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Force powers you would like to see/wish were in Jedi Outcast.


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I'd like force seeing to have something new. Perhaps showing the target's current health/force power, or perhaps when someone uses the scope on the disruptor, it draws a line to where they are aiming...or some X where they are aiming.


Think about it


Force Seeing:

See trip mines better (whoopie...you already see them fine)


See people through walls (Most games are so frantic and deathmatch, there's really no use to know when someones coming, because they are always everywhere)


Detect mind trick (It's only good use, but there arn't alot of people who use mind trick. You can also use push/pull to see where enemies are that are using mind trick, because that air pocket animation shows up on their hands, and also you can watch your crosshair, if it moves by itself, there's a mind tricker in front of you not too far away)


Vs all the other powers, mind trick is the weakest power.


They do need more force powers, because everything is cookie cutter now. 80% of player use push/pull, jump, and either absorb or grip.




Force Safe Fall - slows falling rate


Force Bind - if 3 Force Bind users form up a small group somewhere, they can bind their force powers together and create a "blue fireball" that hurdles towards where they are aiming, and explodes like a huge repeater secondary round. pretty much, a massive disruption of the force. (Would require teamwork of 3)


I'd like to see force push and pull having the ability to pull weapons that have dropped on the ground. (as in, when someone dies, their weapon drops, and you could pull it to you)


I'd like there to be some martial artist moves. Trick is, the one who chooses the martial artitist isn't allowed to use any weapons expect the saber and the blaster. Also, there is a 5 second delay between doing the same move again...so no kick kick kick kick kick.




Access to the butterfly and cartwheel animations





Foward kick- your basic karata kick (dmg)


Flip kick- Jump up, and pivet to your left and swing your foot across their face (dmg, plus knocks them sideways)


Body Flip- if you get knocked down, and someone is about to jump towards you (with saber or just trying to kick), you can lift your legs up to their chest, grab their shoulders, and flip them over your head to the ground behind you.


Dragon Flight- A short range lunging kick



Something more than the cookie cutter saber fight...add some interesting variety!


(If you think it's too "powerful", dont forget, they can't use ANYThING but a saber and a pistol...I'd say one repeater would totally overule all of this by power)

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They should have had live dismembering, where cutting off someone's limbs doesn't necessarily kill them.


Each limb you are missing, reduces your max HP by 20.


If you have...

one arm: The larger guns are unusable

no arms: No weapons

one leg: You get off your back at half speed, maximum speed is walking speed, jump height and kick damage are halved.

no legs: The most movement you can do is roll at .75 x walking speed.


Accompanying this would be a regeneration item that gave you all your limbs back, but doesn't recover health.

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I agree Lyger. Destruction is a poor,forgotten power. With some animating, a "destruction" could be made, where instead of the fireball a ki ball is thrown, and if the other user has that power he may be able to knock it away. Or, a force dark rage, where the user charges up and fires a powerful beam, instead of that annoying health sapping power we have currently.

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Originally posted by Revan Bakr'

I agree Lyger. Destruction is a poor,forgotten power. With some animating, a "destruction" could be made, where instead of the fireball a ki ball is thrown, and if the other user has that power he may be able to knock it away. Or, a force dark rage, where the user charges up and fires a powerful beam, instead of that annoying health sapping power we have currently.


Yea, force destruction sort of sucked in JK1, but it looked really cool in the JK1 cut-scenes, if only it was like that in-game.

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This has gotten interesting ... more than the early post-release threads of a similar vein ...


I am almost entirely SP, so that is my basis.


I was hoping for more Force Seeing / Sense. I find it hard to believe that at later levels I'd not be able to stand on one side of a door and be able to know whether I should power off my saber or say 'I have a bad feeling about this ..." I envisioned a level 1 where your Force Power bar would pulse when you sensed someone within say 20 feet or so, only in the open, and perhaps on the other side of a door. Level 2 would extend your range, allow your sense to expand through walls, and have a better feel for numbers. At level 3, you could see through walls.


The dark side power suggestions I find interesting as well ...



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Yeah, all the powers we lost from JK1 and MotS.




The "other" version of Force Seeing (that actually dispels darkness, makes a noise to give away your position, etc)


Force Farsight (not only to leave your body, but to have a legit way to stop yourself from taking falling damage if you're quick with the button)


Force Throw (I guess we have to add objects into the levels to have this one work right)


Force Projection (except make it so that the "decoy" it creates does random actions instead of just punching or I guess Stun Batoning in this case)


Force Pull (actually pull objects towards you, like in Single Player or JK1)


Force Destruction (the flaming orange beachball of doom!!!)


Force Deadly Sight (toasty!)


Man, those were fun... there'd be balancing issues sure, but that could be done.


Now you're right, if we're talking SP here, then no balance is needed.


I'd love to see Force Speed as fast as it was in JK1 (you could accomplish this in part by speeding up the movement in general) with the ability to speed over mines, again like in JK1. Those mines rocked too.



And I say if your arms are both cut off, you have to use up force mana to levitate your gun/saber in front of you. ; )


Or maybe you could have an engineer class, who can build bionic limbs!

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i wanna be able to do what Obi-wan does in AoTC! I was really surprised when he blocked Tyranus's lightning with his saber! Why can't we do that? And what about in ESB when Vader puts his hand up and blocks Han's laser bolts! And why cant we have a MP lvl where theres a bunch of R2 D2's shootings sabers in the air and if you catch one you can use it!!!! (ok maybe not...)

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