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What new scenes would you like to see in the O.T.?


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Just wondering what you guys and gals would think would be some good scenes to add to the O.T. I personaly would like to see in episode IV a scene of the imperial senate being dispersed by the emperor since the senate is seen so much in the prequals. This would be a nice tie in to the scene were admiral tells the imperial council on the deathstar he just recieved would from the emperor that the senate has been dispersed. What do you all think?

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The emperor hologram scene in ESB would definately have to be redone with the proper hologram. Maybe while the conversation between vader and the emperor they would show the conversation also from the view of the emperor and will also see a hologram of vader and vice versa.


I know this isnt a new scene but one thing that definately needs to be fixed is the lightsabers specificaly in a new hope. They barely look like sabers compared to all the other movies.

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when i first saw star wars i didn't think anything of jedi knights. I thought there weapons kinda sucked and that blasters where the greatest. once episode 1 and 2 came out jedis are awsome. I think its cause in the orignal trilogy the fights sucked no flips, and aggresive swing, and barely no lazer blocking. I think they should of a long time ago redo the saber fights. Exspecial the one in anh that sucked.

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Yeah the lightsaber fight in a new hope sucks ass. In every movie I have looked foward to the lightsaber battles and that one just plains sucks. All there is, is poking and jabbing. I dont care if there old or not. In empire vader sure moves around and swings that saber pretty good compared to a new hope. And the thing thats gonna make the saber fight suck even more in a new hope is after seeing this great saber battle anakin and obiwan will have. Just think if you never saw the old trilogy and watch it starting from episode 1. You'll see this awesome fight between anakin and obiwan and episode 3 then you'll see obiwan starting his duel with vader in episode 4 your all excited like yeah pay back time and before you know it its over and the fighting sucked ass and you can hardly believe these are the same charectars that in the last chapter had this incredibaly awesome saber battle and were able to do all these wild moves. So I feel sorry for the next generation of starwars fans cause they will see the movies in order and definately be very dissapointed with that saber battle. As for as the saber fights in episode 5 and 6 they were good but in a different way. They were more of an intriguing emotional way not fancy swings so I think those ones balance out ok.

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I think they should finish the scene on Tatooine where Luke is Talking to Biggs about joining the academy and Biggs is about to leave and Luke is bummed cause he doesnt get to go. Biggs tells him hes "never gonna get out of here." They shot part of that scene but gave up on it I dont know why It would have been a great scene. I think it takes place at Toshi station or something.

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OK, we all know that the jedi fight sceens in ANH pale in comparison to the ones of the new movies. :rolleyes: Not a new discussion.


You need to realize why this is.......most of the jedi were wiped out along with the Republic. The two surviving jedi went to isolation far away from anyone or anything for fear of being discovered and killed.


There was no opportunity for them to work on their lightsaber skills, no Republic to serve, they were just trying to survive. And hopefully one day pass along their knowledge of the force.


The fights are good in ep V and VI :)



Just to get on topic, I'd like to see a little more tie in with ep III.....not sure how this will be done, I just think it will need to happen :cool:

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well what i want to see wont happen but i want the whole trilogy Eps 4-6 redone in CGI so they will be beilevably the sequal to the new ones. when you look at the preqauls you see beautiful scenery and awsome combat parts the story and depth to the old trilogy is cinema masterpiece awsomely cool stuff but it looks like ****

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Well I don't think they should redo the entire OT with CGI, that'd be too much of a shame.


It would be nice to replace the ESB Emperor with Ian McDarmid indeed, I heard rumors this is actually being considered. (Vague rumors that is.)

Als nice would be to redo the color and glow of the ANH lightsabers in some scenes.


But in ANH, the duel between Vader and Obi-Wan seems rather dull and not very impressive but I read an in depth analyses of it on a site by martial arts swords practicioners and there it shows the ANH duel is actually one of the most skilled ones in all of the movies.

