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Very Short Books


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this is a list of boks that, if written would be very short. enjoy!


* 0 Uses Of A Dead Cat

* 20,000 Leagues Under Molten Lava

* 30,000 Volts Of Electricity As A Means Of Hair Curling

* A Compendium Of Italian Nobel Prize Winners

* A Factual Account Of UFO Sightings

* A Female's Guide To Logical Thinking

* A Foreigner's Guide To Camping In Florida

* A Full Description Of All The Whales That Will Survive The Norwegian


* A Guide To Arab Democracies

* A Guide To Australian Etiquette

* A Guide To Snorkeling In Norway

* A Happy Home Life And Marriage, by Donald Trump

* A Happy Home Life And Marriage, Part II, by Woody Allen

* A Hiker's Guide To The Ho Chi Minh Trail

* A History Of U.S. Presidents That Made Progress

* A Journey Through The Mind Of A Squid

* A Mature Day In My Life, by Barry Bonds

* A Millenium Of German Humor

* A Tale Of No Cities

* A Thesaurus Without Any Synonyms Or Antonyms

* AAA Road Atlas Of Rockall

* Adults Who Like Barney

* Advanced Macintosh User's Guide

* Advanced Subtraction

* Al Gore: The Wild Years

* All-Star Tributes To Regis Philbin

* Amelia Earhart's Guide to the Pacific Ocean

* America's Most Popular Lawyers

* American Foreign Policy Successes

* American Friends

* Americans Today That Are Brighter Than A Lightbulb

* Americans Who Understand The Difference Between Punctuation And Grammar

* An Anthology Of Coral Reefs Of The Sahara Desert

* Anagrams Of The Word "A"

* Anything Written By Patrick Swayze

* Applications Of The Pythagorean Theorem In Cooking Spaghetti

* Arctic Water Polo

* Atheists Who Converted To Christianity

* Axe Murderers Who Support "Feed The Children"

* Banjo Sonatas

* Beating The Crap Out Of Innocent Little Children, by Benjamin Spock

* Bedouin Olympic Swimmers

* Behave Yourself, by David Letterman

* Blacks I Met While Yachting

* Blind Dates That Worked Out

* Blue Foods

* Bowler's Guide To Health & Fitness

* Burger King Items That Start With "Mc"

* Career Opportunities For History Majors

* Career Opportunities for Liberal Arts Majors

* Chicago Cubs World Series Champioships

* Christmas Shopping At The Local Toxic Waste Disposal Site

* Clinton's Unbroken Promises

* Compendium Of American Culture

* Complete List Of American Malls Without A "Gap"

* Cooking Gourmet Dishes With Tofu

* Countries Competing In The World Series

* Countries That Like Americans

* Countries Where Socialism Is Successful

* Cub Scout Adventures In Times Square

* Cuban And Puerto Rican Pronunciation Guide

* Decisions I Made Without Consulting Hillary, by Bill Clinton

* Deep South Genetic Variation

* Deep Throat For A Two Inch Penis

* Deep-Thinking Liberals

* Dentures For Sharks

* Detroit - A Travel Guide

* Different Ways To Spell "Bob"

