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What's the strangest thing you got voted off/kicked for?

Luc Solar

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I got kicked for winning too much... i just laughed out loud and then went in again later. they were still all there, i just changed my name and whoopped em again, only this time they didnt kick me i just played till they all individually left the server... that was sweet revenge!

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Alas Shock, it was a couple of months ago, I'm sure it was a US server, but I can't remember which one.


I haven't actually played in a week to get kicked - I'm waiting for the ProMod to come out, that and I can't get any damn server lists in game! (OT - anyone else having that problem?)


In reverence to our erstwhile Jedi wannabees, I now used these nics sometimes...


LiffIz TuShoort

or WyAm IHeer

or Spoti Tean-Aager

or Massturb A'ting Saddo


my all time fave is


NoLiff Wootsu'Eva



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Nothing comes to my mind about me being vote-kicked off as I only play on my clan's server. (mostly because the other people who play this game and come onto our server scare me)


However I have an interesting tale to share about my currently least favorite clan, HK. I was on the BF server playing as usual and a number of HK's were on. As usual unfortunatly the teams became onsided so the next match we found most of HK on the other team, as more of them joined. People dropped and somewhere along the way HK realized they almost owned red. More people dropped from red and HK started to collect their players on red with a purpose now. Soon all but one player was on red who was not HK, his name was Chuck or something and I feel very very sorry for this poor individual.


They told him to leave, but I knew he probaly didn't see it or care. He struck me as a deacent enough fellow who just wanted to play the game. An Average player, not the hardcore type who competes or understands the social workings ingame. Others might dare to call him a new player, but to me he's just someone trying to play and have fun.


In short when he did not leave red or acknowledge their words, they attempted to vote kick him off. The first vote failed 5-3, but they were persistant and the second or third succeeded. In short for doing nothing but playing the game on the red team when HK wanted to take over a public server, BF's own server; he was kicked.


Had I admin those few days ago I would of either kicked the lot of HK from our server, or with the new admin mod on the server placed the lot of them into a humiliating place of constant sleep (being grounded unable to move) without a second thought to the consequences that would be forthcomming from my clan leader. (as we have a match against this very clan on sunday)


However, there is now another story of kicking to be told as said clan's leader banned one of our own members from our own server after he incorrectly entered admin once. While this member of ours, through research of the server log, was unjustified in his attempt to invoke his powers of admin and kick someone; banning a member of BF from their own bloody server, and then commanderring it and changing the password borders on illegal since it is BF_Hoby's property.


A few weeks ago the word was spread in BF about this and I abstained and did not think much of it, dispite the rage of my fellows. Then I witnessed the first story I told and I felt physically sickened by their behavior, and now find myself telling the story (and clan bashing) of one poor man named Chuck who earned the temporary wrath of HK simply because he was an inconvience. While speaking ill of HK is not something I'm entirely thrilled about doing, I can take some comfort in knowing they deserve it as they tried to kick the only member of HK who abstained from joining red to further imbalance the pub and voiced over teamchat his displeasure at their behavior. Not even to their own fellows do they show mercy when their pleasure is intterupted, so while I feel bad about speaking ill of them, they're the worst sort in the bloody game and I (and many others in my clan) will probally press the vote to ban the lot of them from our server after our match with them.


There's a story on kicking gone awry, sorry if it's a long one.

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Hrm, lets see...


-Banned for flawlessing an admin in a duel fair and square (where is my STFUN00b.swf when you need it).


-Kicked for nailing a pissy admin off a ledge when he tried blue spamming me.


-Kicked for walking into an FFA full of spammers and walking out with many corpses


This doesn't count my counter-strike bannings. I think the STFUN00B.swf is needed for those reasons.

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yeah.. pal, that was good story.. wish i was there to put them in their places. soon more bf will have the subadmin password to help elivate the problem.. flash, just needs to pick who should have it and not.


as for that hk guy that either got kicked by his clansmen or at least voted to be kicked. that is about the most immature thing i have heard. (almost).


i have heard that guy has either quit hk or they let him go. i would think he quit after see'n how immature his clan is.


anyways.. as for me:


last time i got kicked was on tribes2.. i play HO and base rape all the time. was on base++ server with 7vs7.. i was base rap'n.. but only out of habbit. they voted to kick me and i said sorry i was used to 7 man base rape.. ill stop.. but still they had their votes in and i went bye bye. ya think they would have asked me to stop first.. oh well.


anyways.. i of course do not have this problem being kicked in jk2, as like pal, i do not play on any other server but ours unless its a match game on a different server.


anyways.. even when hk-sharpsux had the rcon pw he couldnt kick me because I RULE on our server :)

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my story is anyone who's ever played me knows that i'm very good at this game with just jump and saber only i hate force. but on my server i took 4 matches in a row (not wins mathces) and everyone started trying to vote me out of my own server, but they felt stupid since i don't allow voting on my server and the message pops up saying voting is not allowed. or ppl be saying "HE CHEATS KICK HIM" stupid nOOb's this is the ONLY reason y i prefer to play clans instead of nOObs

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Originally posted by BF_Hoby

anyways.. as for me:

last time i got kicked was on tribes2.. i play HO and base rape all the time. was on base++ server with 7vs7.. i was base rap'n.. but only out of habbit. they voted to kick me and i said sorry i was used to 7 man base rape.. ill stop.. but still they had their votes in and i went bye bye. ya think they would have asked me to stop first.. oh well.

Anyways.. i of course do not have this problem being kicked in jk2, as like pal, i do not play on any other server but ours unless its a match game on a different server.

anyways.. even when hk-sharpsux had the rcon pw he couldnt kick me because I RULE on our server :)


Oh my gosh....Hoby....? Are you allright? Seriously man, I'm worried...you didn't say "n00b"! Not even ONCE in the entire post?! OMG-OMFG-OMFG&JC! :eek: :eek: :confused:


Hope you'll get well soon ...

