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Indiana Jones Questions....

The Adventurer

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I'm thinking about writing a fan Fic that involves Indian Jones and I was wondering if something has been established. At the end of LAst Crusade Indy drank from the cup of Christ. Does this mean he's going to unnauraly long life? Like the Crusader who was protecting it? If this is the case whould it be understandable that Indy whould still be around in the 90s? And if so whould he still be in good phyicical condition? Just wondering if this has been explained anywhere.

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Hey there,


well im a huge fan of Indiana Jones and read novels etc etc and well lets just say i know about the character etc.


In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Indy did indeed drink holy water from the grail, the water had as well as healing powers also the gift of immortality. HOWEVER the immortality only lasts if ye do NOT pass the great SEAL. The great seal was this round ground rock thingie at the entrance of the cave (where Elsa eventually walks over with the grail and the whole temple collapses).


The three crusaders who brought the grail to the temple also drank from the holy water. One knight stayed at the temple to protect the grail. Two of the three knights left the temple but died eventually, after leaving some clues to the whereabouts of the grail. (note: most of this is of course lucas fiction ;))


So no, indy is not immortal because he passed the great seal. The whole temple also collapsed because the grail was taken beyond the great seal.


hope that cleared stuff up for you. looking forward to your fan fic. Drop by TheRaider.net and its very active forum The Raven and post about it there too, im sure people are interested. There are also cool interviews up on the site and even more of them coming soon. Just these two weeks the 2 part Drew Struzan interview is up. Drew is the artist of the indy posters, some starwars posters and the indy novels, among others.


feel free to ask more when you need to know more :)

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Well that sucks, my fiction almost entirly depended on Indy being around in the 90s as I intended to do this big Lucaverse crossover.


But wait, I though the CUP couldn't cross the seal. Why whould the long life part stop? The other Knights lived to an "Extream" old age before dieing even beyond the seal. Perhaps Indy will infact live an aditional 100 or so years before secuming to old age as the Knight did. I guess as its not esstablished that well I can just claim it to be true....

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There was much debate about the seal, grail and immortality in the old LucasFans forum. And I don't think it was ever settled.


But I just remembered one thing: The Adventures Of Young Indiana Jones!


You know, the TV series. I haven't watched it so often, but I remember that the old Indy (witch a walking stick and an eye patch) was seen telling his stories in a museum. I don't know whether one can guess the year when that is supposed to happen, though.

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that was indeed supposed to be in the early 90s i think


the grail was not ALLOWED to be carried beyond the seal, if it was, the temple collapsed etc..


The two other knights indeed lived an extreme long life. Of course 80 years wasn't so common at all anyway in those years that the 2 knights lived. So people didn't grow as old as now. So the knights lived a 100 years or so? I wouldn't know. But I guess that makes Indy live a healthy life too, definitly not immortal.


You should ask what people at the raven think, its been debated many times..

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The knights that died of old age spent a few hundred years with the third one within the seal guarding the grail. Then they eventually thought to leave to tell everyone the grail was safe. As for Indy's age, I'd say he was born between 1895-1900.

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Originally posted by Meksilon

How Insightful.




He does. Honest. I'm not trying to grab attention or anything, or just type stuff because I'm bored.


I never mentioned what he sucks, or indeed sucked at one point in his life, because I would assume that you all have imaginations.

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