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CMI Logic Question [SPOILERS]


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I'm just playing through CMI for the first time in years and I decided to play in Mega Monkey mode (for better or worse, but DAMN! how did ANYONE figure out the whole "ballon/heluim/bubblegum" thing?? Yipe!), anyways, I've got to Blood Island and I really want to play things "in order", if you know what I mean. Not just solving the puzzles I can remember first even though they're not involved with the plot just yet.


So my question is this: Guybrush doesn't know that he needs the BAND itself yet, and is currently trying to get the diamond from the Smuggler's on Skull Island (as per voodoo lady's instructions). He doesn't have any cash to play poker with but according to the hints I peeked at (don't kill me!) he needs to do the whole "dying in the Goodsoup crypt" thing first. How/who/why/where is the logic in faking your bloodline so you can die in their crypt when you have no reason to believe you have to.


Did I miss something (someone please say "yes").


I was wondering if it was because I was in Mega Monkey mode. Does it make more sense in Normal (can anyone remember)?


Thanks all, but of an odd question I know.


~ John

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Yes, you did miss something. You need money. How do you get money? There’s simply nothing better than a fake-your-own-death insurance scam to get rich quick! Remember this is an adventure game, and the logic is mostly slightly warped.


But if I remember rightly, someone drops a hint about getting money from life insurance.

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I know it made sense to me the first time I played through it. I think if you talk to people you at some point decide that you need to die to get to the goodsoup crypt - but after you "kill yourself" once you realize the oversight of you not being a member of the family.


... yeah. I'm sure its just some dialogue somewhere while talking to Goodsoup in the hotel.

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Funny thing is: It made perfect sense to me too when I first played it! Hmmm!


The question remains: Why should Gubrush think that putting the "head-b-clear" into his own drink is a good idea?


There must be SOMETHING I've missed (which is annoying as --as you can probably tell-- I'm trying not to miss ANYTHING this time around! :/ )


~ John

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Ah, but guybrush did die! The voodoo lady forsaw guybrush faking his death, not actually dying!




That's no reason for Guybrush to attempt to PRETEND to be dead just because the Voodoo Lady forsaw it!


It looks like the answer has finally been found: In the "Recipies" book it says do not mix Head-B-Clear with Alcohol otherwise it'll cause extreme, extreme, extreme, extreme, extreme, extreme, extreme, extreme, extreme, extreme, extreme, drowsiness. So it "hints" at drugging you.


We can only assume that Guybrush was going after the wedding band, even though it doesn't make much sense. :/


AcrylicGuitar: Way to bother reading the thread!


~ John

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Gabez: I think you've hit the nail on the head! I forgot about the golden rule! :)



what do u mean by that??




Me: I'm just playing through CMI for the first time in years


You: Lets see here....I dont wanna give much away


Me: How/who/why/where is the logic in faking your bloodline so you can die in their crypt when you have no reason to believe you have to?


and restated:


Me: The question remains: Why should Gubrush think that putting the "head-b-clear" into his own drink is a good idea?


You: after you die for the first time and free Stan from the coffin....uhm.....Check around the bar place... Hope this helps!



Way to bother reading the thread!


Sorry to be rude, but your comment was SO not what I was looking for it was funny! :)


~ John

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If you talk to the bartender long enough, you learn that his aunt was buried with her ring. I don't know if he actually says this, or if it is simply implied, but I figured this out just by talking to the bartender.


After you die the first time, you get to buy insurance.


In order to be buriedd with his aunt you have to prove to the bartender that you are family.



One small note. All the insults and mean things people say here in the posting board needs to stop. All it accomplished is hurt feelings and anger.

If you insult someone, they don't realise how dumb they are being, all it does is make them defensive. All those who have insulted someone else need to sereously work on your intra-personal relationships.

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