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Tale of WhiteRaider


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Suddenly, the heads of the snipers attacking jokemaster seem to vanish and the bodies fall, Craig appears at the end of them, sword drawn.


Craig: *Robocop mock tone* You called for backup? *smirk* *jumps down and helps in the fight while also deflecting sniper shots*

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Craig nodded.


Craig: Anytime! *deflects 3 sniper shots with sword, then sword vanishes and arm morphs into a heavy blaster* Heh.. *takes aim and fires, a very powerful but thin beam shooting out and piercing the sniper in the heart* got em. *gun vanishes and sword reappears, continues fighting*

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Topshot, still climbing, gets a strange feeling that he's being watched from every angle of the mountain.


Topshot contacts Craig and WhiteRaider:"Something's not right over here, there's........uggh..... *Topshot, slammed into a wall by some unknown force, gets up and looks around*........What ever hit me, it was no sniper."


*Piles of dust and mud gather, compile, and take shape, forming Geo*



Topshot:"I NEED BACK-UP! A Code Nine attack!"


(Code Nine, created by Topshot, meant that an enemy much powerful than he, was extremely hostile, and it'd take about 5 guys to take down that enemy.)



*A spike suddenly appeared, and cracked Topshot's comlink in two*



Geo:"Your friends cannot help you now. You and your allies will

die by the hands of my lord."


Topshot:"Oh yeah?!? Just who is this lord of yours,



Geo:"That information is confidential. You must die."


Topshot shrugs:"Oh well!"

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*arrives at site*

"whatever was here is gone now"

*comlink*"........What ever hit me, it was no sniper"

*thinking* "whatever hit me, it was no sniper? Im getting a strange feeling that we're being set up for something, id better get back"

*comlink*"whiteraider, Craig did you guys hear that? Dont move, i'm getting a feeling we're, what the...."*gets tackled, dropping and breaking the comlink in the process"

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*takes out a couple of snipers with the explosives launcher and snipe shots from his Tenloss Blade*


Yago: Heh, from this side, shouldn't take me a couple of more minutes and the snipers will be gone.


???: Very nice assessment...........


Yago: Huh??? *Suddenly, a rocket shot is aimed at his head, but dodged it like he knew it was coming. Alright who the heck are you?


Hopa: *A big menacing metallic figure appears* I am Hopa, your captor! You will be neturalized, one way or another.


Yago: Heh! Bring. It. On. *Readies Tenloss Blade, full power*


Hopa: Just as I expected. *Funnel-like objects appear from the back of the armor* Go bits! The 8 bits go foward to him, scattering and shooting at Yago with low-powered Tenloss shots.


Yago: What in the emperor's black bones?? *Dodges left and right, blocking shots.* *Shoots at Hopa, but funnels quickly make a shield.* Oh ****!!!!!!!!!!!! *activates comlink* People! I need some backup here!! Comlink gets shot.


Hopa: It is of no use, your friends will soon be neturalized.....

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Topshot, suddenly realizing Geo means business, pulls out his Concussion Blade.


Geo:"Nice blade. Too bad it you won't be able to make a hit with



(The ground reaches up, and before Topshot knows it, his wrists are encased in solid stone cuffs.)



Topshot:"What the......???" (he strains to break free from the planet's grip. Unfortunately, the ground tightens its hold each time an attempt is made.)".......damn him........"



Geo:"Hahahaha! Just as I visioned it. You truly are no match for

a warrior like me."


*a "challenging authority" grin appears on Topshot's face*


Topshot:"Warriors fight longer than this. You truly are no warrior!" (Topshot mysteriously shatters the stone cuffs)


Geo, awed in suprise, was left open for attack.


Topshot, accessing the computer infused in his suit, simply whispers a single command:"Geron Armor."


For some strange reason, Topshot was immediately encased in armor like that of the former base general Geron.


Finally, Topshot used the force to call his Concussion blade to his hand. Rushing forward, he cut through Geo's waist line, and sliced upward to his chest. Geo falls to the ground.


Topshot:"Like my new trick?"


