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Eets' Jawa Model Skinpack


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My skinpack for the newly released Jawa Model will include a reskin of the default jawa skin, a special Jedi skin (for my RPG character "Eets'chula" :D), and CTF skins for both. Each skin will have bot support, and will most likely have a couple new sounds/taunts added. If I get around to learning, I might add shaders for the eyes. Also, I MIGHT reskin the DEMP weapon to look more like the Jawa Ion Blaster.


I've salvaged a few things from the original default skin and edited them a bit, namely the pockets, the hands, and the feet.


You may remember that I first started on the Jawa skin when it was being modelled. Well, I scrapped that one and started this one.


Here's a screenshot of the default skin so far.


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Ummmm i was gonna tell you that i thought your skin was pretty cool man....but then i kept scrolling down reading others peoples stuff, and i have decided....you got enough praise, your head is big enough man! lol


But seriously, i think that Jawa skin is awesome...... :)


Good work

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Also, i have been asking this everywhere.....


Can u help me get my custom taunt to work.....plz


I have got a thread on the main skinning page FOXKX Custom taunts.....



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Well, I just tested my skins ingame, and there's some good news and there's some bad news.


The Bad News


The shaders aren't working... See the middle Jawa in the attached image for reference. There also seems to be some strange seaming problem with the default jawa reskin.


Also, the icon didn't show up for my Jawa Jedi RPG character, and it's actually kind of cool. I might keep him hidden. :D To access him, all you have to do is type "/model jawa/eets" in the console.


I haven't made the CTF skins yet.


The Good News

My "Eets'chula, the Jawa Jedi" skin is nearly complete, as noticed in the first jawa of the attached picture.


The default Jawa reskin is practically finished, I might add a few touch-ups here and there, and I need to make the shaders work.


I'm almost on the step of making bots for my skins.


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Thanks guys. :D


To be honest, the Jawa's sort of been on hiatus for a couple days now, I've been working on some web sites. I haven't gotten the shaders to work, but I do have a few ideas as to how to get them to work. Stay tuned! :D

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