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Tale of WhiteRaider


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Pefa: *watching through a camera* Hsss...... that chaff netssssssssss did him in sssssss.


((OOC: You misspelled it. It is Jefa. Nothing big though.))



WhiteRaider: Let's go.




Larin: Shoot I knew it. We should of killed him why we had the chance.


Ikann: Do not worry. I have expected that. You are my final defence line. Stay here. They will fall into my trap.




WhiteRaider: Ok weapon storage should be on the other side. Don't make a racket untill we get our weapons.


*Raider looks around the corner*


WhiteRaider: Clear.


*A trooper walks by the hall and Raider sneaks up and chokes the Guard.*


WhiteRaider: I think that is bigger than that scar.

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Topshot:"Ok. We need to get there somehow without the cameras spying on us. Ikann is watching us. I can sense he's just sent one of his cronies. Craig, can you still use your transport ability?"


(waits for a response)


Topshot:" It'll help alot if you can take me to the main security control panel, so that I can disable the power lock from the weapons storage room. Only my codebreaker device will work on it!"

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Craig: *is barely able to walk but manages to keep up* Sure, this weariness will wear off soon. I still have my weapon, so I can also assist easily with that. Jefa forgot that my weapon vanishes from existance when I do not need it. I don't have a transport ability, more as a stealth camo that gets past security. I'll see what I can do about them cameras though. *vanishes*


Craig: *finds the main control room* *comes back* found it, follow me. *Takes Topshot to the main security control room, cutting up the camera in front of it* *sticks hand on handscan device and electricity flies through my hand and into it*


HandScan: Access Allowed



**Door slides open**


Craig: Go ahead to the panel! *takes the guards out*


*calls Yago* by the way, i wasnt snoozing, the chaff net was took a hard toll on my suit, i wouldve loved to get up

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Larin: I can not wait. I must finish him.


Ikann: Fine go, but have your team go with you.




*Turns into a room*


WhiteRaider: Here is a map. HHMMM...... Bingo! Weapon storage is not to far away.


*Runs to a open courtyard.*


Larin: RAIDER!!!!!!


*Larin throws something down*


Larin: It think we are going to play with Lightsabers today rather than normal blades.


*WhiteRaider Grabs the saber*


WhiteRaider: Guys go on. Weapon storage is just around here.


Larin into radio: Ready team?


Hopa: Ready.


Perin: Good to go.


Jefa: Readyssssss to gossssss.


Geo: Rock on.


((OOC: Kick their butts at a point, but they get away. We will see them later.))

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Topshot:"All right! Thanks Craig, I owe you one! Now, let's see here."


*takes out codebreaker device, attaches it to the main console. A small bling bling is heard and the weapons storage room power lock shuts down and falls off.*


Topshot:"All right guys, the power lock has been cracked! Let's

get our weapons and blow this joint!"




(Topshot and Craig get to the weapons storage room as fast as they can, but somehow land in a natural habitat reservation on the way. Jefa is camouflaged and hiding somewhere. Geo is hiding underground.)


Jefa:"Geo and I are hiding ssssomewhere, you fools. Try fighting usssssss in thisssss condition!!!!!"


Topshot:"Craig, you hear something?"


(A crumbling sound is coming from below)

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Craig's sword appears in his hand and Craig swings it back to a stance and it starts to glow



Craig: The sword is glowing, it thirsts for your blood, Jefa. Lightning Strike! *holds out one hand and a wave of wind seems to shoot out, making Jefa appear* *runs toward Jefa and hacks away, jumps back and raises sword up, lightning around the blade* Take THIS! *swings it through the air, launching a large electric blast at Jefa*


Jefa: Da** sss!! I will crushh you againssssss later! *runs off*

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*After long fighting.*


WhiteRaider: Not bad Larin. My bantha could do better though.


*Raider hits Larin on the arm.*


WhiteRaider: Lost it twice now.


Larin: I will be back.


*Larin starts to run.*


WhiteRaider: Third time is a charm you know.


WhiteRaider on Radio: Where are you guys?

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Wayy before cracking To Craig: Eh oops!


At the weapon storage.........


Yago: Wow! What a surprise! Here's the parts I need for my After Burner Pack! (Predecessor to the Full Vernier Booster Pack, or FVBP) *Grabs the parts and gets his backpack and Tenloss Blade right before Hopa shoots him, but Yago quickly dodges as he if he known the move.


Hopa: You will not complete that device! *Gets ready to launch funnels*


Yago: *Sees the image* Oh no you don't! Slices the armor, malfunctioning the funnels and Hopa misfires into the air. Kicks Hopa in the face and quickly slices some of the armor.


Hopa: Gah! I have been taken by surprise! We will meet again, and I'll not go easy on you this time! *runs with damaged jets*


Yago: Heheheheh, guys, let's stock up on the storage! *Gets out a funny looking jetpack and 5 minutes later finishes putting the parts in.* Well, who likes my new toy? If needed, it'll go past the speed of sound and it can stop on a dime!*Makes it disappear*


OOC: For a look on the pack, take a look at the back of this unit.

http://www.angelfire.com/gundam/gundamsme/GP-01fb.jpgCopy and paste onto browser.

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Jokemaster: " a reapeter, this should be a good weapon"

*perin starts shooting at him*

Jokemaster:"You always arrive just when im distracted don't you coward?"

Perin: you will pay for that comment

Jokemaster: oh yeah?

*starts shooting at Perin, Perin dodges all the shots.*

Perin: you forget that i can avoid those, You always forget something.

Jokemaster: what do you mean? ive only met you once, very recently.

