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You're a TEACHER? WTF!?!?!?!?!


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I have encountered a truly scary being. His name is Mr. Martin, and he is a bible class teacher at the private school I go to. He is old, has dentures, refuses to admit when he is wrong, and often throws childish tantrums in our class. He doesn't know the material, either. This may not be a big deal for you atheists, but for you others, imagine: He does not know that myrrh is a spice and beleives that when John the Baptist spoke of one who would baptize with fire and the Holy Spirit, "fire" referred to hell! Who would baptize with hell?? It's gotten bad enough that a friend and I routinely rebuke and correct him in class. We've managed an average of three corrections a day. What do you think?:confused:

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I never had the "joy" of taking a religion class...or be forced into going to a religious school....but I hate it when people tell me what to think in the first place. I've formed my own opinions about religion and how it relates, but that doesn't belong here...I'll be happy to expound on it to anyone who e-mails me. With that being said, I think it's pretty obvious that I'd fail any class I took on religion...unless it was on snake charming or something else that's just really out there....




hmmmm, I think I'll start a new religion where you worship pants... :D

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

I never had the "joy" of taking a religion class...or be forced into going to a religious school....but I hate it when people tell me what to think in the first place. I've formed my own opinions about religion and how it relates, but that doesn't belong here...I'll be happy to expound on it to anyone who e-mails me. With that being said, I think it's pretty obvious that I'd fail any class I took on religion...unless it was on snake charming or something else that's just really out there....




hmmmm, I think I'll start a new religion where you worship pants... :D


Actually, since its a consitution right, religion courses do not tell you what to believe. They simply inform you on what the basis of the religion is, how it started, why, impacts, culture, etc. In fact, religion is very important and interesting from a society impact. Lots of fun hummanity courses inplicitly involve regligion somehow, but it really adds to the course material.

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I realize that, but if you're put into a religious course early on, or even worse a religious school...how do you think someone will react? Two ways, they'll accept those views or completely rebel against them. Get 'em while their young...ever heard that expression before? Young minds are very impressionable (which is why I thank my parents for showing me Star wars :D )


I do see your points and agree with them, Wolfman, I'm just thinking about how some churches use those tools to indoctrinate kids into thinking one way...thankfully most people have the ability to think for themselves and come up with their own views.


Either way you look at it, this is not the place for a religious debate. If you want to continue, email me (it's in my profile) and I'll be happy to expound on anything you want to discuss (and that's for anyone, not just Wolfman).

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yeah, nezzie was awsome. he showed us parts of the the matrix in class (how he got permission i'll never know) as a comparison to the new testament, like artoo said, also, he was our band director. he was the most unorganized person the world has ever known, and he always let us stop at wendy's or burger king or some other fast food places when we went on trips to concerts or football games. our curent band director made us bring sack lunches to a thing called world fest that the jazz band me and artoo are in played at. world fest is what it sounds like, and it had food from around the world. but we couldn't eat it! it was torture!! :(

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Yeah, by any means I dont want to start a religious debate, these things usually go beyond enlightening and just get immature or ugly. I see your point, but I was not thinking of the youth (of course this is a completely different and very interesting discussion all together), but I was only considering an older and more mature asspect of studying religion for the sake of education and not conversion.


Its a very powerful tool. Lots of enlighting information to read, for ths sake of enlightenment, which is something I like to read. Its really humbling and makes you realize how much that you dont know. There is just so much to learn. I love to learn both sides of hard or deep arguments. It can only make you a wiser man (or woman too).




Oh yeah, by any means is anyone wrong. In fact we are looking at different subjects of the same topic. Two separate pages alltogether. :D

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just fyi, my current band director is female. which makes it worse. oh well. but no, she doesn't throw batteries at kids. although nezzie did throw a drumstick at my friend's head once, but that was just by accident. :D


w/ the religous thing, i think if you want to have a conversation a/b it, you should start a thread a/b it, or pm/e-mail each other like homer suggested. i'm not telling you what to do, but i have a feeling this could get ugly if it continues.



P.S.- yeah, this is weird. 2 different conversations going on on the same thread. now 3 if you count this one!:D

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Originally posted by Jatt13

yeah, nezzie was awsome. he showed us parts of the the matrix in class (how he got permission i'll never know)


Bah humbug on a stick. Senior Himinez rulz. He showed all kinds of movies! Air Force One, Mummy, Gladiator, Black Sheep, Rush Hour...just about any movie he could get his hands on...it helps him learn English;)

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