Geo:"Good. But not good enough."


Geo raises his power, regaining his lost appendages, and sends large quakes heading towards Topshot, but had only dented the armor.


Topshot:"Is that all you've got? That was weak!"


Geo:"Look down."


The ground reaches up and over Topshot from all sides, encasing him in a geographic prison.



Geo:"That was way too easy. My lord will be pleased........."

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Topshot, currently taken in captive in a incasing of rock, receives a disturbance in the Force.


Topshot, thinking:"No! They got jokemaster! I'll try using the Force as an instant messenger and try to talk to him!"


Topshot, reaching out with the Force, connects to jokemaster's mind.


Topshot:"Jokemaster! Jokemaster, please say something! Are

they taking you to their master also?"

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Larin: Well look here. Good old Raider.


*Draws Sword*


WhiteRaider: Been a while Larin. How is the arm?


Larin: I was fine untill you got to it.


WhiteRaider: Come on Larin. I did you a favor by cutting it off. Or did I do myself one?


Larin: Shut up!


WhiteRaider: Ah I see your temper is still as hot as ever.


Larin: Now I have got to kill you for my brother and my arm.


*Larin Sweeps Raider*


WhiteRaider: UGGG!!


*Raider responds by sweeping Larin*


WhiteRaider: You keep forgeting to watch your feet. Why do you think you lost your arm.




*Larin pulls out a net blaster and fire. The net traps Raider*


Larin: And you forget to keep a eye on the other hand. Oh that is right you only have one. I wonder why. HAHAHAHAHA!!!

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*In the distance*


???: What is your report


Larin: My lord Raider has been captured.


Hopa: I am still fighting.


Perin: I have to trader


Jefa: I am hidding behind Craig


Geo: Topshot is in a rock.


???: hahaha. 3 down 2 to go. Soon


*A trooper walks in*


Trooper: My lord. Plans for taking Yavin IV is almost complete


???: Good. How are the plans on Tatooie?


Trooper: The hutts have neutralized our men sir.


???: WHAT!!!!!


*Trooper starts to choke and float in the air.*


Trooper: BU...T..... We are.... doubleing ....our eforts!!!!


*Trooper fall to the ground


???: Don't fail me again!!!!

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*wakes up*

"ughh i feel worse than that party at lando's"

*hears topshot's voice in his mind:

Jokemaster! Jokemaster, please say something! Are

they taking you to their master also?

Jokemaster:" i think so. who attacked you? me some guy with either great reflexes or great luck

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Hopa: *While focusing funnels and rifle shots at Yago* Give up and I'll won't have to waste time on you..


Yago: Okay, you just ticked me off metal bantha! *Gets furious all of a sudden and uses ultimate full power.* *Jumps high and takes out 3 funnels.*


Hopa: Ah I didn't expect an increased attack range. But.......*Funnels stick to each other and spins moderate Tenloss laser beams in a quick way and keeps shooting at Yago while dodging the beams himself.*


Yago: Holy ****!!! *Dodges with his rage's increased speed and wards off the beams.*


Hopa: Impressive, but not impressive enough! *Sends Funnel Spoke at Yago, chasing him. Yago is put on pure defense.


Yago: *Slashes at the funnel spoke, killing 2 funnels.* Alright, now the-------AHHHHH! *Hopa shot Yago with 10x stunbolt power.


Hopa: This is Hopa, target neturalized, awaiting orders.. *Gets the funnels back in and repaired.* I didn't even had to use the jets.....

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*Topshot hears jokemaster's voice, then sends a reply*


Topshot:"Some guy with the power to control the ground trapped

me in a giant boulder! We should try contacting the

others. They were captured also. Just a couple minutes

ago, I felt Yago and WhiteRaider's power levels drop.

Did you feel them also?"

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Craig looks around as there are little people left.


Craig: Hrm... something's wrong, it's too eas...*swings fist back and hits Jefa hard* *turns* Nice try.


Jefa: *appears* Impressssssive movesssss, but not enoughsssss! *jumps up and vanishes*


Craig: *looks around quickly, trying to find Jefa* Who are you?! WHERE are you?


