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Attn: X-Wing pilots! the ULTIMATE anti-theft device!


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Heh, beat the ladder2, and decided to have some fun... ;)








muahahaha. :)

puurrrdy explosion later, unfortually, only about 1/2 of them had the explosion effect, meaning that it looked like I had only detonated the back side of the ship, not as cool as I wanted...oh well.

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Um, hate to burst your bubble, but there is no 128 MB Geforce 3 card. Here are all the geforce 3's...


GeForce3 Ti 500 Graphics Core: 256-bit

Memory Interface: 128-bit DDR

Fill Rate: 3.84 Billion AA Samples/Sec

Operations per Second: 960 Billion

Memory Bandwidth: 8.0GB/Sec.


GeForce3 Graphics Core: 256-bit

Memory Interface: 128-bit DDR

Fill Rate: 3.2 Billion AA Samples/Sec

Operations per Second: 800 Billion

Memory Bandwidth: 7.36GB/Sec.


GeForce3 Ti 200 Graphics Core: 256-bit

Memory Interface: 128-bit DDR

Fill Rate: 2.8 Billion AA Samples/Sec

Operations per Second: 700 Billion

Memory Bandwidth: 6.4GB/Sec.


Only the Geforce 4 Ti series has 128 MB of maximum memory. Perhaps you have one of them. But no Geforce 3's are 128 MB. Just 128 bit ddr which is totally different.

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awww, for such an intellegent sounding post, your wrong about the TI 200 with 128 megs vram. :)


(Trust me, I put this computer together myself, part by part. I know what I'm saying).


but, since I doubt that will be proofe enough, how about this?


(Oh, I'm running Style XP for windows XP if your wondering about my taskbar)


or, if that STILL isn't enough, I'll let you buy one yourself. :)




(That might not work thanks to their site setup, if it doesn't, goto product catalouge, video cards, use the drop down menu for GeForce 3 Ti 200


scroll down, I have the one that cost $135, is gold plated, and has TV out on her)


or if you just want to see the card itself...

(Because I think it looks TOO COOL)




heh, OK, thats enough of that. ;)


I think I have another screenie in here somewhere of me against reborn, funny shot anyway. :) I have a100% symetricle reborn shot.


meaning it looks very interesting. ;) muahaha

proof enough?

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That poor R2 unit. Reminds me of something that happened in the MP of JK1. I found out if your in an open area you can set a bunch of charges onto a wall. Walk back some distance from the wall and then sprint over to it. At the last posible moment, jump before they go off. The blast kills you instanty but your body flies backwards. One time, mine went like 50 feet backwards.

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Originally posted by A2597

A place that bans chatty messages? then what, pray tell, is the point of having a forum?!?


A2597-still trying to figure out a way to force push himself upwards. :)


*ahem* and I quote In any discussion board, the continuous posting of messages irrelevant to the topic or discussion is strictly prohibited.


and To Discuss: To talk about a subject in detail.

To Chat: To talk in a light, familiar way. Informal talk. (ie one sentence posts such as, "I agree" etc.)


last but not forgoten Chatting is considered spamming and will be dealt with accordingly in the Valley of the Jedi forum and other JKII-related boards, but will be tolerated in Yoda's Swamp. Please remember, however, that Yoda's Swamp is for off-topic discussion, not no-topic discussion. Threads that are blatantly spammy in nature or just pure spam will be locked at the staff's discretion.


source: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=64363

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*sigh* OK.

first time I've been to a forum that doesn't allow regular talk inside topics. (Which is odd because I am an adminadstrator in two places, and a moderator at two others....)


Oh well. :)

I'll keep this in mind in the future.


thanks for the warning. :D

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im kinda confused. i dont wanna get banned or nething but why are we not allowed to chat?does it take up sevr memory or somthing?:confused: ne way that think with the det packs is cool.

i keep doing it all the time cos its just damned funny. and another thing. using the trip mines and just doing funny stuff with them is just damned funny.:) i would put a pic on but i dont have a web site.:( anyone how could let me put some pics on theres i would be very greatful

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