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heres what I think....


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I haven't play jk2 for some time now. But these changes have to be made fast to save the jk2 community.


1) release the SP sorce code.


2)more mp options....like King Of the Hill, tag with explosive, the invisible jedi master(played buy 1 being the Jedi master armed only with a saber. At all times the jedi master is not visible, even with full seeing on. The only time the jedi is visable is when he attacks or uses force powers. this could be cool!!!.


3)Harder to perform death blows. I haven't played for some time but the back slash, back stab and death from above were a real problem and darn to easy to perform. However I think that death moves should be performable when another players life is nearly gone. That way only players with skill can use them and you get a cool movie like endding to a duel between jedis.


4)Damage for a saber or weapon should be random according to where it hits.


I have herd we will have to rely alot on the moding communeity alot for this game but shouldn't we get as consumers what we want from a product...

I am 1 guy and I bet that 1 of you out there have some diffrent views wich is fine and more power to you. I just don't like when a Company gives up on the product...when it could be even grater.

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I'm afraid I consider most of your ideas to be fatally flawed, Corthan.


SP source code? What? Why? Where? :confused:


More game modes are always good, but "Invisible Jedi Master?" :eek:


There are no "death blows" anymore, really. By patch 1.04, Backstab and DFA were fixed properly. All that will win a duel now, is skill.


Random damage? where's the skill in that? That'd just make duels random and pointless. A duel is supposed to be a test of one's skill against the skill of an opponent, not "Hooray, I accidentally hit you in the head! I R LEEET!!!11"


As for Raven, they gave JO their very best shot. It's not their fault they were swayed by the masters of the Dark Side. (Fanboys.)

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Originally posted by Spider AL


There are no "death blows" anymore, really. By patch 1.04, Backstab and DFA were fixed properly. All that will win a duel now, is skill.



Only weak saber hits require skill, all the strong hits are just luck thus we must nerf them to death. :rolleyes:


Also don't whine about his random damage idea when you opnely praise random blocking.

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Sounds like u might need to have played a few rounds before u posted.


Right now the 1.04 patch has pretty much nerfed the damage of the game. Just last night while on a pub server I hit someone 5 , yes 5, times in red, two should have been unblockable but were, and finally with that last hit they died.


Random blocking sucks. Being able to block from behind while your saber faces front is just plain moronic. But so is random damage. Skill should always play a part in the game. You know that a certain hit or combo will kill and you can use this to your advantage.


But with some modifications in Jedimod that some servers run, like myself...Crazy Yoda (jmod v1.2), you can return alot of what was good with JK2 while still leaving out the bad, ex: spinning backstabs.


I have upped the damage to 2.5x if u connect over regular JK2, this is closer to the 1.02 standards. Also thru Jedimod I have made auto blocking far less freequent. With a value of 1.75 I have found that if your hands are firmly on the hilt of your saber and you are in a defensive position you can block very well. But if your in the middle of a swing and someone hits you from the rear or the side then you take lots of damage or simply get cut in half.


With these changes it takes skill to play. No longer does the "special" move rule the day. Come and try it out if you like, I think it may be some of what your looking for.


But if your really rabid for high damage accurate combat you can also try out Promod.


Yes base jk2 is flawed but still a good game platform for the modders in this community to use to create some fantasic gameplay.

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Sounds like u might need to have played a few rounds before u posted.


Tee hee. He doesn't know who I am. :D


I R BIG MAN IN EURO JO PLAY0RZ COMMOONITEE!!!111 Not to put too fine a point on it.


Right now the 1.04 patch has pretty much nerfed the damage of the game. Just last night while on a pub server I hit someone 5 , yes 5, times in red


Hmm, that's unlucky for you. I on the other hand am capable of hitting someone on pretty much any pub server once with red, and killing them. My average number of hits to kill, is two.


Now I'd lecture you on exactly how to do this, but I doubt you'd bother to practice it enough to use it anyway.


Yes base jk2 is flawed


Rubbish, you're full of drivel. :D


Only weak saber hits require skill, all the strong hits are just luck thus we must nerf them to death.


If you'd ever demonstrated taste and thoughtfulness in the past Fatal, I'd suspect you of sarcasm here. OH NOS!


Now disregarding that, and focussing on your eternal whining: everyone gets killed occasionally, myself included of course. And you. And everyone on this board who has ever played. But the plain fact of the matter is: Default JO is a game of skill. (Somewhat dependant on ping, like all online games.) If you lose more than you want to lose, Fatalstrike, then practice more. Or get a better connection, either will do. I long ago figured out that the only things you can legitimately blame your losses on are:


1. Ping.

2. Yourself.


Blaming your shortcomings on the game itself is not one of the more convincing excuses, in my book. :)


Also don't


OR WHAT? Hmm? What'cha gonna do, "givin'-orders-boy?" Lol. :D


when you opnely praise random blocking.


