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why english is so hard to read/write.


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allright, this is the thread to bicth about the english language... it sure needs it:)


lets see... the classics....


we park in driveways, but drive on parkways?


if I ever find the idiot who decided that knive is spelled with a k.....


ok,so I only came up with 2, but the reason for this thread is to point out which words/phrases(another one!) drive you crazy, AND if possable(sp?:rolleyes: ) the reason/root of the word/phrase.


have fun guys/lexx!

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Originally posted by Jah Warrior

well man in england the word knife is pronounced with an F, only bastardised versions of english pronounce different i think. The V is only used in plural of Knives. Dunno why really, it just sounds less clumsy that way.:confused:


whats a parkway btw? dont have them in england dude.


I was refering to the fact that the "K" has no sound in the word, and therefore is useless IMHO...


re:parkways, they dont have them round these parts much either, but its a road that is smaller then superhighways by a shade, but is limited access,high speed.


I think.



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hej, jais,


ca va?


auf wiedersehn,



hmm I feel guilty for not knowing other languages but what little i have heard of Danish is quite complicated sounding. To be honest foreign chaps put most brits to shame, you seem to have far better grammar and spelling than us even though it aint yer first language (shame on us)

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Originally posted by Jah Warrior

hej, jais,


ca va?


auf wiedersehn,



hmm I feel guilty for not knowing other languages but what little i have heard of Danish is quite complicated sounding.


I also know about zip of other languages, I can read a bit of german, but i'd be hopeless trying to write(side bar. no wonder people who speak other languages cant understand us, I STILL can't belive how context driven english is... example, write vs. right. how can we even EXPECT people to be able to understand us:rolleyes::)) or speak it at all...


To be honest foreign chaps put most brits to shame, you seem to have far better grammar and spelling than us even though it aint yer first language (shame on us)


this is also true of americans.(/me is living proof)


I think the problem, SPOKEN english is not very hard to understand/express concepts, but WRITEN english is just about a secend language... if for no other reason that most of the words are not spelled how they sound ... fricking phonenics...(geez, this I can spell:D)


end of post NOW!

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Originally posted by PhantomHelix

wait, why do they call it a living room if we dont live in it, and why do they called it Babies R US and Kids R US (american stores, dunno if they r in europe) if they dont sell kids or babies? :rofl:


ive always liked that joke......... :lol:


god your a happy person... but alittle too happy for me....


*shoots phantom*


there we go, join my band of half shot, no longer happy people. :D

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The spoken English language has sooooo much slang in it. When you put that on paper it is wrong, your teacher will look at you funny etc. Spy_Jmr 1 is write....erm, I mean right!! ;)


My mom has a masters degree in English and I don't know how many times she has harped on me about correct word usage....:rolleyes: Gets very frustrating........it did help me though to write all of the research papers I had to do in college!

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Originally posted by PhantomHelix

yeah....ive never really understood the whole read thing, how its spelled the same in past and present tense, yet sounds differently....god, tryin to figure that out as a 5 yr old is a bitch! :lol: ow.....why did u shoot me?


^this is me, insane.....


god, I shoot you, yet you still laugh, I'll never understand..... :eek:

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Originally posted by SPY_jmr1

allright, this is the thread to bicth about the english language... it sure needs it:)


lets see... the classics....


we park in driveways, but drive on parkways?


if I ever find the idiot who decided that knive is spelled with a k.....


ok,so I only came up with 2, but the reason for this thread is to point out which words/phrases(another one!) drive you crazy, AND if possable(sp?:rolleyes: ) the reason/root of the word/phrase.


have fun guys/lexx!


parkways .... u is not speaking about the english language ... ur talking about american

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Originally posted by kstar__2

Phantom, you've been taking those weird blue pills again, haven't you?















I think those little blue pills will help you in other areas though.........if you're having trouble there!! ;) Trouble that is getting it up!!



Hopefully not at your age!




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Why do they call two planes about to hit each other a near miss. It should be a near hit.


To say that somebody's performance is subpar is not a compliment, but playing below par in golf is the object of the game.


I was watching a show on the E channel called Barely Brooke, and she was very scantily clad in swimwear. They should have called the show Mostly Brooke.


Most people who don't care about what your saying will say, "I could care less," but it should be, " I couldn't care less."

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