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a forum game!


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now since this place is becoming a little empty, i hope a game can bring everything back to life. i dont want this to be considered spam and i dont want this to turn into another "tell u i will"....

(mods if u dont like the game, feel free to delete it)


ok! here are the instructions:

First i will name a subject at the end of each story(i will tell u when a story will end) and u will write about this story, for example:

Subject: yoda


in a senate meeting yoda was addressing the council, when suddenly

A) his hover-car flipped sending him plummeting to a horrid death

B) he began to smoke

C) he called for a recess and went to mcdonalds

D) he zapped everyone with lightning


the next poster would say:



and write a happening linked to the one they just answered making a story.

(need more instructions, pm me)

now i will start

Subject is:Rhett (first thing i thought of with yoda and all)


Rhett enter lucasforums when something shocking happened

A) it was taken over by treckies

B) his comp broke down

C)his comp exploded

D)his comp combusted

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Picking up the newspaper, he gaped in shock while reading the following headline:


A) Taco Bell introduces new Sashimi Burrito


B) Cowboys win World Series. "Didn't even know they played baseball," says coach.


C) Lucas changes mind, says Star Wars VII-XIX are good to go. "It's going to focus on Jedi Ewoks," says George.


D) J.C. Penny's White Sale to start today.

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This caused Rhett to:

A) gasp in shock

B) gasp in horror

C) gasp in horror AND shock

D) go into a state of shock and thus, needed to be transported to a hospital, but since the only person around was Chase, his mind slowly slipped into dream world where he encountered many strage things like trees walking about, Scotsmen wearing pants, and Chase with a college degree...

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Mainly because Chase's clothes were


B)A dress, and makeup

C)Good...except he forgot his pants :eek:

D)mixed: underwear on head, wearing a skirt, one arm up a leg of his pants, and his shirt on inside out looking as if it had been in and out of the doghouse at least 3 times (which in truth it probably was)

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But suddenly, he is shut up by


A) Rhett

B) Dash

C) Havoc

D) Homer


F) Eets

G) Tie Guy

H) Jatt

I) MadDoofer

J) Young David

K) Crazy Dog

L) TieDefender75

M) Kryllith

N) Rommel

O) Sherack

P) Wraith5

Q) Wolfman

R) Artoo

S) Leon

T) fergie

U) Ackbar

V) Clefo

W) Rogue 15

X) Darth Groovy

Y) krkode

z) SilentHunter

AA) All of the above take turns

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but Rhett couldn't do it because


A) Chase's card is a Visu

B) Chase doesn't have a card

C) He didn't want to saddle his brother with all that debt

D) He was sick of the storyline continually revolving around himself and/or Chase and thought that he might have a chance to expand it to include other people

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So he turned his moped around and started on his way to:



A) Go pick up Chase then head to Homers.

B) The Canadian Border, after picking up Chase.

C) Pick up chase, drop him off at the zoo then check his map to see who was closest person to him.

D) Forget it and just head east.

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So without further Ado, Rhett raced to North Carolina to Beat the tar out of Homer, but when he got there:


A. NC had been reduced to a smoldering land of ash


B. Homer was chatting up the ladies


C. he was confronted by Wolfman as to why he hadn't been included thus far


D. Forget why he was going there

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