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Favorite country


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Here's a nice random question... what's your favorite country? and try to think beyond your own boundaries... what nation would you love to either have an extended visit to, or actually move to?


Mine would definitely have to be Japan, out in the country somewhere away from the big cities

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Originally posted by massadoobie

Here's a nice random question... what's your favorite country? and try to think beyond your own boundaries... what nation would you love to either have an extended visit to, or actually move to?


Mine would definitely have to be Japan, out in the country somewhere away from the big cities

probley japan for me too

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Australia, because thats the only country I ever get on that Risk game...

Just because you've taken it over a few times in Risk doesn't mean they'll let you be their dictator if you actually go there ;)


I'd love to go to Italy and Ireland. I've always wanted to see the David up close and not just in a picture book, I've always wanted to go to Mass at the Vatican and see the Pope; Ireland is just a beautiful country, and some of my ancestors came from there, there's a lot of history there for me--plus I like red-headed girls, and there just aren't enough of those around here :D



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Oh yeah Australia rules........It's the place with those spikey things in the water that if you touch you get poisoned. And you can get eaten by lions and alligators and all that.:D what fun!


Well acctually my favorite country would have to be......................................................................................................................I don't like thinking it hurts my brain:confused: :mad:

I don't know where I would want to go.....


I like were I live:rolleyes:

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