


Leader: Scan it. Find out what it is.


Weapons Officer: Firing on the fish. *beat* We aren’t penetrating their shields. It’s as if there’s something else protecting it. But their cloak field is preventing us from scanning to be sure. ((OOS: I'm assuming the shields are layered with the quantum armor, as is sometimes the case in SW ships))


Technician: Our databanks have a 65% match for the missile, sir…and it...isn’t good.


*The leader pauses and is about to answer when another technician interrupts* Sir! The ship’s cloak field has gone down!


Weapons Officer: But---we haven’t done any damage to it!


Leader: *grins* It doesn’t matter! Access and copy the ship’s computer before the alien thinks to bring it back up.


Technician: But sir…the data decoders aren’t responding.


*The monitor flashed and a voice came over the comm. system* "Foolish beings, you have tried to read a message not meant for you. By doing this you have unleashed the wraith of the Aesir."


*the monitors go blank and the lights are cut*


Leader: What's going on?!?


Technician: The power cells have been overloaded!


Officer: Then restore them, you dimwit!


Technician: I'm working on it! *hooks a datapad into the still-running computer systems* It's some kind of a virus. It's originating from a decoding section and has piggy-bagged onto our Basic-encoded communication systems. It must have come from the intercepted message.


Leader: And??


Technician: I can bypass it....there. But it's still controlling several of our decoding sections.


*the lights and monitors come back on*


Leader: What does that mean?


Technician: It means we can't access the alien's ship computer.


Leader: *grates* Then we're just going to physically board the damn thing, and take it by force. *lifts a weapon* I'll see to it personally.




*the assassin chokes out an answer as Orthos presses him to the wall* I work for no one and for nothing, Huttslime. *kicks Orthos in the stomach* I'm only interested in wiping your slimy face from the galaxy! *dives for his weapon*

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((Sorry, I knew some of the systems wouldn't be affected, but those that would work on the message would be. Since they would have to be compatible.))


Gulltop: Sire they are trying to get rid of the torpedo. It is undamaged and willl reaquire target in a second.


*The torpedo falls for a second then reignites it's engine and once again rams into the Alien ship. This time coming a couple of meters behind the leader. It sits dorminate again*


Heimdall: If they keep this up, their ship will never make it out of the atmosphere. You must admire our engineers.


Gulltop: Indeed they are very skillful. Sir they have reactivated their lights.


*Heimdall looks at the monitor and sees the leader getting a weapon*


Heimdall: Destroy the object that their leader is picking up.


Gulltop: Target locked. Firing


*A small laser shoots out of the ship destroying the weapon*


Heimdall: Nice Shooting. Ready a holoprojection. Project my image right in front of the leader and enlarge it for fun.


Gulltop: At your convience.


*Heimdall steps into the projection field. His image is the emitted right in front of the leader. Heimdall grins and shacks his finger at the leader in a mocking fashion, Then waves. The projection then ends*


*Anngered by the taunting one of the crew near the weapons rack grabs a weapon.*


Gulltop: Another one of them has grab another object similar to the leaders.


Heimdall: Destroy it


*Another laser lances out destroying the weapon as the crew member takes aim*


Heimdall: Boy is this fun. Maybe next time we should let them touch the hull. It might be funny to see their reaction to the hulls defenses.

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((I don't understand the last part of your post, Admiral - the deck of the alien's ship is nowhere near the wing that's "holding" Gulltop, and there is no way lasers could pierce through the entire ship to selectively destroy the leader's weapon without either being stopped by the armor of the ship or destroying the ship itself.


Note the hull material can distort, tear, and repair itself. It's nanotechnology based. That's how the ship dropped the torpedo.


The technology here is little like the technology in this universe - you can't assume the effect of your weapons on it is the same. ^.^))


*During the minute in which the monitors were off, the crew of the alien ship unfortunately do not notice the resonance torpedo relodging itself in the ship's hull*


Leader: I want a boarding party prepared. Now. Take appropriate precautions and follow standard procedure. But if you happen to kill the alien...well, let's just say I won't be too upset.


*the leader walks off the deck - and stops and grabs his head as a scream echoes in it. The other crewman jump at the same instant, hearing the same scream of pain. They covered their ears, but the sound didn't diminish. Then it cut off abruptly.


