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((((Inside DSS MIND))))

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Originally posted by Dark Sad Shadow

another point, some newbies, want to get more post. and i think thats because, they think they are the lowest rank in the forum :(


I once saw this as a thread from a newbie at miximojo:




heheh...i need aspirin...

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Originally posted by Dark Sad Shadow


i remember the old fights with the posts " yay i got X number of post"


and the stupid lamme of "i want my helmet with glasses"


cough cough HELIX cough cough


Lol, I remember :rolleyes: that was...really lame...


And Helix was annoying as he...ck with his visor obsession. :p


Also annoying are people who come here for stupid reasons (mostly to spam) and just never "get it"...and never try to.


We really should make a "How not to piss everyone off" guide.

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When i first came to these forums I posed some silly topic thinking that you were serious and would get mad.


I went back to EscapeMI forgetting completely about the whole think until redWing hunted me down adn told me off :p.


I had no idea who Heshe was and then i finally came back here :D

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Originally posted by Kjølen

When i first came to these forums I posed some silly topic thinking that you were serious and would get mad.


I went back to EscapeMI forgetting completely about the whole think until redWing hunted me down adn told me off :p.


I had no idea who Heshe was and then i finally came back here :D




*throttles you*

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may i say that the guys that came from the swamp already had this feeliong that these forums were the same as the swamp... but i think it is wrong to think like that... you must behave the first couple of days/weeks you are here... i mean.. the first time i set my foot in this door way i got welcomed by redwing to leave my sanity at the door and i came to understand that there were more people new back then (devil Doll) and we had a blast of a time.... well.... Helix messed up a whole lot.. but he got punished for it......


like Austin Powers always sais:


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well no offcourse not,... but im the mod of the SWGalaxies.net forums and there i posted a set of ground rules for people to keep on... and im not a hard case or something like that.. i dont reprimand people fast and all.... but i do know they keep by them

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