Perin *mocking tone*: have you really? Or is your memory that bad? Well i dont blame you for forgetting seeing as i was diffrent the last time you saw me

Jokemaster: what do you mean?

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As Geo quickly travels upward, Topshot pulls out a blade similar to his old one from thin air.


Topshot:"This is the Wind Blade. Just 3 slices from the sharp air waves it emits when swung can slice through solid steel, or matter-of-factly, hard rock!"



*Topshot jumps high in the air. Geo finally rockets out of the ground*


Geo:"You must die! I can't wait any longer!"


Topshot, thinking:Yeah, right, like that'll ever happen!


"You really got a hard head on those shoulders! Let me cut 'em off!"


*Topshot powerfully swings the Wind Blade 3 times. 3 air waves strike Geo's body, left arm, and midsection*



Topshot:"I guess that when they said 'never touch a sharp object, or you'll get hurt' they must've applied that to you, Geo."



Geo:"Curse you and your powers, Topshot! Curse you all! I will

be back, you won't regret this!"


*Geo digs back into the soil where he came from.*



Topshot:"Craig, let's get to the others!"

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Jefa:"He issss persssssiiiissssstant, that Craig! Jefa to Geo, we mussssssst inform the othersssssss about how powerful he and that botherssssssome Topssssssshot are becoming!"


Geo, reassembling his body:"Agreed. We must warn the others.

Geo to Larin and Hopa. Report, Geo to Larin and Hopa. WhiteRaider's allies Craig and Topshot are heading your way. They have become too powerful! Do not go after them! I repeat, do not go after them!"

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Perin: yes you wouldnt remember would you

*Jokemaster gets angry, starts shooting averywhere, one of the shots hits Perin in the arm*

Perin: You will pay for this old friend you will pay

*perin disappears*

Jokemaster: wonder what he meant by old friends, never mind.

*comlink* report everyone.


Perin joins Geo and Jefa


Geo: did yours defeat you too?


Perin: yes, but he will pay.

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Craig nods.


Craig: I too, am fighting better than normal. *Is wearing my helmet* And I say its high time I reveal my face. *Helmet moves back to reveal face * I will continue fighting like this, there is no danger of my getting my face cut out. I will fight now with renewed strength, I must defeat Jefa and help WhiteRaider

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Larin: UGGG. Ok no more mister nice guy.


IKann: Do not worry. Where is the rest of your team?


Larin: They got their butts kicked and are on their way back.


IKann: Take your team to outpost 24. And help with assalt on Yavin IV. You may use your force powers on the Jedi there Larin. We will not need to hide anymore once we take that area.


Larin: But what about Raider?


IKann: It is time I show him the power of the dark side.


WhiteRaider: IKann!!!


Larin: Fine my lord.


*WhiteRaider turns on Light saber*


IKann: Do you think you can take me on?


WhiteRaider: I think you are full of hot air.


*IKann turns on a double bladed lightsaber*


WhiteRaider: Ah crud.


*Ikann runs at Raider*


*Raider and Ikann locks their sabers. Raider pushes hard and when it seems like he is going to win the lock Ikann uses push on Raider*


WhiteRaider: UGG!!


*IKann uses grip on Raider and lifts him high in the air. Ikann then tosses Raider into the wall.*


IKann: Come join me.


WhiteRaider: Never!!! I would rather die.


IKann: So be it.


*Ikann continues to shock Raider with lightning.*


WhiteRaider: AHHH!!!


*IKann goes to finish Raider off with the saber, but Raider manages to block the attack and move out of the way.*


IKann: Persistant Fool.


WhiteRaider: *Breaths heavly.* I will....*goes out cold*


IKann: HaHAHAHAHAHA!!! *Goes out a back door.*


*A little later*


WhiteRaider: UGG! I feel worse than when I woke up from that new drink at the bar on Couer.


*WhiteRaider puts hand on head*


WhiteRaider: OOHHH.....


WhiteRaider in Radio: Where are you guys I just got beat up by IKann. I need some help my leg is broken.

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Yago: Hmmmmm, a Radio transmission from Raider. He broke his leg eh? I guess Larin proved too tough for him.....


*Points at topshot and Craig* Raider's in trouble, but I'll go, I'm the fastest now.........*Picks up radio transmission origins and opens his jetpack and in an instant, Yago was gone.


30 seconds later.........


Yago: Damn I hate navigating through these walls......*Finds Raider* Well, shall we go now? *Picks him up*

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WhiteRaider: Thanks. Larin and his group are head for outpost 24. But first things first. Got any explosives on you? I think you can tell what I need it for.



*At outpost 24*


Larin: Everyone here?


Jefa: Yesssss sirsssssss.


Larin: Are the upgrades ready Hopa?


Hopa: I got Perin's and yours done. I can finish the rest in route.


Larin: Good.


Hopa: Perin here is your new armor. It shouldn't stop your speed.


Perin: Nice armor Hopa.


Larin: Load on to the ship.


Larin into Radio: IKann we are moving out. Yavin IV will be ours.


IKann: Be careful. I do not want to fail this one.

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Topshot:"All right, since WhiteRaider's leg is broken, and those slimos are heading for Outpost 24, I'll make it over there as fast as I possibly can in little time and disable all of their weapons!"




(Looks in WhiteRaider's direction for approval)

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"you do that and we'll get killed. there's only one way, and that is with all of us,then its hard. Now that Whiteraider is out of the game it gets harder and harder. they will not stop until they conquer Yavin IV then it'll be too late and we'll be just bugs, minor annoyances."

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