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Should Request Thread be closed?


Should Request Thread be closed?  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Request Thread be closed?

    • Yes
    • No

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No, I don't think it should be closed because it helps keep the forums less congested with 4,000 different model requests. However... I do believe more modelers should visit the Request thread. In their defense. I think more people should try modeling.. I did.. I sucked at it, but I did... I made an ear for Android 18 of DBZ... a really bad ear at that! but My vote is no, and its not because I am an admin, its because like everyone here, we want the forums to be less congested, because the more congested the forums, the longer it takes to log-on, and before we all know it, JKII will have to finding yet another new server just to keep up with the threads... See how much it helps...

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maybe its just you, because like most modelers for JKO i dont take requests. sure i may be influenced if there is a particular character that people want, but if i dont want to make it im not going to. theres probably tons of models that modelers want to make before they cant think of any ideas and start taking requests, so i dont think it matters if we didnt even have a request thread and all requests were simply locked as soon as they pop up.

imo modelers are simply too busy working on projects they want to to take requests.


edit: ok i just saw and read the "request" thread, and i agree it is useless in the sense that no modelers look there and take requests, but it keeps those annoying people from cluttering up the modeling forum with request threads, so keep it. and if it is removed than i still hope moderators will lock any request threads created, because they are just as useless.

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Well, since everyone (except me) is wanting to keep the request thread, just remember that there will always be those off-topic

request threads in the modeling forum that you have to delete



But, I might have an idea that could fix the off-topic requesting and

request thread problem altogether:


Instead of just keeping the thread, how about making a

"Request Forum"? That would let people make the specific request posts they want to make without cluttering up the modeling forum. And it would probably be visited a little more than the "request thread". ;)


And so for those who believe they need someone else to make a model they want in JK2 could then lead a happy requesting life in peace without cluttering up the other forums.:)

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i voted no, because some people get ideas from the request thread, however, im sick and tired of people either *demanding* that their particular model be made, or *demanding* a model that is already in development be made....


just for these people-


1. If a model you want to see in jk2 is not being made by anyone, try making it yourself! there's plenty of free tools to use to make them...and if you say things like "aww but i dont have time!" i'll break your legs and scream something back like "Do you think us modellers only do this? We have lives!"


2. Please check other threads in the forum before posting in the request thread..i dont know how many requests for anikin/quigon/obiwan/matrix characters/dragonball Z there are in there- MOST OF THESE ARE ALREADY IN DEVELOPMENT!


just a thought :)

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I say yes close it BUT there has to be another idea for it i.e polls from someone who wants to make a model but not sure which one put up a poll or a request forum, i agree with the "itll clog up the forum if theres requests everywhere " but out of all the requests how many have been made/ being made, i know mines not :(


Ii mean whats the point really of having a reqeust forum if there are no modellers who want to make the requested models i.e toonces (sorry nothing personal) he looked at the thread but nothing intrested him and he made HIS own model he wanted


Granted it gives ideas but u only have to look at a star wars website 4 that :( anyway rant over :D




Again toonces im not saying anything against you , I noticed ur reply :)

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You can either have a request forum, where no one visits, were it is impossible to find a particular request, and very difficult to tell if there has been a responce to it.



You can get rid of it and have a cluttered forum and a tad bit higher chance of flooding (if people are irresponsible, which isn't a question of if as when).


Either way it takes up server space and either way not everyone is going to be happy. My vote is yes, just because I beleive the imature people will be rare, and can be banned in any case.


Just gatta love those "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situations don't you?

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Well, I'm going with what Vampire said...I like his idea...of making a whole new forum just for requests...model requests and/or whatever other requests people might have. Just a basic and general "request" thread. That'd be nice.


Too bad it won't let me vote for some reason o.o

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I say not "closed", . . but edited and made concise - so that it's a useful tool for people who want a snapshot of the "needs and desires" of the community.


Who should do this?. . . hmm, somebody who has access/authority to edit webpages (we could even LINK the Request thread to the new page). I wish I could help, but I don't know how to make webpages.

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I vote No, because to me, the Reqeusts thread serves two purposes.


1 - Modellers who are looking for an idea for their next project can go there and perhaps get inspiration, or be reminded of a particular character that they would like to do.


2 - It might give people who would make a request an idea of just how often requests are fulfilled. Straight to the point, chances of a request actually being picked up by a modeller are slim to none. As has been said before, modellers make what they want. Occasionally a modeller will specifically ask people for ideas of what they should do next, which is the best time for people to make a request. Otherwise, it's just not going to be done, and it's best if people understand that so they don't get their hopes up.

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Sure modelers looking for an idea might check it out but It still doesn't belong here. The Modeling forum is obviously for showing off your work and getting help with your work. I agree with D on this, I think it should be a new forum. SOmething like Modelling and Skinning Requests or something. From What I've seen no one goes there unless they despiratly want models made for them, or want to diss other people's ideas. I think it would actually get more attention from modelers if it was a different forum. Plus it would be more organized because you would just be reading like a 3 page Thread with Random Idea's going on. I mean, If I was a non-modeler wanting a model made, I would make a new thread for it because the request thread never gets response from modelers who actually will make the models. The only reason I am making the Cloud model is because someone posted a new Thread here about it and I thought it was a good Idea. If he had posted it in the request thread I would have never seen it because I never go there. I know you all are ganging up on us because you think we're trying to diss lucas forums or make a fight or something, but honestly I am trying to make the forums a better place for myself and you. And I believe that by making an actual forum for requests rather than one thread, it would better the forum for the requester and the modeler/skinner. I think that we should actually delete the current request thread and make an idea thread for modelers that are looking for Ideas. That would make more sense. Just my opinion guys. If you choose to ignore me like most people do then you won't be the first one to do it.

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Originally posted by Midgit Yoda

Sure modelers looking for an idea might check it out but It still doesn't belong here. The Modeling forum is obviously for showing off your work and getting help with your work. I agree with D on this, I think it should be a new forum. SOmething like Modelling and Skinning Requests or something. From What I've seen no one goes there unless they despiratly want models made for them, or want to diss other people's ideas. I think it would actually get more attention from modelers if it was a different forum. Plus it would be more organized because you would just be reading like a 3 page Thread with Random Idea's going on. I mean, If I was a non-modeler wanting a model made, I would make a new thread for it because the request thread never gets response from modelers who actually will make the models. The only reason I am making the Cloud model is because someone posted a new Thread here about it and I thought it was a good Idea. If he had posted it in the request thread I would have never seen it because I never go there. I know you all are ganging up on us because you think we're trying to diss lucas forums or make a fight or something, but honestly I am trying to make the forums a better place for myself and you. And I believe that by making an actual forum for requests rather than one thread, it would better the forum for the requester and the modeler/skinner. I think that we should actually delete the current request thread and make an idea thread for modelers that are looking for Ideas. That would make more sense. Just my opinion guys. If you choose to ignore me like most people do then you won't be the first one to do it.


Well said Midgit Yoda. Well said indeed..:)

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i vote yes.....because i agree with migit yoda.....we ought to make an individual forum for requests..that way pple can request and modelers/skinners can get ideas from it to...but alas i guess this out to go into the






if you read the migit yoda thread called 'request' you'll know it's another joke.

this is once again for all the uptight people!!!!

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