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WIP: Coruscant Promenade Duel


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VERY NICE! I've been waiting a long time for a good coruscant map. Is it big enough for FFA? You might want to add on to it for that. A single player mission in coruscant would be cool too. What other maps have you done?


edit: If you need beta testing I am willing.


AMD Athlon 2000+

512 MB DDR Ram

Geforce 4 Ti 4400 128 MB

Soundblaster Live 5.1

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Thanks for the comments everyone. :) I'm glad I managed to capture some of that Episode 2 atmosphere.


Keo- I haven't tested FFA yet, but I think it might just be big enough for a 1 on 1 match. *shrugs* not sure yet. I'll probably work on a bigger Coruscant Map somewhere down the road, though my next project will probably be a small single player project. (Although going from a Duel map to a Single-Player one is a pretty big leap) :p My other maps were for Half-Life, I'm guilty of the Canyon Oasis remake and the Blade Runner map. I'm pretty much done with Beta testing, but thanks a lot for the offer.


Madjester46- Bearing in mind that I'm really no expert, feel free to email me at starunner@email.com if you have any questions and I'll try my best to help you. As for the custom textures, I created those myself. (Skinning and texturing are probably my better skills). The textures that feature in the level will be available for anyone who wants to use them once the level's released.

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Thanks again guys, though you ought to know that I have mapped before. This is just my first map for Jedi Outcast. :p


Everything is pretty much finished, but I'm having problems implementing my custom sky. I was originally using the "bluelight" skybox to cast a nightime glow on the level, but now I'm using a custom skybox (nothing special, just a recoloured bespin), which works perfect apart from the fact that it doesn't emit light. (Even though I've copied the shader parameters exactly). I'm hoping to have it fixed as soon as possible.


Keo - Nothing's concrete yet, as I'm still writing the design doc for my single player level. I can tell you that the story will be set a while after Luke's Academy is established (plenty of potential for new Jedi characters), but before the peace treaty with the Imperial Remnant. It's a period in the SW timeline that provides a lot of stuff to work with. :)

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Sorry, I meant that I copied the parameters from the "bluelight" shader (which does emit light). I only used the Bespin jpg's as a starting point for my skybox images, not the Bespin shader file itself. Thanks for trying to help, though. ;)


Here's what's in my "coruscant_promenade.shader" file: Can anyone spot any errors that might be preventing the shader from casting light?






lightcolor ( 0 0 1 )

qer_editorimage textures/generator/bcorsky_light.tga

q3map_surfacelight 35

sun 0.75 0.79 1 130 0 40

surfaceparm sky

surfaceparm noimpact

surfaceparm nomarks


skyParms textures/generator/bcorsky 512 -





My altered skybox images show up, so the shader works. It just doesn't emit light... I'll keep messing with it. If worst comes to worst I'll have to use a whole load of entity lights to make up the difference, I suppose.

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Ah, OK. :)


So, here is my idea: theoretically this game is a Q3 engine game. The engine is modified but who knows how much?


I think the lightcolor and sun commands don't make any effect. Why I think this? Becasue I've never seen (until this moment :)) that in any description I've read. Maybe I read the wrong descriptions. :)


And if you look into the skies shader: lots of shader use sun, but in all the commented lines there is q3map_sun everywhere.


Third thing is: Q3A Shader Manual.


I hope something was helpful. :)

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Okay, problem solved. The shader script was actually fine, it's just that GTK Radiant wasn't recognising my cutom shaders, so when it came to compiling my surface parameters were being ingnored. All I had to do was add my shaders to the shaderlist.txt that Radiant reads from. There are still a few tweaks that need to me made, but everything seems to be working now and I should be submitting to JKII.net tonight.


Buckman- I appreciate your offer, but I'm pretty happy with the skybox I've got. (You don't really get to see much sky anyway). FFA Tatooine is looking fantastic, by the way -great work. ;)


Keo- Funnily enough, I'm working on bot support now... though I'm not sure if I'll be able to get them to go onto the rooftop. They seem recluctant to use the "jump to" waypoints. I'll try my best to make the bot support as good as possible. Got any tips? :D


DarkLord60- Thanks for the compliments, but I'm afraid I'm not looking to join a mod just yet. There are a few other projects I was looking to getting started on. Best of luck with your TC!

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