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Not Jabba, ...but a Hutt


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In the last few days i made a Hutt player model. It isnt Jabba, because he is realy too fat for the player model skeleton. So it looks more like a young Hutt in his best age.


Link to some pics:



There is also my Gamorrean project with a new version, take a look.


I would need some help with testing out some bugs and for other feed back. i am looking for soundfiles too, so if you know of good Hutt or Jabba sounds, post it or contact me.

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To make the Hutt more fat is not easy, the farer meshes from the bones are the more get the movements not looking good. so it is not only the clipping that would go wrong. i will see if can make the tail a bit huttlike as Loenheart said. and the hovering thing too


Another thing that i realy hate is the step sound when the hut is walking. it needs some kind of sleeze sound, but i cant find the right one, not even discribe it.


And what about the bot support, what kind of weapons and forces should a Hutt use. and the fighting, more lightblade or other weapons and what skill level?


Thx for your feedback.

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Well, i must say that is an extremely engenuis way of doing that. GREAT JOB. Hopefully someday, somebody will be able to right a mod that use the default gla animations and skeletons and also inlcude the custom made skeleton and animations. I am currently do some anmations for jabba during our cu scene. I though about the amount of animations jabba would need to work in mp. Well, he would need to jump or weld a lightsaber. So those are TONS of animations being throwen out right there. You could probably also create a gun that just jabba uses, in place of the lightsaber.


But those are just thoughts, probably never happen. But once again GREAT JOB, I like how you did the head.

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The animations are the main reason, why the hutt looks not very huttlike as somebody said. the animation from the player models has more then 17000 frames. and i am not sure if it is even posible to use different animations for player models. and if so, there is still the problem of fair play, no saber no chance.


So i am making experiments on how to use the original skeleton for not humanlike species. the hutt was such an thing and now ive got some ideas about spidercreatures with more then two arms or legs. i just need to find such species in the Starwars universe. i think its best to stay in one universe.

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Banthas are these huge pelty elefant-goat animals, arent they?

Yeh, i lived some years under one of these and it was realy nice there, so DO NOT say anything unkind about them!


scaling makes the hutt just taller, it doesnt solve the problem of cliping and deformation by movement. or is it posible to scale just parts of the body?

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Originally posted by Duncan_10158

Banthas are these huge pelty elefant-goat animals, arent they?

Yeh, i lived some years under one of these and it was realy nice there, so DO NOT say anything unkind about them!


scaling makes the hutt just taller, it doesnt solve the problem of cliping and deformation by movement. or is it posible to scale just parts of the body?


I think it just changes the scale of the body

Meaning shorter is slimmer

And slimmer is unexceptable :(

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I think a funny twist on a Hutt character would be to make the model obviously a gag. I was thinking about this while trying to decide how the running and jumping animations would be handled by a Hutt player model. Rememeber on Shrek when Shrek and the Donkey got to the parking lot, and the attendee of the gate at Lord Farquaad's castle was standing at the marquee to get in? The guy was dressed up like Farquaad, with a really huge head on his costume, and you could see the man's "real" head inside of the costume head. I thought it would be funny to do a similar thing with a Hutt... construct a Hutt "costume" to fit around the body, but where human legs and arms would protrude from it, and have the Hutt's mouth open where you could see the person's face in it. I wish I had a drawing... it sucks the life out of it to explain it. :)


However, great work so far! :)

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I think a problem with scaling is, it dont change the proportions and that is the real thing need to be fixed. and as i saw it scales everything even the saber, it doesnt look good.


making such a costume as Dr_Lazarus said, is the main problem the poygon count. to have a face inside of the head would be funy but its to complicated and it would not been seen. its also that i try to stay in the Starwars universe.

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