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500 ways you know you are a newb

Twins of Doom

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180: You make fun of Danish people even though you are from Sweden yourself!


(It's like...a headless guy laughing at a blind man for bumping into a wall...Oh, the irony! :D )



181: You start every duel with telling your opponent: "No backstab, no throwing, no kicks, no pull, no uppercut, no fast stance, no DFA'ing, no lightning, no hitting after saber locks, no drain....ok?


182: You take it personally whenever someone beats you and start taunting him with "n00b-this, n00b that" for the rest of the game.


183: If you manage to kill the "n00b in 182", you put out your saber, find a dark corner and start typing an essay about how he sucks big time and got totally owned by your l337 skills...gloating over the victory.


184: If someone finds you typing saber down in the dark corner and kills you and messes up the essay you were wrinting, you go into a horrible state of mind: The Newbie Rage.

The Nebwie Rage might last for hours untill you suddenly start weeping uncontrollably like a little baby and disconnect. :rolleyes:

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190. You post a reply to a thread and click "New Thread" instead of "Post Reply" and end up with a totally meaningless thread in the middle of the Multiplayer Strategy forum. (for an example, click here: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=77400)


191. You start a "500 ways ..." thread instead of a more manageble "250 ways ..." as a beta test (will we *ever* get there!?)



By the Way! I made "Sith Probe Droid!" Whooohooo! Battle Droid is just a step away. Maybe by the time JK3 comes out, I'll be able to create my own description/moniker!



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201. You obsess over someone for calling you a newbie on a forum


202. You think people can't spell when they say 'Newby' instead of 'Newbie'


203. You ask how to 'GO REAL FAST' and dont understand why when u are back in windows after taking his advice of 'alt-f4 :)'


204. Your a mod on this forum and threaten to ban someone because you think they are trying to impersonate you just because they use the name spy


205. You want to become a mod on this forum because you think u will get alot of respect

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

206. You start testing Promod with 8 bots. Suddenly you decide that it would be much cooler to duel, so you switch the game type, set wins to 5, lose the first round and end up stuck in "spectator mode" for half an hour trying desperately to kick the bots :D




HAHA!! That is some funny Sh!t!!



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207: Every duel you lose is because you lagged


208: You think because you own at Duels you are the greatest Jedi ever! Even if you struggle for points in every FFA and CTF you play.


209: You complain that sniping is cheating


210: You are more dangerous to yourself then you are to others when armed with a missle launcher


211: You are making an american idol skin pack for JKII

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212: In a cheat-enabled server, you lag the game by spawning 5000 stormtroopers.

213: You keep trying to do the heavy jump attack over and over even though the other guy obviously knows what you're doing because he just killed you.

214: You make a crappy-looking skin and make everyone on your server have to download it.

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Originally posted by Beefotron X

219: When you are an admin, you disable any force power that successfully kills you, or counters your own spamming of an attack.



220: When you are an admin, you disable any weapon that successfully kills you, or counters your own spamming of an attack.


221: When you are an admin, you threaten to kick anyone who successfully counters your own spamming using a force power or weapon unless he quits using said force power or weapon.

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