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By the power of Greyskull...

Havoc Stryphe

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Did anyone else catch the new animated movie on Cartoon Network, He-man Masters of the Universe, over the weekend? If you didn't, then keep a sharp eye out on Cartoon Network, I'm sure they'll re-air it.


Let me say firstly, for those of us who remember the original cartoon series He-man, the movie does not change, as far as my memory goes, any details of Characters, origins, histories or the like! The movie starts with at the original square off between keldor and his evil minions against the King of Eternia, Man-at-arms and the Sorceress, where Keldor is defeated, but not before an acid he threw at the king was deflected back at his face, melting his flesh and turning him into Skeletor. Keldor and his minions are banished to snake mountain behind a magic wall constructed by the sorceress who then says that Eternia is safe for a time but when evil arises again, so will a new hero to combat it for all of Eternia.


It then skips ahead some years and we are introduced to Prince Adam and Teela. Skeletor manages to destroy the magic wall and Evil is released upon Eternia and Skeletor captures the King. Prince Adam is summoned by the Sorceress via Man-at-arms to castle Greyskull. The rest is, as they say, He-man history.


Now, having gone over the premise, let me say that the new artwork is fantastic! I was in awe with the battle sequences, which were very fast paced and acrobatic, and the music was just perfect. Now granted this was the movie that leads into the new series, so the series will undoubtedly be a little less extravagant than the movie, but even so it should be awesome as well! Even seeing my characters of old being redone a new was wonderful. They were still very much like their old selves. Apart from new hair styles and minor voice differences Prince Adam, He-Man, Teela, Man-at-arms, Mega-neck, Ram-man, Orco, Cringer, Battlecat, The Sorceress, Skeletor, Panthor, Cyclops and the others are easily recognizable, but at the same time fresh and updated. Orco is probably the worse looking update, it's a far cry from his old outfit, but nevertheless it doesn't look horrible, just a little different.


As I said above, the music was awesome. The scene where Prince Adam lifts the sword for the first time in Castle Greyskull under the guidance of The Sorceress, and says those unforgettable words "By the power of Greyskull...I have the POWER!", may hairs stood on end and I was completely in awe. The music enhanced that scene so much, and beings I am a fan of old, the scene was already in high anticipation.


The movie, with commercials, was only 1 hour and 25 minutes. So it's just a glorified, lengthened first episode, but even so, I was greatly entertained, and was not in the least disappointed in the new adaptation of one of my favorite Childhood cartoons. I highly recommend it to anybody, especially first time He-man viewers. The show seamlessly blends Technology, Medieval, and magic with a great major plotline and sprinkles it with unforgettable characters and high moral standards. Oh and to Rhett and Homer, since I know you liked the original, I suggest you do whatever it takes to see this movie and subsequent series! You won't be disappointed;)


Overall, on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the greatest and 1 being the worst. I give He-Man, Masters of the Universe a 9! Now go out and watch it! :D

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I caught it the first time it aired quite by accident....I was speed clicking (hitting the channel up button as fast as i could) and it landed on Cartoon Network just as it was starting...I watched the whole thing and was mightly impressed. The characters have been updated for modern styles, etc., but other than that it was very faithful to the original cartoon!! Two thumbs up!! :thumbs1:

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

The characters have been updated for modern styles, etc., but other than that it was very faithful to the original cartoon!! Two thumbs up!! :thumbs1:


Spot on! It was really refreshing to see the characters in a new, updated and modern design, yet they still inhabited the overall look of yester-year. :D


I'm curious of how many others actually remember the original series? :p

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remember? heck...I remember having the toy battle armor...I could put it on, it had he-mans sword and everything...it was so frickin' cool. My Dad built a fort for myself and my brother in our backyard and we'd go out there and play He-man for hours! It was so much fun!!


I also saw that cartoon network is rerunning the old GI Joe series as well, so keep an eye out for that one!

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Originally posted by krkode

any of you ever heard of She-Woman?


Don't you mean, She-ra princess of power? :p


Women have to go and pervert and twist everything that is good. :rolleyes:





Rogue Nine, that is soooo cool about your teacher! Did he talk like Skeletor alot in the classroom? :D


Yeah Homer, I too had the wonderful toys and sword! I remember draining hours of playtime into my Castle Greyskull playset! :D

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