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Is it just me (bein a n00bie), or are there literally hundreds of PA's already?


I understand the importance of player guilds, however, with sooo many of them will it mean a wide variety of choice for the average player? or simply too many pa's vying for too few players?

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There are way to many PA's already... and like RG said. there are way to many PA's with just 1 or 2 members.


If you are looking for a PA.. i suggest you have in mind what you want and where you are:


1. on what server will this PA play?

2. wich allegance did it pick and will i want that to?

3. is there room for more members?

4. on what planet will they start?

5. is there room for the proffesion i chose?

6. do the already have enemy PA's and who


these are very important points to go by

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Yes there are far to many guilds with only one member, I wish theyd clean up the PA list, move inactive (and by this I mean 1 member guilds or guilds that have updated/ used there forums in 6 months) off. But good advice Wraith only thing I can suggest is make sure its possible, dont join one saying

"Come join us we will all be jedi and take on the Empire our selves."

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well I'm against having many members of one individual class being a guild. esspecialy those ones which say that they are all going to be jedi.:mad: . on the other hand, if a 24 person had a mamber of each class (except for jedi :p) then it would cause too much strain on the individualls of high-need classses. optimally, they could specialize in one thing or annother while bing able to support each other. examle: A guild of armed forces types with mostly basic soldiers, both PvP and PvE chars. and a good cross section of related fields like explorers and weapon makers.


or something...

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Originally posted by Pallas Athena

Several schools of thought I'd like to kick about.


Should a PA your in be all one profession like a guild? Or should everyone in your PA be something different?


Everyone want to be the head of something or another.

Welll i dont realy think of getting one proffesion in just one PA...i think a PA should be well...... different members doing different stuff..... that gives more strength in a PA than just one profession.


Pallas Athena

Rancors R Us

A division of Nightsisters INC

You know... you can put this in your Signature. check out your profile. there is a button at the top of every screen that sais: "User CP". you can edit your profile there and iclude a signature :D (just a little advice :D)


Originally posted by Dengar

btw, whats with all the jedi bashin? .

Welll..... its a longo talo. :D at first.. a lot of people came here and asked out heads off about the Jedi's. like: "How do i become Force Sensitive" and "Im GONNA be a Jedi no matter what".

Well.... a lot of us check the FAQ a lot and we know certain facts about Jedi...... and well.. when we presented it to the Jedi "wannabees" they were not happy and didnt believe us and gave us arguments that ... well..... werent to well funded. so there were a lot of Jedi fights going on. if you want proof.... go and read the great "jedi" thread i made a long time ago.

We just dont realy like Jedi :D

We dont HATE them.. just that is not as easy as a lot of guys and galls think it is. thats it :D

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Originally posted by Pallas Athena

Several schools of thought I'd like to kick about.


Should a PA your in be all one profession like a guild? Or should everyone in your PA be something different?


Everyone want to be the head of something or another.



I think this really depends on what type of PA you have. If you are going for a mercenary type PA (ie. guns for hire) most of the people in the PA need to be something like commando, ranger, combat medic etc. but if your going to create and run a town u need politicians, store owners, security etc.

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What? That's what the Emperor told me?


Hail Palpatine! (What? So I haven't said it in a while, I was beginning to feel disloyal).


You can't trust Jedi, that kooky religion gives them undeserved power, and power corrupts! Everyone except the Emperor of course....


hmm, being evil this long appears to have warped me fwagile wittle mind, ehehehehehehhe....


Sorry, posting while drunk, won't happen again (for a whole couple of days at least!).


Oh, incidentally, diversity is strength, a PA os sufficient members (i.e. 50) should have a representative of every profession, with multiples in the more vital ones (vital being defined by the objectives and methods of your respective PA).

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Yes, there are hundreds of PAs already, of those i would say only a few actually make it to the launch of the game, and even fewer make it past the first month of release.


Only the ones with people who are truly interested and willing to wait are the ones that have a shot at survival. Personally i wouldn't mind joining a PA early but i would be looking for one with lots of people already. would suck to have been in like 2 or 3 and the game hasnt even launched yet!!

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>>> think this really depends on what type of PA you have. If you are going for a mercenary type PA most of the people in the PA need to be something like commando, ranger, combat medic etc. but if your going to create and run a town u need politicians, store owners, security etc.<<<


Yep. I guess we might say that a PA has a good mix of all professions, and a guild would be all those of a common craft.


And no I do not use quotes nor do I use the signature feature, or any of the other niffy stuff that goes with the board.


I can type it in when I want it, and leave it out when I don't. To much automation these days. Oh yeah I prefer DOS also.

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