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A merger of epic proportions!

Darth Groovy

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Originally posted by Darth Knight

darth groovy, i am the leader of the Knights of the Lost Moon, i can't really think of a good name right now, it took me long of enough to think of KLM, we have about 10-15 members so i think if we combined it would be good



ok here is my question, are we going to stil have it like revolving around LF and keep all those basic pricibles of no spamming and stuff liek that


That sounds great:D I didn't really make any rules so whatever rules you currently got going we will apply to the new clan.


Email with any info you got for Knights of the Lost Moon. I'm interested if you are!

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hey Groovy i dont have alot of posts but i WOULD LOVE TO sign up Except im in the clan Tojo already, and if you get this clan up and starting you guys might want to be allies with us, cause well HE where the only clan with 8(..or something, [we get new servers everyday] servers) and you guys can use our servers for meetings and stuff go here for further info http://templeofthejedi.com/

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

Some of us in the Academy had decided that it would be very cool idea to start a clan without any egos. So all Academy members are encouraged to join. Anyone else who is not in the Academy is encouraged to join, also. I don't have any experience with gaming clans so I could use all the advice and help I can get.


Reply here or PM me with details. My email is darthgroovyii@aol.com


P.S. this thread is also available at Star Wars Stories and Forums.

what version of MP do you use. ill join if i down load it

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Originally posted by KingPin

hey Groovy i dont have alot of posts but i WOULD LOVE TO sign up Except im in the clan Tojo already, and if you get this clan up and starting you guys might want to be allies with us, cause well HE where the only clan with 8(..or something, [we get new servers everyday] servers) and you guys can use our servers for meetings and stuff go here for further info http://templeofthejedi.com/


Wow! this just keeps getting bigger and better! Thanks for your services kingpin! Keep in touch!:)



Now if only I had this much cooperation with manipulation.:(

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Originally posted by Dath Maximus

ohh dont worry i shall keep ye all posted


ill start on it after school today


Dath think of something that would look good on a private school blazer and a football helmet. The Academy started out as a school.......but make it look menacing.......but college friendly. Does that make any sense?



God I wish I could Draw!:mad:

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And here is the other one. Enjoy!



left to right-



Greedo626, Tyrion, Reb, and Groovy.


I'm the guy with the lightsaber :)


Thanks again to reb. BTW, if you arent in the pics, dont worry, we have a big staff and we cant fit everyone onto one shot :p

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