The leader uncovered his ears and grinned* I think our little captive has woken up. *to nearest officer* Put up a mental shield around her cell. Thought-speak screams can get annoying.


*He walks off the deck to the sound of another scream*

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((Well then I read your post wrong. It sounded like Heimdall's Ship was placed in a docking hold and the crew of the other ship was just outside. Hence the last part of my post. Also I haven't assumed anything, only used what has happened last time (ie laser from Heimdall's ship destroyed a device so I concluded it could destroy the weapon.)


Also note the weapon doesn't know or care that the ship can repair itself. and as long as the weapon has fuel it will continue to ram into the alien ship to stay on target. For purpose sake have the projection appear when your aliens come near the Gulltop. So you can ignore the destruction of the weapons and Heimdall has recorded the projection but hasn't emmited it yet.))



Heimdall: On second thought, when they try to board us destroy all objects they are carring; and when the approach the hull emit the holoprojection.


Gulltop: Affirmative.

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*Irvine takes a deep sigh and deactiveates his lightsabers*


Irvine: "Heh, well, you can certain go and tell that to my family. *sigh* But like that really matters, Heimdall could use the help, one of us should go find Orthos and Raschel."


*Irvine turns back to Hal*


Irvine: "And as for me, I can't help to be who I am, at least i'll try to do them the right way for the mean time."

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((Scareface how does Irvine know that Heimdall needs help. It was already made clear that Irvine can't read Heimdall's mind or emotions. Also In case you didn't catch on he is enjoying himself immensly, doesn't need help nor does he really want it. The children are a different matter, Irvine could have sensed their need.))

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((Ah, okay - I should have been clearer.


I pointed out the repair thing because Heimdall's line gave the impression that the ship was being ripped up by the persistent torpedo.


Gulltop is in a sort of docking bay. It isn't docked actually, just held in place by tractor beams.


About the children: Marin and probably Aidan just woke up. A Force-sensitive person could have felt their pain (they're in restraints that blind the subject with pain if escape is attempted. Forgot to point that out) if he was paying attention...but isn't Irvine *just* learning to use his powers?


Heimdall on the other hand should easily be able to sense their pain [the 'barrier' I mentioned around their cells only blocks thoughts, not feelings]))



*A boarding party, two dozen strong, approaches Heimdall's ship. They are decked out in large robotic, shielded flying suits. Two of them carry very large lanced-shaped objects in clamp-shaped hands*


Leader: *over commlinks* Open it up. Make it fast. We have only a few minutes.


*The two with lances start to fly towards Gulltop's door. Heimdall's holoprojection appears, shaking a finger at them, and lasers promptly blast the lances out of their carriers' hands*


Man 1: Sir, the ship's precision lasers are stronger than anticipated.


Leader: We'll have to do this the quick and messy way. Hold for further instructions.


*the boarding party backs away*


*on the deck, the technicians complete the scan of Heimdall's ship*


Technician: Sir, pieces of the outer hull are sheathed in quantum armor. We think it's covering the ship's vital systems. The main entry port is made of cortosis ore...as if the owner was expecting to fend off attackers weilding lightsabers.




*The assassin eyes Orthos' silver blade warily, then dismisses it as not a threat*


You can't dodge forever, scum. *fires disruptor point-blank at Orthos, again*

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*Heimdall watching the group back off becomes suspicous. He also blocks out the childrens feelings.*


Heimdall: Alright this is getting a little boring. Let's try to envoke a response. Target the man nearest the ship, use a medium sized turbolaser blast and fire when ready.


((From what you told me Redwing this blast should have enough power to damage the suit but not kill the person))


*The shot hits the man fully.*


Heimdall: Interesting it looks like those suits protect them from laser blast. Alright don't fire again. Get me a close up of one of those suits.


Gulltop: Understood.


*On the monitor a zoomed image of one of the men appear. Heimdall studies it then begins to smile*


Heimdall: Those suits don't cover their heads perfect. Gulltop if any of them approach the ship again use a full powered blast and target their heads. Continue to destroy all of their weapons and other objects with the precision laser. Finally if they fire at us, lock on to where the fire is coming from, return fire using appropiate weapons. I want anything they bring at us destroyed.


