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Niner's B-Day!!

Psycho Tycho

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Today, Niner has turned 18, with many benefits now.


1. Legal to drink.

2. Legal to buy pr0n.

3. Legal to do stuff.

4. Legal to eat cheese.

5. Legal to bring ME anywhere.


Happy B-Day Niner! =) You are certainly now the center of the boards. And to neverending great tradition, You have to pay.


"Beers and spam on Niner!!


From your favorite and somuchbetterthanj00ineverything cousin,


-Tych o_O^yippy!

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Happy Birthday Niner!


My 18th is tomorrow. (It would be now, but I'm not in my native time zone)


18 is the legal age to drink in several countries. Go somewhere else if yours isn't. :D



It's my birthday in forum time, so what the heck.



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What?!? ANOTHER birthday???


This has got to stop!


18, eh? Hmmm... That reminds me of a song...


"Lines form on my face and hands

Lines form from the ups and downs

I'm in the middle without any plans

I'm a boy and I'm a man


I'm eighteen

and I don't know what I want


I just don't know what I want


I gotta get away

I gotta get out of this place

I'll go runnin in outer space

Oh yeah


I got a baby's brain and an old man's heart

Took eighteen years to get this far

Don't always know what I'm talkin' about

Feels like I'm livin in the middle of doubt


Cause I'm



I get confused every day


I just don't know what to say


I gotta get away


Lines form on my face and my hands

Lines form on the left and right

I'm in the middle

the middle of life

I'm a boy and I'm a man

I'm eighteen and I LIKE IT

Yes I like it

Oh I like it

Love it

Like it

Love it




Eighteen and I LIKE IT"

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