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Hmmm... with the annoucement of a new LucasArts 'Sam and Max' game I'm starting to think that the idea of a new X-Wing game may not be so outlandish or impossable anymore.


OK, back to the secondary topic...

As long as we're harvesting him for parts... all I need is Niner's fingerprints and enough samples of DNA in the form of hair, skin flakes, and bodily-fluids (blood, saliva, etc...) to scatter around, oh I don't know,.. say, a crime scene in a medium-sized federal bank.



Don't ask... :confused:



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Originally posted by edlib

all I need is Niner's fingerprints and enough samples of DNA in the form of hair, skin flakes, and bodily-fluids (blood, saliva, etc...) to scatter around, oh I don't know,.. say, a crime scene in a medium-sized federal bank.




Most people don't leave a drool-trail when they're robbing banks. :bored:


Plus, y'know, bank robberies are so done. :roleyess:

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