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A challenge to the Sons of Yoda


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*Does his best Loony Toons impression*


"Alright, the rules are as followed. We'll have none of this....."


*kicks Spitfire in the shins*


".... none of this....."


*smashes him across the face*


"...." and none this!"


*kicks him where it hurts the most*


"Any questions now?":D :D :D :D

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Wow..congatulations topshot...you managed to be the most immature person on earth! All you do is talk..but let me remind everyone what a ***** you really are...hmmm..FLASHBACK!! Topshot vs. Darth Yoda...Wow..what a close one! Darth Yoda wins 10 to 3..oh wait..thats called being annhilated! Sorry insulting word..but until you show some skill instead of talking smack..You are still considered to us a garbage ass player. Oh by the way, take a look under you..no ground...see ya! force push off the cliff insulting word!

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Originally posted by Darth Yoda85

Wow..congatulations topshot...you managed to be the most immature person on earth! All you do is talk..but let me remind everyone what a ***** you really are...hmmm..FLASHBACK!! Topshot vs. Darth Yoda...Wow..what a close one! Darth Yoda wins 10 to 3..oh wait..thats called being annhilated! Sorry nope..but until you show some skill instead of talking smack..You are still considered to us a garbage ass player. Oh by the way, take a look under you..no ground...see ya! force push off the cliff nada!


So he cant joke around when he was beaten by a low-life like you who thinks JO is a measuring of how good you are and what you cant and can do? :rolleyes:

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