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Am I the Only One?


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I would prefer an original title, but seeing as Lucas Arts announced that they would be making a sequel before they announced what the sequel would be, people began to congregate in threads and discuss possibilites, hopes, desires, and other assorted sequel-related things.


A Grim sequel would make me a sad panda :(

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SamNMax - an adventure game where you can't die - that reminds me. In last months 'CUBE' magazine they had an interview with the creator of Broken Sword about BSIII - which is now also a Gamecube title. Anyways, its not a true adventure game. Not in the traditional sense. Like, Indy Infernal, I'm guessing. Bad news.

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I think the reason why most people are hoping for a sequel is that they really liked the original games. A totally new game has to impress the player first...a sequel of a good game has something like a bonus. Besides, this is a discussion board and it's pretty hard to discuss something that isn't even there yet.

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Originally posted by Hellbeard

I think they should make a Adventure game based on the Wild West. or How about a super hero, that would be great!


Buy Outlaws. And Lucas made a superhero game in the past, Defenders of Dytadine City, or something like that.

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Originally posted by JRThomas

I think the reason why most people are hoping for a sequel is that they really liked the original games.


The last 'totally original' adventure game from LEC was Grim Fandango.


That gives me more than enough reason to want more original titles.



And is Zak 2 finished? I never knew. URL!

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Originally posted by Hellbeard

Did they ever make a Star Wars adventure?


Someone wanted to (I forget who) but at the time they could only fund one adventure game, and that adventure turned out to be Grim Fandando so quit your complaining.


Besides, would a Star Wars adventure really be an 'original' title?

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