Gulltop: Yes my lord.


Heimdall: It's time to show some of our teeth.

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*Alys walked cautiously down the halls, looking for Orthos..... where the hell was he!? She came to a T intersection, then suddenly jumped back. a disruptor bolt just barely missed her....




She crouched down, and peered around the corner. she could barely make out Orthos, and his attacker.

SITH SPIT. How could she win...if she could only use the Force to her advantage.......*

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((Actually the boarding party is wearing a flying armor shell over the 'gray suit'. But Heimdall could have hit through the flight-suit's viewport, and it still works.


If they were to board your ship, they would get out of the flight-suits - too bulky to fit into the ship. They're wearing them to protect against the ship's full defenses))



*The blast knocks back the nearest of the boarding party several feet. Heimdall's blast had gone through the viewport and hit the 'gray suit' the man was wearing, which had saved him*




*on deck*


Technician: Sir, we can probably pull open their ship's bay door with the kinetic holding beams.


*on comm* Sir, the ship is attacking us.


Leader: Doesn't matter. Stand by to board.


*Gulltop's main door starts to crack open, pulled on by an invisible force. The boarding party gets close again, the one still holding an object (lance) throwing it aside*


Leader: We can safely assume the alien itself is relatively harmlesss, considering the quality of his ship's defenses.


Technician: But sir, scans detect---


Leader: We don't have time to dabble in technicalities. Just get that door open.




*Marin manages to grasp lucidity and stop screaming for a moment. She is inside some sort of holding cell, strapped to a table. If she moved more than a few centimeters, her body was subjected to tremendous pain.


If there was a way out this time, she couldn't see it.*




*The assassin looks confused at the appearance of a new opponent and hesitates momentarily. He couldn't target both of them...after a second's deliberation, he makes a decision*


You're about to get far worse than a hole in your hand. Much as I'd like to take you apart piece by piece, I'll settle for dancing on your ashes.


*charges disruptor to full-disintegration power*

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*Irvine can only luagh at himself being left with the last option*


Irvine: "That leaves me with Raschel... Alright, lets try to find her, heh, now im talking to myself..."


*Irvine calms himself, and attempts to search for raschel's life energy*


Irvine: "GOT IT! seems like she's still unconsious..."


*Irvine runs down corridors looking*

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((Redwing and everyone else some info on the Resonance Rifle: It is very powerful. Being every careful the Aesir created armor sufficent to repel the blast of the Resonance Rifle (projectile based weapon). In the event the rifle fell into enemy hands. On the same token the armor was made to withstand the rifle but not to be immune to it in case their ships fell into enemy hands. Heimdall's ship is outfitted with this armor (Quantom armor).


Redwing: As your men are concerend the rifle should be able to incinerate their robotic suits but their grey suits would save them (the ones with a broken viewport I'll leave up to you. They could be killed, wounded, or saved like the others.))



Gulltop: Lord they are using a beam to open cargo bay doors.


Heimdall: Well close them...wait on second thought keep the doors where they are presantly at. Don't allow them to be opened anyfurther.


*The Doors stop opening but are left ajar far enough apart to allow a person one at a time to slip in sideways. Heimdall runs down to the bay, unslings the resonance rifle and places it besides him. The thrown aside lance is destroyed by the ship*


Heimdall: Gulltop begin assualting the boarding party. Use the medium power blast for the time being and push them back. Target the nearest three fire when ready.


Gulltop: Firing.


*The nearest three are hit like the first and are thrown back into their comrades.*


Heimdall: Do you have a lock on where the beam that is opening the bay doors is originating.


Gulltop: Yes


Heimdall: Good this is going to take timing. I'm going to shoot the resonance rifle, Once the projectile is clear of the bay doors destroy whatever is creating that beam, Close the doors and increase shielding all shielding to a 100%.


Gulltop: Understood ready when you are.