* Disco Classics: A Guide

* Dr. Kevorkian's Collection Of Motivational Speeches

* Dumb Brunette Jokes

* Dutch Generosity Through The Centuries

* Easy UNIX

* Embracing Junk

* Encyclopedia Of The Floridian Brain

* Eskimo Swimsuit Models

* Ethiopian Tips On World Dominance

* Everglades' Guide For Rock Climbing

* Everything Men Know About Women

* Everything Women Know About Men

* Excellence In The CFL

* Exciting Things To Do In Worcester

* Famous Australians Of The Fourteenth Century

* Famous Long Islanders Who Weren't In Nationally Televised Scandals

* Famous Norwegian Sports Heroes

* Fan Mail Of Sirhan Sirhan

* Fashion Statements Of Alcatraz Prison

* Fast And Efficient Windows Applications

* Favorite Foreign Emigration Destinations Of The French

* Feminists Worth Marrying

* Fifty Days To A Better Hypothalamus

* Fire Escape Routes From The Bottom Of Lake Michigan

* Folk Stories Of The Canadian-Portuguese Border Patrol

* French Hospitality

* Frog Hygiene

* Fulfilled Campaign Promises, 478 BC - 1993 AD

* Fun Party Games Involving Porcupines

* Fun With Blood-Stained Caligraphy

* Fun With Feces

* Fun With Sharp, Painful Needles

* Fun With Unix

* Gandhi's Influence On Al Bundy

* Gandhi's Influence On Ted Bundy

* Gay Men Named Spike

* Genghis Khan And The Mongols: A Feminist Perspective

* George Bush: The Wild Years

* George Foreman's Big Book of Baby Names

* Good English Cooking

* Good Norwegian Jokes

* Great American Cars Of The 1980's

* Great Australian Beers

* Great Blonde Thinkers Through The Ages

* Great English Lovers

* Great Moments In Scab Football

* Habit By Day, Leather By Night: The Double Life Of Sister

* Hearing-Impaired Disc Jockeys

* Hemophilic Vampires

* Heroes Of The Australian Resistance During World War II

* Heterosexual Hangouts In Key West

* Heterosexual Lesbians

* Heterosexuality, by The Wedge Rats

* Highlights Of The 1994 World Series

* Hilarious Female Comics

* Hindu Beef Recipes

* Honesty In The White House: 1969-1974

* Household Uses For Plutonium

* How I Became A Stud, by Zamfir

* How Mass Unemployment Helps The Economy, by Various Socialists

* How Paperclips Work

* How To Be A Good Sport, by Tonya Harding

* How To Be A Successful Politician, by Jesse Jackson

* How To Blow Your Nose

* How To Cook Sushi

* How To Keep A Virgin From Following You Around Afterwards

* How To Sustain A Musical Career, by Art Garfunkel

* How To Win Friends When You Still Smell Like Crap

* How To Win The Super Bowl, by Jim Kelly

* How To Win Your Life Back With A Nice Big Cheeseburger

* Human Rights Advances in China

* I Was A Teenage Teenager

* Ice Recipes

* In Chase Of The American Dream, by Fidel Castro

* Inkless Pens

* Intellectuals Who Like Howard Stern

* Irish Teetotalers

* Italian War Heroes

* Japanese Compendium For English Pronunciation

* Jewish Business Ethics

* Jurassic Laundromat

* Kayak To A Better Beginning

* Keebler Elves That Touch Themselves

* Kelly Chang: The Chinese Redhead

* Known Ways To Cure Cancer With A Toothbrush

* Life As An Air Traffic Controller, by Ray Charles

* Little-Known Secrets Of Nuclear Physics, by Jay Leno

* Madonna On Formal Wear

* Madonna: An Introspective

* Mafia Music: The Symphonies Of Don Vito Corleone

* Malcolm X's Guide To Pork Dishes

* Marcel Marceau's Greatest Speeches

* Men Who Like Circumcision

* Mexican Summit: Legal Aliens In The U.S.

* Mike Tyson's Guide to Dating Etiquette

* Mike Tyson's Insightful Thoughts

* Mime Talk

* Modesty, The Argentinian Way

* Mormon Divorce Lawyers

* Mountaineering The Netherlands

* Moustache Mania!

* My Argument For Democracy, by Ted Kennedy

* My Favorite Barbers, by Yassir Arafat

* My Favorite Jews, by Yassir Arafat

* My Life As A Woman, by Martina Navratilova

* My Life On The Wagon, by Ted Kennedy

* My Life Without Bill, by Roger Clinton

* My Life Without Michael, by LaToya Jackson

* My Life Without My Brother Ron, by Clint Howard

* My Life Without My Father, by Ron Reagan

* My Life Without Roseanne, by Tom Arnold

* My Plan To Find The Real Killers, by OJ Simpson

* My Rise From Obscurity, by Al Gore

* My Secrets And Tips To Make Friends, by Darth Vader

* My Thoughts, by Ronald Reagan

* Names For The Little Thingies On The Ends Of Your Shoelaces

* National Directory Of Irish AA Members

* NFL's Greatest Thinkers Ever

* Nice Guys Who Got To Be President

* Nicknames For "Al"

* Norwegians Without Herring Breath

* Novel: The Novel

* Nude Beaches in Iran

* Numerical Equivalencies Of 2

* Obesity In East Africa

* Olympic Athletes Who Think Sports Are Really Stupid

* One Hundred And One Spotted Owl Recipes, by The EPA

* One-Legged Folk Dances

* Operating Instructions For Scotch Tape

* Oprah Winfrey's Guide To Avoiding Fatty Foods

* Original Japanese Designers

* Orville Redenbacher's Favorite Snack Treats

* Ouchless Spinal Bandages

* Our Favorite Disco Songs, by Led Zeppelin

* Our Sex Life Since Gennifer Flowers, by Hillary Clinton

* Owner's Manual To An Amish-Built Toaster

* Painless Tooth Extraction, by Mr. Sledge Hammer

* Pakistani Baseball Stars

* Party Tricks With Boiling Lead

* Pee

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* Advanced Macintosh User's Guide

* Clinton's Unbroken Promises

* French Hospitality

* Great American Cars Of The 1980's

* My Plan To Find The Real Killers, by OJ Simpson

* My Secrets And Tips To Make Friends, by Darth Vader

* One Hundred And One Spotted Owl Recipes, by The EPA


Those are very funny. The ones above are the best.

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Books never written:


Yellow river by I. P. Freely


Cold Fusion: A Reality by Gene Yuss


How to read minds by Claire Voyant


All-Purpose Survival Guide by Justin Case


Staying Still by Manny Caan


Money making schemes


Sell dehydrated water to campers


sell quarters for a dollar to arcade addicts

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