Do I? That's nice. Show me where. Direct quote if you please, no paraphrasing.


Or is it just that anyone who doesn't join in your fanatical anti-auto-blocking chant because they can time their shots to hit during the opponent's swing is "praising random blocking?" You tell me.


I at any rate thoroughly enjoyed the duelling in 1.02. I thoroughly enjoy the duelling in 1.04. I didn't enjoy the duelling in 1.03, even though I was acceptably good at it. This was because it was imbalanced. Backswing was easy to accomplish, and was an instant kill. Everyone was doing it... But I didn't lose more matches than I lost while playing 1.02. I won and lost exactly the same proportion. I lobbied for 1.04's changes (and many more) to be brought about as vocally as I possibly could though, because I saw that the game was imbalanced. People were doing nothing but this one move. I did not buy Jedi Outcast to play a game of "Pong" with my opponents. That is why 1.03 was bad, that is why 1.02 was good, and that is why 1.04 is also good. Q.E.D.

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Originally posted by Spider AL

If you'd ever demonstrated taste and thoughtfulness in the past Fatal, I'd suspect you of sarcasm here. OH NOS!


Now disregarding that, and focussing on your eternal whining: everyone gets killed occasionally, myself included of course. And you. And everyone on this board who has ever played. But the plain fact of the matter is: Default JO is a game of skill. (Somewhat dependant on ping, like all online games.) If you lose more than you want to lose, Fatalstrike, then practice more. Or get a better connection, either will do. I long ago figured out that the only things you can legitimately blame your losses on are:


1. Ping.

2. Yourself.


Blaming your shortcomings on the game itself is not one of the more convincing excuses, in my book. :)

I never said that I had a problem with losing, nor did I say I lose anymore or less. Do you live in the land of assumption, or do you just make a visit when responding to my posts. :D




Originally posted by Spider AL

OR WHAT? Hmm? What'cha gonna do, "givin'-orders-boy?" Lol. :D

:snear::disaprove :disaprove :disaprove



Originally posted by Spider AL

Do I? That's nice. Show me where. Direct quote if you please, no paraphrasing.


Or is it just that anyone who doesn't join in your fanatical anti-auto-blocking chant because they can time their shots to hit during the opponent's swing is "praising random blocking?" You tell me.


I at any rate thoroughly enjoyed the duelling in 1.02. I thoroughly enjoy the duelling in 1.04. I didn't enjoy the duelling in 1.03, even though I was acceptably good at it. This was because it was imbalanced. Backswing was easy to accomplish, and was an instant kill. Everyone was doing it... But I didn't lose more matches than I lost while playing 1.02. I won and lost exactly the same proportion. I lobbied for 1.04's changes (and many more) to be brought about as vocally as I possibly could though, because I saw that the game was imbalanced. People were doing nothing but this one move. I did not buy Jedi Outcast to play a game of "Pong" with my opponents. That is why 1.03 was bad, that is why 1.02 was good, and that is why 1.04 is also good. Q.E.D.



I am sick of these constant 1.03 complaints :rolleyes: I hate 1.03 I've said this again and again.


You may not have said those exact words but the fact that you never stated your position as nuetral but you did attack my views for being against it, that in logical terms is the same as supporting it.


No I am not hunting down quotes, I don't answer to you, and frankly don't care if you would like evidence of your previous arguments. You know that you defended it, I know you defended it, and thats enough for me. You can take a trip down memory lane without me :cool:

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I never said that I had a problem with losing


But you whine constantly, implying that 1.04 requires no skill etc. This means "logically" that you must consider yourself more skilled than your scores would indicate, or you wouldn't be complaining. By your own standards, QED. :D


You may not have said those exact words


Tee hee hee!


the fact that you never stated your position as nuetral but you did attack my views for being against it, that in logical terms is the same as supporting it.


Rubbish, fewl! :p I have attacked your views that 1.04 as a whole is not a good game. It is an excellent game.


No I am not hunting down quotes


Tee hee hee! That's because you know you won't find any to support your flimsy arguments. :D

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Originally posted by Spider AL


But you whine constantly, implying that 1.04 requires no skill etc. This means "logically" that you must consider yourself more skilled than your scores would indicate, or you wouldn't be complaining. By your own standards, QED. :D


I complain because the game is getting boring in 1.04.


As for your logic....:disaprove






Originally posted by Spider AL

Tee hee hee!


Did you forget to take your pills again? Shame on you.






Originally posted by Spider AL

Rubbish, fewl! :p I have attacked your views that 1.04 as a whole is not a good game. It is an excellent game.


:rolleyes: whatever.....




Originally posted by Spider AL

Tee hee hee! That's because you know you won't find any to support your flimsy arguments. :D


There is that pill problem again....

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