*Heimdall takes aim to a spot behind the boarding party but close to them and shoots. The instant the projectile clears the bay doors Gulltop fires full strength Turbolasers at the projection point for the beam destroying ((Redwing it the projection of the beam could be disabling it, or just disruted I'll leave that up to you)). With the beam gone the bay doors slam shut. A second later the projectile impacts*

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*Irvine finds Raschel, gaged, tied, and blind folded like he is, with 3 people gaurding her...*


Irvine to self: "They really need 3 people to guard a girl? I mean, alys is one thing, but i hardly think raschel would make much of a difference angesnt three guards... oh well here i go..."


Irvine: "Hay guys, your little freind there dont look very confurtible in those bindings..."


*The three guard advince on Irvine, whie Irvine picks up a table and throws it on them, making them hit the gound. while Irvine ignites a libersaber. The guard pull out blasters and try to kill Irvine, while Irvine only guards himself from the shots using the lightsaber.*


Irvine whom seeming not to have very much torble guarding himself: "This is getting boring... well if im gonna finish this, i better not do it in a way that Hal wouldnt consider 'dark'. Oh i know..."


*Irivne ignites his other saber, and while preforming some sort of spinning move guarding himself from blaster shots, approches the guards to chop their ends to their blasters (rendering theem useless). Irvine disenages both sabers and kicks the middle guard across the chin while hitting the other two with the blunt ends of the saberhandles*


Irvine untieing raschel: "Wake up Raschel, You okay Raschel??"

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((The robotic suits are basically shield-holders, and serve to protect from radiation. The shields drain fast tho, so they weren't up when you hit the guy through the faceplate. Oh, the robotic suit is the one with the viewport - not the gray suit. A medium turbolaser shot wouldn't destroy the robotic suits with shields up.


As for the beams, they are organic, based on the telekinesis of some lifeforms from the alien's dimension(s). They pass through shields. The beams however could be disrupted if hit by a projectile from Heimdall's rifle. (if the projector was out of range) If you used a light-amplification device, you could target them - they would appear as very wide ropes with a blue glow.


@Scar: Raschel, as a K'beran, is stronger than a normal human, regardless of her gender. However she won't have the stun recovery rate of someone who's Force-sensitive.


Oh one more thing: Everything on the alien ship *can* be shielded. But as it takes power away from hull shielding, the shields aren't activated until they think of doing so))



*Raschel is still under the affects of the stun blast. She remains unresponsive*




*on the deck of the aliens' ship, the screen shows the turbolasers destroy the beam's projection point*


Technician: Sir, it will take a couple minutes for that to repair...should I allocate power to the bay shields? *the leader nods affirmative* ...and their turbolasers are successfully repelling the boarding party. Their shields are protecting them to some extent, but the alien seems content to just keep pushing them back...


Officer: Sir! The alien has fired some sort of projectile from the entry port.




*Heimdall's missile hits the leading boarder's shields with almost enough impact to collapse them. The shields hold, but that becomes irrelevant when the projectile smashes him into the bay wall.


The suit's generator explodes violently, along with the missile.*




*On the ship's deck, the aliens watch the remainders of their comrades bodies drop to the floor. Thanks to the chain reaction of explosions, only four of two dozen boarders remain. They quickly fly their damaged flight-suits out of the hangar*


Leader: *angrily* Use all the beams concurrently. Tear the ship apart at the seams if you have to!


Officer: What about board-


Leader: Forget it...swarm the ship with ID droids. Kill the alien.




*Gulltop's door begins to be wrenched open again as invisible beam after invisible beam wraps around it*

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*Alys camae out, ful blast from her corner. if she oculd get to the assasin before he charged, she might have a chance.


She did, amazingly. it felt as if no time passed at all, she started running, and then she did a flying kick to the face of the assassin, knocking him over, and his disruptor flew across the ground. She stood overhim with two blasters pointed at his head. This Force stuff was wierd, especially when she wasn't expecting it.*


I'm sorry, but i can't let you disintegrate my new clients. it's bad for buisness.


(OOS: Alys uses alot of her Force powers by accident. alot of it's involentary)

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Irvine: "Whoa, that was Alys, gues she held back on a few things then i expected."


*Irvine throws Raschel over his shoulder, and starts running back.*


Irvine: to Alys: Maybe you should try controling what ever power you've just used. Me I just learned my first, heh. Oh, by the way, I found Raschel, and im heading back.

to Hal:I found Raschel, she's still stunned, I'm heading back with her.

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