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I don't think he said that at all.


If you left, people would notice because you post all over the place, all the time, everywhere, about anything, why, sometimes, you even post about irrelevant things! All though I'm sure you are unaware of that.

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Hellbeard, ignore Riff, he's been :cheers::yeldance::beam1: (I've been talking to him on IRC, he's saying some crazy stuff). Im sure he'll regret it in the morning.


Nobody would be happy to see you leave. You bring life to the forum. Continue doing so, preferably in a fashion that BGbennyboy will have to edit.

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Originally posted by Hellbeard

Are you trying to get me banned Scabb!?


Why, what did I say? Oh, no, seriously, BG loves to edit stuff. It would be his only addiction, if it weren't for the...no, lets not go into that..


Hellbeard, it wasn't a literal statement. Please don't take me at face value. Because that's not my face.

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Originally posted by Hellbeard

You like my avatar!?


Hellbeard, like Tina Turner once said. It is "Simply the Best". It defines your character - I look at that avatar, and I think - "Hey, It's Hellbeard, with his cool flashing avatar".


It makes you seem more mature as well, because the men in it all have long grey beards.


Tell me, Hellbeard. Do you have a long grey beard? Or any kind of facial hair? I am a big fan of facial hair, and I would be very interested to know.

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He has put my picture in his avatar!1111


i am his luver i luvs him so much!!!!!PLZ


SEXY HELLBEARD I LUVS YOU AND YOU SEE OTHER MEN LOVE Him also you see em in his avatarLOLL!!!!!!111111


where do babies come from? HELLBEARD IT IS TRUTH... nO LIES!111

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