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REAL thermal detonators

Dark Cloak

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I was wondering if there was a way to take the disintegration effects of the disruptor rifle, and put them into the effects of the thermal detonator explosion. So, in other words, when the detonator exploded, instead of a little shockwave and explosion, it'd be like a bright flash and all the bodies within splash damage radius would disintegrate. ;) I'm working on it, but I can't really figure out...how to go about doing this. I'm just more playing around with the efx files than anything...any clues?

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*grins and nods* Well, I guess that's kinda the idea, yep. I dunno. I just think that a "thermal detonator" should work like one...you know, be able to take out four city blocks of whatever structure you're in (well, not in JK2) but like...kill more than one enemy, and just turn them to dust. ;) I still can't figure it out...even after working on it even MORE.

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Standard thermal detonators should be able to vaporize all organic material within a 5 meter radius. Anything outside this radius is completely unharmed.


What's wierd about JO, is that the Imperial thermals are cylinders, not spheres!

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Originally posted by Dark Cloak

I was wondering if there was a way to take the disintegration effects of the disruptor rifle, and put them into the effects of the thermal detonator explosion. So, in other words, when the detonator exploded, instead of a little shockwave and explosion, it'd be like a bright flash and all the bodies within splash damage radius would disintegrate. ;) I'm working on it, but I can't really figure out...how to go about doing this. I'm just more playing around with the efx files than anything...any clues?


It's possible.... take a look in the disruptor section for a flag called EF_DISINTEGRATION.


BTW, would you mind if I used this for my mod? It's not going to be for the thermal detonator....

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Well the thermals are a prime example of my beef with teh guns.

They arnt dangerous enough. They are far weaker than a low-tech frag grenade is today.


yeh and the Jabba's throne room thing is a good point. The way they are in JO isnt a flaw in the Star Wars universe but in Raven's presentation of it.

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you can alter the weapons to have different effects. I'm not sure where it is located, but someone did change it so that disruptors disintegrate on contact with regular fire...also made it so that lightsabers disintigrate on contact.


I'm sure it'd be no problem to make thermal detonators disintigrate on contact, it's merely a matter of changing the way it damages the character.

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Originally posted by Emon

My guess would be game balance.


However, balance means jack in SP.


Bah! in mp they would only have had to nerf them a little if at all.

Just make them (A) hard to get (B) low ammocount.

© balance their damage, dont make them Uber weapons I would just

like to see people die if you score a direct hit.

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