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Welcome, Timdog! I hope you enjoy your stay and please accept this complimentary Lucasforums welcome basket filled with numerous amounts of candy which you can snack on while browsing through our forums! :D :D :D


Yes, I recommend you get the 1.04 patch and perhaps the ProMod mod. There are some fabulous models worth being checked on in the modelling forum as well as some snazzy maps in the mapping forum.


Cheers ;)

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Yes, welcome, young Padawan. Don't step in the flames, and don't feed the trolls. ;)


And if you ever need to know how to defeat certain techniques, just give me an e-mail.


There, that's my good deed for the month. Back to oppressing the masses now, methinks.

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Ok and thanks for the friendly welcomes!:DI might be interested in making maps as I have never done that before and modding. I also want to set up a dedicated server. How should I do this for free and how should I set it up? Also how many people do you think I can have?

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's not much of a spoiler, but who am I to ruin someone elses game?



Last night I decided to delete all of my Jedi Outcast saves and start from scratch (in Jedi difficulty level, pretty standard stuff) when I was lagging and accidentally fell down the elevator shaft just after you've blown the doors in Kejim Post.


Usually when I get into this section I blow up the power generator thing and then duck into the elevator access panel to avoid the ensuing explosion. This time I actually looked around and - to my astonishment - I found a red button that looked a lot like the power generator.



I pressed it, and discovered that being a :newbie: doesn't necessarily mean that you've only been playing a short time (I've had the game since it's Australian release (last Easter)). :nut::animelol:


:gben: The Force will be with you, always.

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