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Saberthrow - Where did it go?


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I'm not seeing saberthrow that much these days on the supposedly "no force" servers. But I quite enjoy it, now there's no need to worry about those throwers that never swing their saber and simply wait for you to do it.... then WAMMO.


It seems "the servers" are beginning to realize that saberthrow is usually brutally exploited and spammed. I haven't seen many people able to control their throwing yet, including me.


Now there's just one last thing remaining for those pubs to do:


Remove, trash, delete and burn the maps that NO one likes to play..... I need not name any, I'm sure you know which I'm talking about.

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Well as for my server I leave saberthrow and jump on whenever I switch to a "no force" enviroment. Some people do like to sit back and spam the throw...but that is thier right. I myslef enjoy the backstab in blue as well as the flying lunge, so to each thier own.


As for the maps I never run any "whore" maps like streets. I want everyone to earn their kills by means of actual combat, not by kicking, pushing, or gripping people to thier doom.:D

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Originally posted by Sith Maximus

Well as for my server I leave saberthrow and jump on whenever I switch to a "no force" enviroment. Some people do like to sit back and spam the throw...but that is thier right. I myslef enjoy the backstab in blue as well as the flying lunge, so to each thier own.


Your using 1.03\1.02?


As for the maps I never run any "whore" maps like streets. I want everyone to earn their kills by means of actual combat, not by kicking, pushing, or gripping people to thier doom.


Hm.... I never play on that map, but I think I would be really fun with the ProMod (can't be pushed or pulled if crouching, plus you have to aim to push them) :D

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Sorry jais , throw is just a cowardly move in my opinion, sure it looks cool but even back in 1.02 I used to use my force points for heal or absorb rather than waste them on throw, I just got fed up with people abusing that move so I must admit that if i go to a server and i see that throw is enabled I just leave, It bores the boxers off me mate.


If it used far more force power to do it then perhaps it would be sensible again but as is it will only ever be exploited horribly.


BTW do you like the new promod?

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Originally posted by Jah Warrior

Sorry jais , throw is just a cowardly move in my opinion, sure it looks cool but even back in 1.02 I used to use my force points for heal or absorb rather than waste them on throw, I just got fed up with people abusing that move so I must admit that if i go to a server and i see that throw is enabled I just leave, It bores the boxers off me mate.


If it used far more force power to do it then perhaps it would be sensible again but as is it will only ever be exploited horribly.


BTW do you like the new promod?


Oh, I didn't express myself very clearly above:


I absolutely *despise* throw, just as you - Hence the description I gave of throw-wh0res.


You can easily win with only throw on a NF server - just keep your distance and wait for him to make even the slightest swing: throw, and since he can't block when swinging a guaranteed 30 damage is assured. So depressing....


Promod is cool, except that you can't configure the kicks.

And it's very difficult, for some reason, to do a yellow DFA/special...

And the previous lunge-monkeys will have to actually aim now (but that's a good thing LOL :D)


Before, the normal saber slashes were just filling in the burger that delivered the *real meat* (so to speak): the specials.

Nobody counted on (except for the red guys) normal swings winning the day - the specials were the equalizers, the deciding factor, the alpha omega.


Well, that's just my take on it.

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Originally posted by teutonicknight


Your using 1.03\1.02?




Hm.... I never play on that map, but I think I would be really fun with the ProMod (can't be pushed or pulled if crouching, plus you have to aim to push them) :D


I use 1.04 but with Jedimod you can put back all of the moves that were removed from the game.


As far as saberthrow being a cowardly move I do not agree with you guys. No move or series of moves is cowardly. Sure I can understand turning off all of the other force powers for a round or two, but to nerf a power because you do not like it is just plain odd. Its a part of the game, sure some people may use it more than others, but thats their right to do so just as its your right to think of it as cowardly. I think no powers are more abused and more cowardly than lightning, absorb and heal. I can not stand to see a bunch of guys running around glowing blue. Drives me nuts. But its thier right to do so. When I see that I just skip the force and go for the saber only tactic.


I think Jedimod is the perfect modification to this game. It brings many features that the original lacked while still retaining the original spirt of the game. I have tried promod but found it to be, well, silly. Everyone running around in red stance aiming starfe blows at each other.