It really lays out well, move per move which are the influences and shows how in that duel Obi-Wan and Vader are using pure tactics and skills to fight each other. (No longer possessing speed and agility due to their age.) Their stances are very powerful and almost perfect, Obi-Wan's is a very tight defensive stance that is almost impossible to penetrate. If Vader would have done a flashy move, Obi-Wan would have easily gutted him.

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I definately think it would be interesting to see some of the backrounds redone with cgi. Also especially the pilot screen in the x-wings should be redone with cgi to make it match a little better with these movies. Hell if it was up to me I would redo alot of the backround material with cgi and when I released the movies on dvd 1 dvd would be the new cgi version, the 2nd dvd would have to be the very original versions of the movies and the 3rd disc would be all the extras. Hell I'd give up $30.00- $40.00 per a movie if they did something like this cause I know its something I will always have to watch.

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Luke makes his saber in Shadows of the Empire which is before ROTJ.


To all of you who said that Obi and Vader didnt fight fast and strong in ep4 beacause they were old and didnt practice for a while that is BS to me. 3 words, Yoda Ep 2! Hes freakin 900 years old and makes Jackie Chan look like a Hutt! And of course they would practice their saber skills during the Dark times. They gotta stay ready and prepared for when the time comes that they have to fight again. Especially Ben. He knew hed face Vader again and was gonna train Luke to be a Jedi some day. Hes gotta have his **** down before he can be a teacher again and take on the Dark Lord. And Vader was never sure that all the Jedi were gone. How could you be? Yoda and Ben just disapeared and theres always gonna be someone whos born strong with the Force who could be a threat. The Emperor always wanted to be prepared. Besides what if you gotta fight a whole buncha guys with blasters? You gotta be fast!

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Ckcsaber, building your own saber is critically important in the jedi training. ;)


Darkjedinut, you must realize that Yoda in ep II was fighting in the prime of the jedi. When the jedi had numbers in the thousands, when there was still a jedi council and when the Republic still existed.


You say that they practiced during the rule of the galactic empire......with who or what??? They were just trying to survive the empire. Did Yoda's skills ever diminish??? We'll never know because he didn't fight in the OT, he just used his powers of the force (which, obviously he was very strong in). Did Obi-Wan's??? Without a doubt they did, that's just a natural thing when you get older as a human. We just don't know how age effects Yoda's species.


I'd say Obi-Wan had his stuff down before training Luke to become a jedi (ep I and II prove that to me).

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Originally posted by DarkJediNut

I think they should finish the scene on Tatooine where Luke is Talking to Biggs about joining the academy and Biggs is about to leave and Luke is bummed cause he doesnt get to go. Biggs tells him hes "never gonna get out of here." They shot part of that scene but gave up on it I dont know why It would have been a great scene. I think it takes place at Toshi station or something.

Yeah, I also think they should put this in the movie. If they could put them all gathered outside with Luke pointing out the Star Destroyer and Blockade Runner out to them, that'd be cool too.


Maybe they should add a brief part to RotJ, shortly after Jabba's Sail Barge blows up. If could show some beams of energy firing up into the sky and then cut to the Sarlaac pit where the Sarlaac would start disintegrating. Then Boba Fett would scramble out of the pit. :)


Nah... that would end the debate and we couldn't have that...



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Leemu Taos, anyone can practice saber techniques on theyre own. Now Obi, Yoda, and Vader didnt have anyone to practice agaisnt so any regular persons skills would diminish. But these guys had the Force and you can retain and remember things much better with the Force can you not? And remember that Yoda had a cane throughout the entire saga and sometimes used a hover chair. His age had gotten to his normal physical abilities. When he fought Dooku he entirely used the Force and not his normal physical strength which he hardly had at all. He was tired and had to lean on his cane after the fight. Ben is like in his 60s in ep4 and can walk and move gracefully with out any assistance from the force.

But you are right in that their saber skills would diminish after 20 years of not fighting anyone. George might clear this up when he again enhances the OT. He might say something about it. But ya I totally see that what you say might be the truth. We shall see.


And Kryllith I like the idea of Boba firing his way out of the Sarlac. Even though that was in EU George might have already thought of it.

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