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W.I.P. - sw aotc MOD

Bob Gnarly

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well there are 2 other teams working on this type of mod ( star wars: attack of the clones) BUT! where the only ones (i know of) THAT have softimage and we also have a team of VERY smart people working on NEW moves for the mod. now, JediMod just unlocked already in-game moves but we will have ALL NEW moves like yoda jumping in a flip while sliceing his saber around.....or a saber and force moves....like slicing with your saber and also shooting lightning to cover your back. We have most of our MOD done and the skins (im working on) are all done, but we also have New Models of Old characters.....


to visit the website copy and paste the following URL



we dont have much on the site and you cant accces our secret chat but between us we MIGHT have a personal from Raven work with us*







* We Might Have Him If They Have Time The Only reason they Agreed Was Cause We Have SoftImage

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So let me get this straight...


XSI 2.0.1 doesn't work for making JO animations, but Raven used it when developing JO.


NickR's mod team has the source animation files which were never released to the public.


You all bothered with XSI when you could just use 3DSMax.



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Oh, so I guess Raven lied when they said they used 2.0.1?


Why not release them to the public? They don't have to offer support.


And why doesn't your mod team release them, or are you just going to hold on to them and brag instead of greatly benefitting the community?

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rofl omg this is just priceless. The AOTC: TC mod-team has probably some of the best assembled people you can get. Granted, their lead-player modeler could use some practice...but overall their team is pretty well put together.


On top of that, they are also getting support from Raven.


On top of THAT, I'd really like to see you get all-new animations in-game. It might be funny to watch you fall on your face when you realize how long that will take.

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Ok, lemme get this straight. If you're friends with someone at Raven, they'll let you have the foundations for all their animations in game, and if you're not friends with them they won't?


I'm not reall sure how that makes any sense. If Raven has not or will not release these files to the public, then the only conclusion I can draw is that this claim means one of two things:


[*]The person that made it is full of s**t

[*]This is a lawsuit waiting to happen and the person that released the files will never work in the video game industry again



I'm not flaming, just the way I see it. I would love for someone to respond and explain how (if it's true) this is legal.

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So you basically want to take all the credit for making the first ingame animations so people will look up to you like idols, instead of releasing them, having dozens or hundreds of people thanking you for your kindness and prolonging the life of the game and creating a better experiance for everyone? Interesting.



If you can't release them because of legal issues (dunno why that would be a problem) then disreguard this post.

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It's bullsh*t. If there were any legal issues involved, Nick wouldn't have got them in the first place, as that would violate the NDA in many different contracts on the software. If Raven intended to release the XSI animations in any way, they would never just hand it out to one person who said "I'm making a mod, gimme animations."


First of all, the main legal issue would be releasing it in the first place. If there were legal issues involved in releasing it to the public, they most certainly wouldn't allow just one person to have the animations...let alone allow that person to spread (by bragging) the fact that he has them...AND posting an email thread about it.


I laugh at this entire incident. Say whatever the hell you will.

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I know exactly what you mean by "riding my career". I'm pretty much doing the same with the mod I'm working on. After reading your post of that email I think that there were a couple miscommunications within this thread and I'd like to appologize for implying that you were full of s**t :). I get the impression that Mike (I still have no idea who "Mike" is) is saying that they can't seem to get any animations made with the newer versions of SoftImage to work in the game. In fact, it sounded like he was saying that they couldn't get very many new animations to work with any software and he wished that they had chosed 3dsmax or some other software to create them in.


I wish your mod team the best of luck.



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you guys are all full of ****! this fourm is about the SW AOTC MOD not legal issues surronding us making it, and for your information people we found where the animation files are and we only need raven to.......well i dont know why we need them but we might get em SO EVRYONE STFU about the legal **** and think of how much fun it would be to play as the poeple from AOTC we where also gonna might have co-op single player missions and where almost done but F*ck you all and admin clase this thread!

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sure we think it would be great KingPin, but the best chance of it happening in the near-distant future isn't with your mod, because without Raven, you won't know the first thing of getting the animations to import into the game properly. Secondly, Raven isn't in control of handing out the animations files, its LEC, Raven just helped make the game, but LEC controls every aspect of what is released, like the MP Source Code. Third, Emon is right when saying that Raven in their right minds would not release the animation files to just one group, and hold back from everyone else. if they were to release it soon, it would be to the entire public, because they are ENCOURAGING the WHOLE community to get custom animations. And from word of mouth, I think the AOTC:TC has been talking to Raven for support, but don't quote me on that particular piece of info for accuracy.

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exactly! can you guys imagine the chaos after releasing the anim files? everywhere noob modteams popping out who claim to make some leeta$$ NU@nimation mod and people would have difficulties to know which mod is realy going to make it. until the dy of release. and the frorums here would not benefit from this. just look what the jedimod recently did...

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hey i know this is sorta off topic but you guys where talking about gaming industry carreer so....


like how much a year does a animater for lets say jk2,raven,get??

i would imagine at least 100,000??i might be wrong. because from taking a look at my softimage i right away reliezed how hard and TEDIOUS it would be to recreate like 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 frames for 1 simple animation(allright i think i exagerated a little bit(lol:))

also dont the pro's have like a thing where they draw frame one and frame like 10 aand the computer creates the in between.like if any of you ever created flash in flash 5 yuo can put frame 1 and then like frame 10 the image is rotated 90 degrees and then you just tween the two together and the computer draws the image rotating for you.it makes life alot simpiler:D

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I've had to delete most of my posts from this thread and the "Cusom animation" thread because my ****ing younger brother got onto my computer while I was taking a Driving Lesson. Mozilla keeps all my passwords, he must have logged into the forum automatically.


I'm sorry if he got your hopes up. The little **** has really caused some comotion which I'm really sorry for.

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Yea, my little brother caused me and my girlfriend to break up. He must have seen me typing in my password and emailed her telling her she was a dumb slut who needed to get a life and stop dating me or I would kill her.


I keep trying to explain to her that it wasn't me, you know little brothers...they know exactly who to email, when to send it, and when to get on your computer and type all relative information when you're not there.



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Well, I haven't a clue about JO Coding whatsoever (why am I here, well, no real incentive :) ) But it seems that alot of the controversy seems to somehow associate with:


a: Possessing 'Softimage'....


b: Converting a .xsi to a .gla, or vice versa.


(That previous statement obviously conveys my lack of Coding resource. :D)


All I'm presently aware of is the fact that this is possible. :p

You require a program called 'Carcass,' or something obscure like that, to conduct the conversion.

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Am I understanding this that there are people in this community who have access to the raw format of _humanoid.gla (in XSI format)?


And BTW people nobody will give a flying **** if you have Softimage or not. You also need to know how to USE it and with that use it WELL.

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