Jefa: I sssss amss Jefa ssssss. I would tell youssssssss not to forget itsssssss, but you wontssss be around long enoughssss to remember it! *slams a chaff-like grenade down*


Chaff grenade explodes, paralyzing the cyborg suit Craig uses



Craig: AHHH! Da**!! *Waits for it to wear off, then flips away*


Jefa: Nice sssss.... *starts to vanish*


Craig: *Grabs him by the tail and starts to swing him around*


Jefa: ahhhhhhhhhhh! *detaches his tale like a gecko, regrows it and fires a chaff-net*


Craig: *paralyzed* Great... *sends message to jokemaster, Yago, Raider, and topshot via mind-talk* "This is Craig, I put up a fight, I'm caught here, whats your situation? . These guys are good"

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*Topshot receives Craig's message*


Topshot replies:"Yeah, I know. I think there was a legend about a group of 5 bounty hunters with supernatural powers, nothing a jedi could possess. They were led by a mysterious sith lord who's name is unknown at the time. There were five things involving this group. Speed, Earthen power, invisibility, snakes, and strength."


Topshot:"Which of them have you encountered?"

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WhiteRaider: I know this squad. Larin is my biggest foe. I got his arm he got my eye. Hopa is his second in command a big wig tecno guy. Jefa is more of a it than a who. Perin uses drugs to make his reflexes high. And Geo as you saw topshot controls dirt and stone. For the most part they a free lancer hunter, but when the Federation comes into view they are loyal servants.




*All of our group is took to ???*


???: Well done.


Larin: Thank you my lord.


*Larin signals to his partners. As Hopa has Yago in a e-cage, Jefa holding Craig. Perin is holding Joke M. and Raider, and Geo moves a rock in and breaks it*


???: Good


WhiteRaider: Who are you a big fat jerk?


*Larin kick Raider*


???: My name is Darth Ikann. A sith lord.


WhiteRaider: I have got a bad feeling about this. ((OOC: Hey it is Star Wars someone has to say it. :D )


Ikann: Also you could call me master as you once did.


WhiteRaider: NO! I though Trin did you in??????


Ikann: That was a clone. I was the one you trained under.


WhiteRaider: GRRR!! I WILL KILL YOU!!!


Ikann: Good get angry. Let your rage flow.

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Ikann: If you strike down your friends here I will let you live.


WhiteRaider: Never!


*Raider starts chokeing*


Ikann: Don't underestimate me. So be it Raider.


Ikann to Larin: Put them in their cells.


Larin: With pleasure.




((OOC: Our cells are by each other.))


WhiteRaider: Well this is a good mess we are in. No weapons, no food, no water, and no lights. We have to get ot of here some how.


Guard: Hey you are that Raider guy huh? You were the one who gave me this scar.


WhiteRaider: I cut to many of you guys to remember.




Larin: Sir We have got to put more men to guard them. I know Raider too well.


Ikann: Don't worry my plan will not fail.


Larin: I hope so my lord.




*While the guard are asleep*


WhiteRaider: Guys here. take this.


*Raider throws a magnetic device to each.*


WhiteRaider: Use it to steel a weapon when we are taken out of our cells. After that lets find where our weapons are stored.

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"i got another thing covered"

*takes out lockpick and electronic lockpick from hidden compartment in cell*

"i helped build these things, the irony is extraordinary, look under your bunks, the code is 1138 (OOS: someone had to put a THX reference ;) )

*unlocks door and uses magnetic device to get a blaster and mow down some of the gaurds*


Perin (watching through a camera):I told you guys not to put jokemaster in the cells he built

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Craig: *is seemingly unconcious inside the cell, small amounts of electricity flickering around the body*


Craig lays perfectly still, and the magnetic device topshot throws him hits Craig on the head


Craig: *muffled "ow", but doesn't open eyes* If I had a choice between moving and something else, id rather kiss a wookie


Pefa: *watching through a camera* Hsss...... that chaff netssssssssss did him in sssssss.

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