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The Dark Forces MOD now hosted at JediKnightII.net!


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It is now official! The Dark Forces MOD for Jedi Knight II, which has been gone for nearly a month is now back up on JediKnightII.net! The website may not have been around, but the work has not stopped.


Head over to http://darkforces.jediknightii.net for an extensive update on what's been going on and feel free to browse round the site!




The One - Webmaster

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Originally posted by JEDI OUTCAST

nice have to wait a year to get a mod. very sad.:( make a date to 2002 will ya.


*Sigh* A demo will be available late September/early October - also, believe it or not, in the FAQ. I wish people would read...

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Characters appearing in Dark Forces include Kyle, Jan, Mon Mothma, Vader, Crix Madine, General Mohc (head of the Darktrooper project), Moff Rebus (a weapons designer you have to capture), Jabba the Hutt (by hologram), and Boba Fett. I think that's it (except for generic bad guy AI), but I might have missed someone.

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Cogs? Good grief; JO doesn't even USE cogs. Neither did Dark Forces. COG was a language written for the Jedi Knight 1 engine. It was used in JK1, MotS, and Indianna Jones and the Infernal Machine. That's IT.


There are no cog files in Jedi Outcast. If someone wrote a cog file for Jedi Outcast, it would not work.



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