I make saber more deadly be changing a few settings thru jedimod and jedirunner. This makes headshots count more than bodyshots and also the backstabs have been tweaked back to higher settings. Its not easy to backstab someone in a duel so I reward it. And saberthrow now is rewarded to those who are patient and accurate with it. If you aim for the head the damage is increased. But with the ability to block like single player the throw is also a risk. You can lose that saber very quickly.


Try out Jedimod with these settings and you may find that it suits you.

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As far as saberthrowing goes, I already explained why I hate it - it's too easy to win with since there's no risk involved (maybe in jedimod yes).


The issue with backstab is simply what you wish to see in a fight:


1. Guys running backwards because they're exploiting the one overpowered move.


2. Guys crawling all over the place because they're exploiting the one overpowered move.


3. Guys making leaps through the air, embedding their saber in the ground because they're exploiting the one overpowered move.


4. Guys making little jumps towards the opponent with their saber never in use because they're exploiting the one overpowered move.


5. Guys using normal swings and parries because there's no one overpowered move to exploit.


You fail to understand that backstab were never "removed" from the game -simply reduced to a level the devs *originally* wanted it. They simply forgot to downgrade it along with the other moves when they did the thrice accursed 1.03.

They could have gone the other way too - upping the damage on all the other moves so they were equal, but that is not for mortal men to ponder about.


Jedimod is cool, but it lacks in certain areas, and at the same time adds useless stuff like the two saber/double saber and the "new" worthless stances.

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I understand your point. But worthless stances? How may times have you played the mod? Not many I guess. Those so called worthless stances can be quite deadly in the right hands and double so with a Maul saber. Twin lightsabers are also deadly in the right hands, exp in ffa. You retain a saber to block your dreaded saberthrow and still have one to throw yourself if need be. Plus I have all of the settings in Jedimod in my cfg. I can change them on the fly to suit what the players want.


Also damage is upped on my server to balance out the return of higher backstabs and more accurate saberthrows, by almost double in fact. Setup wrong Jedimod can make those stances worthless as well as overpower the throw. But with the right settings the game becomes more balanced than ever.


As I said before, to each thier own, but I am tired of having things nerfed by server masters who do not like them or by Raven because people cannot figure out a defense againt a certain attack, first the dfa then the backattack and now the kick and saberthrow. I hope Raven does not take anything else away. we will have nothing left but red stance starfe blows...how dull!


Plus myself and all of my regulars play for fun. We do not take this as serious as some others do. Heck half of the time we only have seven or eight kills in a half hour before the map changes. Its all for a good time.

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About the stances (the rest I agree with):


They are worthless simply because you have no control over them - it's all just spinnin' around as kylie minogue once sang....


Why do you think the devs apparently only thought those stances could be controlled properly by bots?


They're overpowered to boot - double the lightsaber, double the damage and how are you gonna control TWO sabers with twice the blocking and damage and half the control by using a stance originally intended for AI enemies?


Chaos is what I call it.


BTW, I didn't mean they were worthless from a damage-infliction point of view, merely from a gameplay point of view.

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Ok point taken.


But combos are in the orange and purple stances, not just the spinning around. You will find both have forward strafe attacks with them.


A friend of mine uses them all of the time with dual sabers and has great control over them. He does great in duels and in ffa with the added moves. Factor in the grapple with the purple stance and you have a true ffa killer on your hand.


Also you can do many midair spinning attacks and flips in orange.


It is almost as powerful as red, but with less recovery time and a greater overall speed.


It does take time to learn them but it is well worth it.


rUUk has beaten many with those so called "useless" stances. I am not as good as he is with them (I prefer yellow and blue)but they do have a place in the game, in the right hands.

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Yes, and I agree with you...


It's just that I didn't make myself clear on one last thing:


You're controlling two saber with the purple stance, doing wild twirls and mad, quick and devastating specials on your opponent who only has his puny yellow stance and only one saber... Who's gonna win that one?


You have no idea (perhaps you do :D) how hard it is to fight against a guy spinnin all over the place with TWO sabers.... He can dish out a fookin boatload of damage I tell ya! And his blocking abilities are great too, thanks to his twice accursed second saber! AAARRRGH!


