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Sons Of Yoda Seeking Members And Help!

DiRtY $oUtH™

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Well, first of all..if you want to join the Sons Of Yoda, one of the hottest clans around, e-mail Darth Yoda(that's me!) at sons_of_yoda@yahoo.com . In addition, we are seeking a skilled skinner or mapper. We have many benefits for anyone who would like to skin for us or make maps. You will be granted membership to the clan, a personal profile on our site as well as our new option...WE WILL ALSO MAKE A SITE DEDICATED COMPLETELY TO ANYBODY WHO MAKES OUR SKINS AND MAPS! Please take these into consideration. Thank you.



"Expand, we must!" - Darth Yoda

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Yea, I am in KLM (Knights of the Lost Moon).


But, my Jedi academy(check link in sig) is about to link with the KLM and make a huge merger clan with over 20 members.:eek:


But we don't go and take over servers or anything, we're a huggy bunch. :p

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

Yea, I am in KLM (Knights of the Lost Moon).


But, my Jedi academy(check link in sig) is about to link with the KLM and make a huge merger clan with over 20 members.:eek:



*Slams fist on table laughing*


Only 20? mine has over 30 and it hasnt merged



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Thanks..luckily I only want a basic skin. I want a stormtrooper but with the colors reversed(that is to say black where its white and white where its black) except for the eyes. They have to be red. One last thing, on his chest and back write SOY in big letters.(Clan Tag) thank you. Please post when its ready. Thank you.

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Actually there is already a reversed stormtrooper skin at jediknightii or massassi, i could ass your SOY symbol to it in like 5 min but it's not my skin, maybe if you could contact the maker i could alter it, it would be a lot easyer for me.



PS:if you can't get in contact with them, i'll do it anyway ;)

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i dont kno about the skin thing its good and all but im really lookin forward to making a map doesnt any one have an idea of a really good thing they can think of ..... once i get more time on my hands im gonna try to make one . BuT also still if theres any clans that would like to challenge please put challenge up so we can have a fight sometime cuz we would love to do it . also if any one is still lookin for a clan just pass by the page and check it out ... if anyones interested just fill out the joining form we have on there . well hope lots of ppl wanna challenge and come by

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Yeah i've made a skin, because of the textures on the stormtrooper model i couldent get any letters on there, so i put some one the side. (it's reversed on one leg).


It's pretty basic, i was gonna add a custom taunt but nothing really worth replaceing the "hey! You there!"


If your gonna submit this anywhere, tell me and i'll do it for you with the proper forms, though i doubt you will subit it anywhere :S


It has no ctf or bot support.


Tell me what you think




BTW my site isnt a personal FTP server, download it and distribute it, not the link.

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