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Hey guys im leaving

Father Torque

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hey fellow lucas forums readers and posters i have been in the forums since july and lately no one is intrested in the clan im in. I figure i am wasting my time posting stuff no one replys and reads so i am leaving the forums for good:( :( :( i have had a great time in the forums and have made many friends(including obi won 13 darth yoda 85 topshot Big b LeXX BigTeddyPaul Darth Clem and many other nice posters.I am leaving also because the forums are corrupt right now there is flaming server is always buggy(Obi won i think you are doing the best you can in these times and i thank your for support.Altogether i might be leavin jk2. I think its time to move on.So i plan my departure of the lucasforums on October 14 2002 so to all of you who want to stay intact with me please provide an email address and a MSN IM or AOL IM username so i can talk to you -Goodbye- Father Torque


p.s the guy who made the two posts about obi won was my brother in honer of my leaving i will switch back to my first avatar

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hey guys you know what i thought about it hard and realized hey what are you doing so you see lucas forums is like a familiy to me so i just cant leave so my decsion is to stay sorry to anyone who was offended by this thread:beecause they knew i am the man:jk obi please destroy this thread so my decision is to stay:D :D :D yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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