Needless to say, I don't use the two saber or the double saber, so I tend to get wacked as soon as my enemy decides to "have some fun"... :rolleyes:

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Ahhh I see.


For your info I have used the two sabers in some duels and in ffa but use only one 90% of the time. The single sbaer is faster than the dual sabers or the Maul saber, if the server is setup correctly. With this speed and the air lunge as well as higher damage backstabs on it makes the fight more even. Yes he can spin fast with those sabers but in the end the control goes to the single saber. Also I have the mod option for higher damage for headshots. Nothing is better in a duel than lopping off a spinning opponents head with an air lunge or a backstab you drop while in the air (blue). This is why I say it is more balanced...but in a way harder. But regular JK2 is just too damn easy anyway. I want it to be fun but challenging as well. Come to Crazy Yoda (Jmod v.12) and give us a try, you might like it, and we would love to have you.:D

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On saberthrow, that is.


I like saberthrow, especially back during 1.03 when everyone was AssFighting. I use saberthrow tactically, as it depletes your Force Mana quick. It is extremely useful as a counter to one of those few players who are extremely skilled in Red stance, and a great tool to end it quick for the player who quits a fight in FFA to go get bacta/health/shields because you just spent several minutes wearing he/she down to single digit HP.


I never really have a problem with others who throw, because I use the technique and feel comfortable countering. Its simple: face your opponent and don't swing; sidestep; sidestep and jump; and (really cool) DFA in the middle of the throw.


But, I most players that prefer the Duel servers don't like throw. That may be since their are more limitations on the game (number of players, availability of bacta/health/shields; room to manuever).


But if we ever play in a server that allows throw and you don't like it: just tell me. I have always turned off throw whenever an opponent complains (which has only been a couple of times).


One of the servers I like is the Jedi Adept server... it limits your force strength so that you can only focus your force in strong in one area or maybe okay in two areas. I prefer throw here, since most folks go for grip. I just let myself get gripped and toss my saber at them! I *always* get them first unless I'm at single digit HP. <grin>




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Well, in everything besides NF duels throw is fine - it is an effective counter to certain powers and techniques that could otherwise be viewed as cheap.


But, in a NF duel environment with only throw added, it is impossible to win against a thrower who knows what he is doing.


How are you gonna hit him without taking 30 damage instantly (and watching him flee)? I simply can't see any good counter to throw when used in such a cheap way.

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Originally posted by cjais

Well, in everything besides NF duels throw is fine - it is an effective counter to certain powers and techniques that could otherwise be viewed as cheap.


But, in a NF duel environment with only throw added, it is impossible to win against a thrower who knows what he is doing.


How are you gonna hit him without taking 30 damage instantly (and watching him flee)? I simply can't see any good counter to throw when used in such a cheap way.


Well put Jais, Throw is too vulnerable to being exploited by weak tactics, in FF yeah its cool but like you say its just too open to lame fleeing, it sort of defeats the object of duelling.

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Originally posted by cjais

Well, in everything besides NF duels throw is fine - it is an effective counter to certain powers and techniques that could otherwise be viewed as cheap.


But, in a NF duel environment with only throw added, it is impossible to win against a thrower who knows what he is doing.


How are you gonna hit him without taking 30 damage instantly (and watching him flee)? I simply can't see any good counter to throw when used in such a cheap way.


Remember that when I have it on for no force duels it is in jedimod where I also have the throw to be blocked like single player. That cures the trhow happy duelers! If they do not know what they are doind, most do not, they lose it the first time they throw it and then....BAM...they are dead!


Lets try to not nerf too much guys.....then we are just being connan!:eek:

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Originally posted by Sith Maximus


Remember that when I have it on for no force duels it is in jedimod where I also have the throw to be blocked like single player. That cures the trhow happy duelers! If they do not know what they are doind, most do not, they lose it the first time they throw it and then....BAM...they are dead!


Lets try to not nerf too much guys.....then we are just being connan!:eek:


LOL - good points!


I've never actually tried the "throwing saber block" - we have always been playing jedimod with throw disabled to be quite honest....

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