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Don't Download Jediplus!!!


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Well, it's Chrono for one...and it's not "Motte", it's M.O.T. which stands for "Master of Time" ^_^.


And second, I don't want people to "dump" the mod, but I do want them to be aware that he pretty much has admin access to any server that is running it.


How can I give solid proof? Sorry, I can't. There is no possible way I can convince anyone. Screenshots? Easily edited. The only way to determine for sure is the source code...oh wait, that's easily edited too...

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Well, round one has been lost. As I suspected, BOFH's ability to harbor his source code (and edit it if need be) has given him all the proof he needs to 'win' the battle so to speak. EXiT has elected to keep all JediPLUS versions on the site until proven otherwise. Until someone decompiles that code and checks it out for that line I KNOW has to be in there somewhere, my argument has been thrown out as 'rumors and accusations blown out of proportion'.


How's that for fitting? An honest modder outdone by a lying sack of crap. Oh well. Can't say I didn't see it coming. Someone come by and lock this thread. I'm glad idiots like to see people like this get away with murder. So long as you are happy with the mod, so be it. You will get no further argument from me.


Just remember, should I ever be proven right, you will see the light.

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Originally posted by ArtifeX

People keep mentioning decompiling the code. As far as I know, there's no tools for decompiling a qvm file. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.


hehe you're wrong actually :)

qvm decompiler :


here it is however it doesn't work really well.

i can't decompile jk2 qvms ...

that sucks..

however the source is also included..

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Originally posted by Tchouky


hehe you're wrong actually :)

qvm decompiler :


here it is however it doesn't work really well.

i can't decompile jk2 qvms ...

that sucks..

however the source is also included..


What kind of results do you get with the decompile? It's got to be some pretty obfuscated looking stuff when it's done.

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Originally posted by TheWhiteRaider

Wudan were you around when the Jedimod crissis was here?


I was around - yes, I'm 22, and unless Jedimod is older than that, yes, I was around.


But, no, nothing really scandalous ever blew my way - I've been editting JO since late April.


I wasn't around HERE (which is why the low post count)


But, oh well. I'm going to be here, I've been at massassi, but all there is there nowadays is a bunch of old dinosaurs pimping out the old JK engine, and defending it. I just almost vomit when somebody defends an old, nasty engine.

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Originally posted by wudan


I was around - yes, I'm 22, and unless Jedimod is older than that, yes, I was around.


But, no, nothing really scandalous ever blew my way - I've been editting JO since late April.


I wasn't around HERE (which is why the low post count)


But, oh well. I'm going to be here, I've been at massassi, but all there is there nowadays is a bunch of old dinosaurs pimping out the old JK engine, and defending it. I just almost vomit when somebody defends an old, nasty engine.


Then you most likey didn't know about all the things BOFH did. BOFH almost has two different faces.


Oh and you don't need to rag on a old JK engines it was good in it's time and with out old engines we wouldn't have new ones.

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well wudan, you've come to th right place!

i already hate the Q3 engine since i'm working on maps and modeling. won't ever see me speaking in love of it. i hate it already like it would be already old. oh wait, it is old! but lets get back on flaming bofh. this thread isn't closed yet, we are doing something wrong. boy i would kick a guy like me in his nutts on my board hehe...

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