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Originally posted by Luc Solar


Oh my gosh....Hoby....? Are you allright? Seriously man, I'm worried...you didn't say "n00b"! Not even ONCE in the entire post?! OMG-OMFG-OMFG&JC! :eek: :eek: :confused:


Hope you'll get well soon ...


yeah.. was only doing that in the thread that flamed my clansmen for doing legal moves on our server.. :)

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I got kicked off of the battlefield JK++ server twice because the admin was team killing people, and chat killing people. I told him to stop, then he slapped, muted, then kicked me off the server.


I heard it was because you're a newb and you also use cogs frequently JBF doesn't stand for that sorry.

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Yeah, that's pretty lame. The worst one is always "for winning" but the "not bowing" was pretty darn stupid as well. I got kicked a lot back in the JK/MotS days for winning, or being accused of cheating just because I killed somebody with the same move more than once.


A couple of other times it happened where the admin would just cuss me out for no reason, and if I tried to argue, boom, kicked. Now when that happens, I just leave on my own, no need to waste my time...


I respect an admins right to run their own show, but really, can some of these guys even TRY to avoid being an a$$ about it?

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I respect an admins right to run their own show, but really, can some of these guys even TRY to avoid being an a$$ about it?

Sounds like my view on this place :( some of the admins here are actually alright, but others just listen to people cry because they can't take a joke or decipher when someone is being serious or not serious.

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I once joined SO/NF server with like 5 people or so playing. Then when it's my turn I mow them all down in like a minute and win the map. Next map; I do it again. Now many people leave and it's just me and some guy called Micht_dem_lightsveart (or whatever, this was was in 1.03) I completely (for lack of a better word) owned his arze. Suddenly he just starts talking crap about how much I cheat and spam blue style and assfight (was using yellow so lol to that)


Then after a few others join the server, he suddenly tells me to go f*** myself and kicks me. I just stare at my screen for a few secs trying to figure out what the hell happened (hadn't gotten kicked before) I join the server again and after I fight him once and beat him, guess what! I get kicked. I just keep joining and getting kicked now and people start defending me.


Not he gets really pissed and starts kicking everyone defending me (like 4 or 5 people). Most of them just keep rejoining and get kicked again. Then we all rename to his name and start throwing dirt at him :)


He apparently had enough and left after kicking everyone like 20 times (me like 30 times). We all had a really good time after that and laughed our pretty little heads off. I never saw him again :D


Sorry for that long story there... couldn't help it...

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This is why nonclan servers are much more fun; where people aren't united on a single purpose like... "kick the current newbie out of our uberleet server!"


In a nonclan server people aren't regulars; they are trying to have fun, and most likely won't give a darn about whats going on around them. Oh sure, some trouble makers would start a vote, but as said the nonchalant people would dismiss it.


Besides, what self respecting clan would want to take over a server named "Bantha Poodu"?

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Not he gets really pissed and starts kicking everyone defending me (like 4 or 5 people). Most of them just keep rejoining and get kicked again. Then we all rename to his name and start throwing dirt at him


He apparently had enough and left after kicking everyone like 20 times (me like 30 times). We all had a really good time after that and laughed our pretty little heads off. I never saw him again


Sorry for that long story there... couldn't help it...


So, you're saying it's ok to be an @$$ when an admin doesn't like the way you're behaving?

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Well I represent the kickers here.


I kick people for the following reasons:-


Boring play:- one move wonders really get oon my nerves


Offensive names:- speaks for itself.


Needless swearing:- as above


Attacking bowers:-


Attacking Typers, unless its accidental.


Excessive running away.


Arrogance:- nobody likes an arrogant player.


Players that change gametype the moment they get to play. (bloody annoying!)


Timewasters or people taht ask HP? all the flaming time.

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lol razorrace. Try reading my post again. It was not because he didn't like the way I was behaving. It was because I was just so much better than him that he couldn't take it. I wasn't kicking, spamming, doing anything that could justify it. I was just that much better than him. Hell, everyone was better than him, he was just kicklaming to win.


So I wasn't being the @$$. The admin was.

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I joined a FFA FF Sabers game, level was Bespin Streets. The host had Force Lighting disabled (I don't blame him). However, in the pad area, where the missle launcher usually is, people are pushing and gripping each other off the edge. None of them didn't even bother swinging at each other, I was literally stunned.


After getting pushed off a few times, I decided to get smart and change my dark side powers to light side and use Asorb. Before I thought of this, someone else in the game already had Asorb on. The host was THEE person doing the most gripping and pushing then anybody.


He tries gripping me, and he realizes that I have Asorb now, so he tries killing me off with the saber, I killed him a couple, and he killed me a couple. Btw there were about like 10 people in this game, everyone slashing at each other and gripping and pushing while I had my nice Asorb on (I usually don't use Jedi powers, but in this occassion I just had to do it).


Then.....after I started to kick his butt, and how he couldn't grip me or this other person. He decides to restart (not the whole game, but the session), so I see the count down, at the time I had no idea why it was doing that. I thought maybe to reset all the kills.


I go into my Player options, to reconfigure my force powers again, and guess what? I see Asorb disabled!!! I was so ticked off, the Host was just a total sore looser. I forgot his name, but I don't think it's appropiate to put it on the forums, so I won't (he ain't worth the breath to even say his name). So I say how dishonorable he is and blah blah blah, then I leave.


Luckily, this is one of the FEW times I've bumped into a annoying host.

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