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When I first started playing only a few people bowed in duels.


I took a break from the game from 1.03 - 1.04 apparently some time in between then bowing became common place.


I can't help but seeing it as sad.




I don't get it, they never did it in the movies and from what I've read samurai never did it.


Where the hell did it come from?


I've heard people say its showing respect. Just say good fight. Most people do both so whats the point?


I'm pretty sure most people do it because everyone else does and thats just plain sad, don't be lemmings.


Im posting this because I'm sick of people asking me if im going to bow.


Or people not drawing their sabers because I didn't bow.

I get tired of waiting for them to draw so I hit them and then they whine.


I recently got kicked from a server for not bowing. I simply found it annoying before but thats just lame... so I ranted.

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Well, to tell you the truth, I almost never play Jedi Knight II multiplayer, I would love to but I can never get myself to go and join a game, though recently I have been playing more.


I played in a duel game for the first time, one guy had no deaths and was kicking everyones *** (purposely censored by me, I do not wish to swear on this board) ... and, I'm not one to gloat, but, I seemed to be the biggest challenge for him (I heard him heal about six times during one duel). I'm still what you may call a 'noob', I don't use those terms however, especially for me since I have been playing this game since it's release and do not consider myself a newbie.


Eventually this is meant to lead to the main topic, right now. During these battles, when I fought him, he would deactivate his saber, crouch, look down, stand up, and... stand there. Even though I never play online I did know what he was doing (bowing). I did not bow, I was on the dark side, I simply extended my saber, and began to taunt him (yes, using the taunt function, but other stuff too like walking in circles around him and stuff).


My opinion on bowing - do it if you please, but if the other person isn't interested in bowing, you better be prepared for an attack, make the bow quick, and don't whine afterwards.


- Jedi Knight Bub :ben:

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Its unneccessary.


No such thing as a friendly fight. I want to kill the other person(virtually of course).


If your talking about not using cheap tactics, well hell I see a lot of people bow, supposidlly to suggest a friendly fight, then go right into lame/whore moves the whole game.


Some of them even talk smack after I win then bow the next game and repeat the process.

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I bow during NF duels mainly to let the other guy know I'm ready & because duels are sort of a sporting match. I usually keep my distance though, just in case.


I could care less if the other person bows or not. I actually find it refreshing to play someone who doesn't bow & attacks right away. I miss Azazel!!!


Getting kicked for not bowing is retarded! Standing there with an unlit saber when I know you're ready won't cut you any slack either. I'll do a running lunge or a downward heavy hack to wake yer ass up.


I'm with ya Tree! Even though I do bow, I think people that feel it's somehow required are lame whiny asses who need a good whoopin.

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If people want to bow, let them do so, it makes it more fun for some people.


If you want to dfa them while they bow, then fair enough its your choice if you want to make your 'fellow' players mad.


Ultimately bowing is harmless, surely you'd rather people did that than try to DFA right off the bat.


Personally, I do sort of bow. It's more of a flourish like fencers or zorro does, even if it is mainly for showmanship. It also is a perfect lead into a yellow oveerhead so anyone who tries to DFA me while bowing will wish they didn't. I havent been DFA'ed during the bow/flourish for some months now and I play far more than is healthy for anyone. If people choose not to bow to me, cool, it's their call, but it does show the players that are likely to cheap shot you if they dont do likewise.


In short don't let bowers get on your nerves and do try to remember that they probably are only trying to show a little respect even if you do think its stupid.

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Make your bows quick and if you are frequently encountering the "2 minute bow" types, then bind a key to say something like "Would you like to fight now?" He has no reasonable excuse to not fight, especially since you just asked him to, Unless he has some AFK chore to do.


If he just stands there looking at you for 2 minutes just saber his arse and ignore his insults.


TIPS: In a saber challenge I usually bow in the beggining, before/while being surrounded by the white Aura indicating a duel. This is an effective use of time when you're immobile, and they can't say you didnt pay your "respects".


Stand outside of Lunging distance when bowing, they can pull something unexpected mid-prolonged bow.


Igniting your saber is a sign of the player's wish to start, if he doesn't react then it's probably a dud of a duel.

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DFAing a bow might get you some hysterical giggles or smirking moments of self-imposed superiority, until you realize that this is JUST a game. So what if people want to have a little fun with it? IE pretending they're Jedi and/or honor-bound duelists.


I don't understand all this crotch-itch enthusiasm with getting in as many potshots as you can. Guy bows, "DFA him!". Guy turns his saber off, "Kill his ass!". For Christ's sake, you are playing a GAME with people. It is supposed to be FUN. It is not supposed to deliberately aggravate every player you encounter. You don't hit a boxer when he's down. You don't play dodge ball and peg a kid when he's tying his shoe. You just don't.


If you insist on being a stone-deaf nuisance to every person you play, then don't blame anyone for the decrease in players. YOU'RE the reason they're not playing anymore, the reason all the "n00bs" decide that JO MP is too hostile or too cheap, the reason that long-time vets think that the community's suddenly changed.


Getting back to the subject of bowing, it's definitely not any sort of critical issue, nothing deserving of the drama it's been drowned in here. Very few people I've met attack right from the outset as a duel starts. Most circle their opponent and wait for an opening, an invitation to attack. If you bow, I will too. It's such a harmless gesture. If you don't, whatever, suits me beautifully.


A word to all people that DO bow: Do it quickly and never deactivate your saber.

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Originally posted by Homosexual Ewok

If your opponent uses the pedophile Jedi model (the guy with the cheesy beard) you are required to DFA him while he bows.


Well, at least I do.

I hate that damn model, screams like a fairy too.


Better than that bloody Jedi Trainer model.

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Chaynsaw, I must say, that was one of the most beautifully articulated posts I've ever heard on this forum. And I agree 100%, couldnt have said it better.


If my opponent bows to me, I'll bow to him, it's all good. The only situation where I wont respect a bow is if they pulled a lame move on me before, like a typekill with sabre off.



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